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我的初次海联 3P 經驗

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-3 11:50 發表

2K?? With brother jj?
It is only my dream --- I am not too sure if I can manage it in real life!


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原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-3 11:50 發表

2K?? With brother jj?
I'm going to visit HL again tomorrow. Any recommendation from you?


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thank you for sharing


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原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-3 13:37 發表
I'm going to visit HL again tomorrow. Any recommendation from you?
Hey - you are now the expert wor! I have not been there since we last went together.


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原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-3 14:01 發表

Hey - you are now the expert wor! I have not been there since we last went together.
As I'll pass doggie to my friend, I must get someone to replace her. May be !* is my choice...........


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Is this place safe ?
how the service when compare to DG?
Is this place safe ?
how the service when compare to DG?


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原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-3 14:07 發表

As I'll pass doggie to my friend, I must get someone to replace her. May be !* is my choice...........
Manager Xiao said %* is newbie, may worth to try. I saw her in the selection, and she seems to quite good looking to me.  Of course, not as sharp as doggie!


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原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-10-4 09:04 發表
Manager Xiao said %* is newbie, may worth to try. I saw her in the selection, and she seems to quite good looking to me.  Of course, not as sharp as doggie!
Thanks for your recommendation and report.


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
Tried % last week at 7:30 am

No girl, only 2 newbies left

but % is young, not fat and cup ball

service is good!


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原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-3 14:07 發表

As I'll pass doggie to my friend, I must get someone to replace her. May be !* is my choice...........
Another new star is born --- and she is my lovely duckie. Doggie has lost her number one position on my HL list! I'll report later today!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-5 08:13 發表

Another new star is born --- and she is my lovely duckie. Doggie has lost her number one position on my HL list! I'll report later today!
Is she a newbie as I can't find her pic in the website?


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Another New Star is born --- Duckie

I had an excellent 2-hr period with Duckie yesterday afternoon...............

Before I went there, I learned that Doggie (whom I originally wanted to pass to my friend) was on M leave. But at the same time, Sung told me that some good stuff had join the team, with numbers like @, !*, (( and some others. She told me that among them, @ the duckie has most marked hours from return customers..........

Then the time for selection came. Of course, I trusted the recommendation by Sung and decided to pick Duckie right after I saw her.

Her outlook was pretty "wet", witha head of long curl light brown hair that my friend teased her as having a wild lioness appearance. Her wild look worried me if I could handle such an aggressive female creature in bed.

She was slim, 100% fat free, dark in skin colour and this ,ade her nipple dark, too. She was better than "micorwave", of a "Siu Lung Bau" type. But overall, her figure was attractive!

She has a very sweet looking face, with tidy clean teeth and lovely smile. Her make-up could not hid the sparkling from her pretty dark eyes. What a lovely young pretty look!

When showering, she did everything in good sequence. Her body massaging was fantastic, with balls and pussy rubbing my body and legs all round. Og course, flute-in-water was included.

She was also trained by !. Her skill was wonderful. She served me for over one hour doing all the works on my back, hands, fingers, legs and so on. Her PDD skill was nice, too. One thing that I must mentioned was that she sucked me hard in a press-up position, with her legs resting on the wall, just like the dragonfly. This was the most erotic and exotic experience I had ever had!I laid in the bed, looking at her sucking little brother, staring at her breast and abalone at horizontal eye-sight! I loved this!

She was so hard working that the telephone rang to remind us the end of the session had come when we were lying on the bed, exchanging breath and recalling our sweet feeling.

Sorry to Doggie, that Duckie has become my nimber one girl in HL.

[ 本帖最後由 icheng609 於 2007-10-5 10:48 編輯 ]


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Greatr and detail report!

I am sure this place must be a place worth for a try !

I am looking forward Brother can take me there.


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原帖由 7-siu 於 2007-10-5 11:13 發表
Greatr and detail report!

I am sure this place must be a place worth for a try !

I am looking forward Brother can take me there.
It is always our pleasure to share good and genuine experience with all brothers here. Let's arrange.

BTW, I am also interested in going with you guys to have fun in CA. But my limitation is that I must have same day return trip! Poor me!


每日5分鐘,英文Level Up秘技大公開! - 登記全新每日英語,內容豐富又實用
Excellent! Great to learn that duckie is so good that next time I can have one more option to pick.  However, I have a bit reservation as she is nearly a microwave.  Brother icheng, do you know any MM with BIG boops there with good services too.


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-10-5 12:01 發表
Excellent! Great to learn that duckie is so good that next time I can have one more option to pick.  However, I have a bit reservation as she is nearly a microwave.  Brother icheng, do you know any ...
Definitely, your choice should be @*, the lovely happy little chick!


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We will then be really cum brothers la


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原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-5 10:45 發表
I had an excellent 2-hr period with Duckie yesterday afternoon...............
Before I went there, I learned that Doggie (whom I originally wanted to pass to my friend) was on M leave. But at th ...
Excellent and detailed report.

What is duckie's number? Pls PM if you don't want to disclose openly.


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原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-5 12:06 發表
Definitely, your choice should be @*, the lovely happy little chick!
Sorry - I now know the no. of duckie. I had not looked hard enough!


立即免費訂閱每周10分鐘英文小貼士 - 一個 Email 輕 鬆學識工作英語、旅遊英語及日常英語!
原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-5 13:02 發表

Sorry - I now know the no. of duckie. I had not looked hard enough!
Such a clever boy --- I'll instruct Duckie to serve you better when you have a RIDE on her.


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原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-10-5 12:52 發表
We will then be really cum brothers la
We are already CUM brothers ----- haven't you tried Doggie last time?


每日5分鐘,英文Level Up秘技大公開! - 登記全新每日英語,內容豐富又實用
YES cum brother!!  You mentioned @* which should be MCOT.  But I read some threads saying that her service standard is deteriorating, isn't it?  She looks very wild in the pic of the website!!


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-10-5 14:36 發表
YES cum brother!!  You mentioned @* which should be MCOT.  But I read some threads saying that her service standard is deteriorating, isn't it?  She looks very wild in the pic of the website!!:appl ...
She has been working at HL for a long time, same as master trainer.


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