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Thanks much LJW for your good information!
Wanna try for 大寶 when go to Shanghai next time...to see whether she's a real model!


Hi there, I've tried the on call service in Shanghai, the girls are not as good as you described, I have seen a lot of options if you go to the SN places. Not sure if these girls on call are the same.


原帖由 pandababy 於 2010-10-3 11:09 發表
The first day of National Day holiday, boring to death and a bit scared to go to Sauna or call-in massage.  Suddenly remember brother LJW mentioned about the agent's club house.  Cannot wait any more, ...
Pandababy Ching,

Are 灵子, 小婷 clubhouse the same place ?  If not, please advise around which area ?


原帖由 Superwind 於 2010-10-4 02:18 發表
Pandababy Ching,
Are 灵子, 小婷 clubhouse the same place ?  If not, please advise around which area ?
I didnt visit 小婷's clubhouse yet, however, as 灵子, 小婷 are totally independent agents, their clubhouse should NOT be the same.
You can contact with the agent directly regarding the area and how to go there.


原帖由 greatsea 於 2010-10-4 02:15 發表
Hi there, I've tried the on call service in Shanghai, the girls are not as good as you described, I have seen a lot of options if you go to the SN places. Not sure if these girls on call are the same.
Very often, it depend on your luck.
Regarding SN, they will not provide delivery services. However, not too sure about what you refer to "a lot options". I visited SN here but usually just two options, single lady or double fly.  For instance, you cannot have two plans in SN; HJ or FS with different prices.
By the way, 灵子 have got a lots of plans, HJ, breast push oil, buttock push oil, FS, etc each with different prices.
I didnt want to know the details, just tell her, if i got the feel/mood, FS otherwise HJ

[ 本帖最後由 pandababy 於 2010-10-4 20:41 編輯 ]



Finally i tried the call in service...
I QQ xiao ting and she arrange a part time girl called 小涵
Since I am living in 松江 so it takes around 45 mins for her to come. She was nice but shy.
In the end I asked for FS but she is shy and no much interaction..... And after that it was too late and there is no taxi.... then I drove her back to downtown....

LJW, xiao ting told me for full time JS they normally not provide FS. Is it true? because I want full time JS to have a better massage skill.....


回復 2641# 的帖子

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原帖由 daben 於 2010-10-4 04:56 發表
LJW 兄...我下個月可能會去無錫...唔知有無reliable 的 agent介紹?
I will be at Suzhou for two nights next week. Any recommendation?


Had small white, girl next door feel. Hard massage, but no technique.

The other JS, not so good looking.


report duty

Xocat has been my favorite for long long time. I thought it was unable to access from China and so I quitted few years ago.
Very happy seeing this site again and picked up so much and will report from Shanghai after trial of the recommendations from all of you.
thank you brothers.




原帖由 clchat 於 2010-10-3 02:18 發表

感覺上心緣既JS 比較多會接受FS
小TING 既基本上都唔會
小婷是有合法執照的, 技師都有專業按摩技術, 與一般的不同; 旗下技師大部份不做FS, 但有個別願偷偷提供; 兼職的則基本會, 事前向小婷說明要求就行~

相關搜索目錄: 兼職


原帖由 pandababy 於 2010-10-3 11:09 發表
The first day of National Day holiday, boring to death and a bit scared to go to Sauna or call-in massage.  Suddenly remember brother LJW mentioned about the agent's club house.  Cannot wait any more, ...
俏俏 provides FS and some of them don't. 靈子 will have her club house by end of the month.


原帖由 greatsea 於 2010-10-4 02:15 發表
Hi there, I've tried the on call service in Shanghai, the girls are not as good as you described, I have seen a lot of options if you go to the SN places. Not sure if these girls on call are the same.
what do u want for 260, dude?


原帖由 Superwind 於 2010-10-4 02:18 發表 [url=redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=12401145&ptid=128686][/url]

Pandababy Ching,

Are 灵子, 小婷 clubhouse the same place ?  If not, please advise around which area ?
原帖由 pandababy 於 2010-10-4 09:10 發表

I didnt visit 小婷's clubhouse yet, however, as 灵子, 小婷 are totally independent agents, their clubhouse should NOT be the same.
You can contact with the agent directly regarding the area a ...
right. different. 小婷's on 新會路(長寧) whilst 靈子's on 廣安中路(閘北).


回復 2689# 的帖子

I just ask 心緣, as I live in 九亭 which is too far away.... many JS may not want to come....


原帖由 老江湖 於 2010-10-3 01:40 發表
心緣(Tel: 1#76467##19  QQ: 4#6909##)推薦個靚女高妹大寶, 重慶, 23/170, 樣貌相當漂亮, 個性開朗, 是職業模特兒, 想賺快錢救急, 只做1K FS, 事前也懂些基本按摩, 各位試過的ching請出report~
Thanks LJW.  Tried this girl and had a great time.  She works as a o靚模 and has really good figure and smooth skin.

相關搜索目錄: 模特兒


原帖由 heehaa 於 2010-10-5 19:06 發表

Thanks LJW.  Tried this girl and had a great time.  She works as a o靚模 and has really good figure and smooth skin.
yes. heard from other chings that 大寶 is such a sweet girl. 嗲 and amiable. good looking & nice body. also great in bed! but i suggest u don't deem her as a masseuse for massage isn't an important part with her. just like 心緣's another masseuse 莉莉 whom i had tried. works not much on massage yet surely giving u a great time. share another pic with all of u.
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柔柔, 河南, 19/160, 相當漂亮, 大胸, 可愛爽朗, 基本按摩不錯, 各級服務都提供.
蕭蕭, 重慶, 22/163, 也是美女一名, 大胸, 嫵媚溫柔, 最專長400, 800亦可談.

相關搜索目錄: 兼職
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老江湖兄, 可不可以把每一家不同的agent寫個試用心得summary哩?


原帖由 老江湖 於 2010-10-5 15:40 發表 what do u want for 260, dude?
I find them very good! And you get the hj included. I believe every where else , they will ask you for 300 for a stinking hj!


I just tried 晶晶, she just back to Shanghai yesterday.

She was nice and talkative, but may be I am not "open" enought so she is not very  "open" too.

Although everytime I want to go FS before the JS come, but this time I still feel very comfortable to have massage + hj (only). I will try her again.

LJW bro, next time I wanna try overnight. Can you suggest which JS from xiao ting may able to provide further service?

P.S. just want to know anyway can visit xocat forum in shanghai? I only can read the archiver and hard to login to post.


回復 2675# 的帖子

can you share with us more info on the Japanese girl?  Pls. PM me if possible.  Thx!


Tried 小玲 from 心缘 on 10/2 at 3 stars hotel.
She is a c-cup girl  with glass(I prefered D+). Not the pretty one with glass, but looks like japanese wife without glass.
Part 1 is ok, good but not impressive.
Part 2(F): never forget her.
finally:ten leader mao.

[ 本帖最後由 david12345678 於 2010-10-7 02:01 編輯 ]




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