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lz加油. 顶一个!


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-3-12 17:44 發表
要訂小琴, 一直沒空 , 不知道是被哪位ching搶先了;
Sorry, don't blame me, I booked her twice only ......


安安下午終於約到了蔻蔻, 洗好白白等佳人到來, 她一進門就很開心地來了一個擁抱, 真sweet~

跟蔻蔻說想BM, 因為上回真的很過癮, 她就去沖了個涼, 只穿著小褲褲就出來, 好看! 老江湖就喜歡她這種有肉又不顯胖的豐腴mm. 當然那雙會彈來彈去的C波最吸引著我眼睛啦~

過程很享受, 也很浪漫, 甚有gf feel, 蔻蔻學過正規按摩和Spa推油, 功夫自是專業, 到BM部份, 那個貼身享受和刺激是銷魂至極, 互相都有些激情, 不過我知道她只做BM, 也懶得要求進一步了.

事後都洗了個澡(她和我身上都沾到了很多 ), 然後像情侶一樣躺在床上聊天, 她說就喜歡斯文有風度的男人, 越不客氣和水準差的她就小費要得越多 .

蔻蔻樣子甜美, 很好的character, 跟她過了好開心的兩小時, 要求她再給些私房照, 然後派彩送伊人走, 老江湖都有點沉船的感覺...


原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2011-3-13 23:24 發表

Sorry, don't blame me, I booked her twice only ......
haha, should be great! any VAS, ching?


原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2011-3-13 23:24 發表

Sorry, don't blame me, I booked her twice only ......
expecting your 2nd half report on 小琴!


We met twice during my 4 nights stay in Shanghai, but she massage for me less than 5 minutes, and some ...... the bottle of massage oil she bring along never open, so guess what we did?
原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-3-14 04:47 發表

expecting your 2nd half report on 小琴!


[quote]原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2011-3-15 04:10 AM 發表 We met twice during my 4 nights stay in Shanghai, but she massage for me less than 5 minutes, and some ...... the bottle of massage oil she bring along never open, so guess what we did? [/


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-3-13 11:38 PM 發表 安安下午終於約到了蔻蔻, 洗好白白等佳人到來, 她一進門就很開心地來了一個擁抱, 真sweet~跟蔻蔻說想BM, 因為上回真的很過癮, 她就去沖了個涼, 只穿著小褲褲就出來, 好看! 老江湖就喜歡她這種有肉又不顯胖的豐腴 ...


原帖由 smartif 於 2011-3-15 15:12 發表

佢正常係收260+300, 我照俾友情價5舊, 有買左D立雜野俾佢ㄚ嘛~


原帖由 smartif 於 2011-3-15 11:31 發表
[quote]原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2011-3-15 04:10 AM 發表 We met twice during my 4 nights stay in Shanghai, but she massage for me less than 5 minutes, and some ... ...
so how many domdom hv u used?


回復 3270# 的帖子

Also tried 晶晶 , initially she wanna introduce another js for me and mentioned that she need to stay by the computer to arrange business. However, I insisted that she serve me after I saw the js she arrange. Certainly not 老 or 残, but not as pretty as I can remember. Massage was good and relaxing (seducing), rpp enjoyable, open altitude and even asked me to squeeze her ball harder. Gave a goodbye kiss. It's ok to call her 晶晶 or 小美, her new name .


回復 3246# 的帖子

Booked 小孟, should arrive in half an hour, will report afterwards.


Xiao Meng duly arrived in about 30 minutes. Face 7/10 and look young, tall , 167cm but not slim, indeed quite chubby . After changed dress, a strong cigarette smell and claimed that she didn't smoke but  played majong overnight with some heavy smoking guys so got the smell.  Massage skill for part 1 is good but when doing part 2, patient and not hurry and with skill, except that not open enough. You can imagine with a d cup size in front of you, it's pain by allowing your hands to touch outside the bra only and no further. Got a SMS after she left and explained that because of her smoke smell, she didn't want to be too close to me but promised will serve me better next time.  Ha ha, she is able to get a further chance as otherwise I don't think I would call her again. Not sure, however, whether it's because when xiao ting asked me about her performance I told her the js was not open enough or because I gave xiao Meng the toilette sample that I used as she said she liked the smell.


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-2-2 02:14 發表

試過宜洛, agent是媚媚18721%88779 QQ: 7707%9%98, 算是小美女一個, 最棒的特點是她那對35C白滑靚波
本想500 BM, 但經不起誘惑, FS開價1K, 老江湖用甜言蜜語議價成功, 800搞掂~

宜洛, 江蘇 ...
leaving town tomorrow, trying to get some tonite & booked her.

i think she's called 依諾 from 安安?  not sure, cus she put on quite alot of weight over a year...


原帖由 ganlinia 於 2011-3-20 00:42 發表

leaving town tomorrow, trying to get some tonite & booked her.

i think she's called 依諾 from 安安?  not sure, cus she put on quite alot of weight over a year...
you are right, ching. 宜洛/依諾 -- the same part-time masseuse. don't know how she was but surely a bit chubby now. i can even take 五花肉 as far as the chick looks good.


MM数量】:14 :小娟


no good. yes, they are young. but 1000, 1Q, no good.
did two. the first one, with a flat chest 飛机場, she was aroused, but i didn't want to waste my XXX with her. she asked me to do big, i declined, and HJ with her small tits against my face
the second one, i asked for big tits, i got big tits, but she is a 世界女, feeling not right, she took off her cloths, fucked we fucked, she rushed, i paid, she left. emptyness.  thats why i miss cp so much....


原帖由 messykitkit 於 2011-3-22 02:09 發表
no good. yes, they are young. but 1000, 1Q, no good.
did two. the first one, with a flat chest 飛机場, she was aroused, but i didn't want to waste my XXX with her. she asked me to do big, i declined, ...
kit gor, which 2 chicks you are talking about? from which agent?

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2011-3-22 04:31 編輯 ]


good report


回復 3248# 的帖子

講起晶晶,都好有印象。佢手骨其實並唔系最好的,比唔上小美、小張、阿雅、軒軒等人,不過2nd part 好耐心,好識點做,再講下一些趣聞軼事,會好舒服、好開心。如果佢的JS同佢一樣甘好,都好值得試下。


thanks for sharing


原帖由 sinye 於 2011-3-22 20:23 發表 講起晶晶,都好有印象。佢手骨其實並唔系最好的,比唔上小美、小張、阿雅、軒軒等人,不過2nd part 好耐心,好識點做,再講下一些趣聞軼事,會好舒服、好開心。如果佢的JS同佢一樣甘好,都好值得試下。話時話,晶晶 ...
I still have not tried xuan xuan yet! Missed her a few times


回復 3292# 的帖子

老江湖 brother, 我下星期會去廣州公幹, 有沒有好介紹呢?  Many thanks!


臨走前一晚, 都係搵番小婷睇吓有冇新囡試, 推介一件高妹, 話乜好物好, 一睇相, 嘩! 掂! 唔駛多講, 去馬!

洋洋, 浙江, 23/169, 樣靚, 有氣質, 如果响sn肯定當係model黎賣, 不過唔係高瘦平, 有副彈性好好既C cup, 有D cool cool地, 熟絡之後原來幾幽默健談, 骨技專業, part 2腎療都唔錯, 俾摸波波, 手感一流, 佢仲有D怕醜添, 正feel!

相關搜索目錄: 幽默
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原帖由 dbartlett 於 2011-3-22 22:50 發表

I still have not tried xuan xuan yet! Missed her a few times
紫軒 returned to her hometown for college. 2 new ones are also pretty and of similar type. i did tried 娜娜, nice looking, great body & good technique.  

娜娜, 江蘇, 22歲/164, 時尚氣質美女, 白皙皮膚好, B波, 按摩經驗豐富, 調情技巧很OK, 擅長腎療, 配合度高
貝貝, 安徽, 24歲/163, 成熟甜美, 溫柔健談好笑容, 按摩技術專業, 腎療和前列腺保養技術很棒

any bro who has tried 貝貝 please submit report~




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