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wen wen

Tried wen wen last week. Original want to try koukou but Anan said she only can provide service before 1800 or very late after 0200. So i called xiao ting to arrange wenwen. Per lots of CHings, face 70, big booms and white body, very smooth. First part ok, then BM, very seductive ..... Then turned around, my turn to massage her . Took off all her clothes and followed by intimate interactions, 2 nudes became 1 for more than half an hour. Finally explode in her tits . very enjoyable. Will try koukou next time.


wu jie

Anther night last week tried jinjin from WuJie. Per other CHings, JinJin 100% good attitude. First part no good but you do not expecting this from JinJin. After 10 mins, 2nd part started. She 100% 投入,we changed some styles -  on the chair, stand, holding her up, doggy...she still enjoys as the way I do . We took a shower afterward and she did not urge to go and gave me another massage (even no good). I was tied and want to sleep and asked her go, then she went with a good bye kiss. Will sure to ask WuJie again next time. Very enjoyable at good price.


上星期試左兩個吳姐, d 女好好教養, 收左六百乜都做, 連車費都冇問我拿, 剛剛試了小婷的文文, BM+BJ 小婷其他女收六百, 佢收一千, 收完仲話要一百蚊搭車, 加埋千一, 雖然服務好, 但相對吳姐not value for money.


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原帖由 hokeung 於 2011-7-7 05:44 發表 Anther night last week tried jinjin from WuJie. Per other CHings, JinJin 100% good attitude. First part no good but you do not expecting this from JinJin. After 10 mins, 2nd part started. She 100% 投入 ...
Could you describe the body/face of Jinjin? How tall is she?  thanks ching.


原帖由 w70022 於 2011-7-7 20:44 發表

文文如果不快改。 小婷agent的金字招牌。。。唉。


小的找不到吳姊的QQ號碼   187@18^8908  一直說是無效的id


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Welcome Back!!!!

Welcome back LJW!!! Leader is back!!!!


回復 3806# 的帖子

Ching, 高大約五尺三, 樣子七十分. 身材平均. 但此妹底讚的地方係投入,很放。有點像拍AV


上海三夜時間有限, 早計劃要試的微微絕不能錯過, 利用白天between meetings請安安叫微微直接到coffee shop見; 漂亮, 身材好, 高挑, 打扮性感, 在餐廳裡吸引了眾多目光 , 聊得很開心, 一起用餐後美女挽著我手出去坐車回酒店, 羨煞旁人呀!

進房先分別洗澡, 微微穿著走bra薄紗工衣出來, 身材真好得沒話說, 168大波走肥長腿, 老江湖忍著口水先享受按摩吧; 上門按摩本來最重要的就是按摩, VAS明明是add出來的, 如果只要sex乾脆去桑拿更好, 這老江湖就不太明白一些ching的想法了~

微微按摩的確受過不錯的訓練, 非常舒服解勞; 下半段晃著一對大肉球問老江湖要否BM? 哈哈, 誰可抗拒? 微微脫去工衣, 用香粉灑遍我全身, 也在她前身塗抹上, 然後溫柔嫵媚地胸手並用磨得老小江湖銷魂至極~

後來不知如何, 兩人已抱著廝磨纏綿濕吻, 微微的內褲也不見了, 在她唔唔嗯嗯聲中一摸, 只有兩個字: 決堤!
反倒是微微喘著氣在我耳邊嬌聲細說: "..你有沒..套套..?"

一場翻雲覆雨, woman-on-top, doggie, squatted, shoulder, missionary...(省略5000字), 叫聲震天, 完美結束!

洗過後兩人回床上卿卿我我, 甚有感覺, 奈何尚有meeting, 送伊人出門; 沒開口要小費, 甚至塞一把老毛給她時看都不看, 握在手裡擁抱老江湖加上深深一吻就走了, 值得一讚~

結論: 必試!

相關搜索目錄: 酒店


回復 3812# 的帖子

LJH Ching, welcome back. We need your expertise guidance. For weiwei, is it 800 all inclusive?


原帖由 hokeung 於 2011-7-8 15:28 發表
LJH Ching, welcome back. We need your expertise guidance. For weiwei, is it 800 all inclusive?
exactly. but believe me, you'll tip her for her great performance!


LJW Ching can you tell me who is weiwei(慧慧) and From who(小婷) ?小的不知道!thanks!


原帖由 大細ken 於 2011-7-8 23:56 發表
LJW Ching can you tell me who is weiwei(慧慧) and From who(小婷) ?小的不知道!thanks!
that's 微微 lah! ask agent 安安 or 媚媚 for her. i also recommend 蔻蔻 from 安安 as well. my last encounter with her was sooooooooooooo sweet & passionately!


I am new here. Thanks a lot LJW-Ching for the Tips. I went to Sauna (wan-sha-gong) for 600RMB last time (no GF-Feeling just very mechanical). It was not so good. I will try the agents this time.
thanks all the Chings for the good story and Tips.


Oic !!! Thz LJW Ching


這次最爽的經驗不得不說一下, 就是第五度找蔻蔻, 雖然已經跟她很熟, 又有她聯繫方式, 但飲水思源, 仍是請安安幫我安排, 在一個熱死人的下午, 直接到酒店來.

一進門就讓老江湖眼睛一亮, 靚女瘦身成績不錯, 身材更是迷人  前凸後翹, 忍不住一把抱來, 雙手就在她身上遊走~   一會兒功夫, 蔻蔻有點喘氣, 自然地迎上櫻桃小嘴, 一陣濕吻也同時互相剝去對方衣服, 蔻蔻要先洗去一身香汗, 老江湖當然不願放過鴛鴦浴的機會, 兩人就在浴室裡激情一番了~

不過浴室地方小施展不開, 移師床上, 這次雙方更投入了, 高潮連連, 床單濕了一大片~

之後互擁聊天, 非常開心, 聊了一陣子, 就在某個對望中, 兩人情緒又來了, 蔻蔻竟主動進攻, 這次當然時間更久, 叫聲不斷, 忘情盡興!

後來更一起清理完牽著手出去喝咖啡, 至蔻蔻要趕去上班, 才依依不捨送她上車...

這是老江湖認為是最夠gf feel的一次了!

噢, 忘了說, 從見面到分開三個多小時裡, 沒有按過一下摩...

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2011-7-9 19:05 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 瘦身 咖啡 酒店


LJW, Very attractive description. Can you confirm An An number is 1#524#0579# ? thanks


原帖由 shanghaiexpat 於 2011-7-9 22:02 發表
LJW, Very attractive description. Can you confirm An An number is 1#524#0579# ? thanks
the number is correct. suggest u try her 蔻蔻 & 微微 consecutively~


I have been waiting whole week end and called 安安 twice to arrange 微微, everything was so worth the wait and time. Be honest, she was the BEST I have ever seen but I know after this message, all other Ching and 新手 cannot wait to call her.. http://forum.timway.com/f/images/smilies/default/funk.gif. It was a Sunday night and raining outside... She arrived well before our appointed time and in rain ..http://forum.timway.com/f/images/smilies/default/cry.gif since I just came back from dinner. When I first saw a 168cm with beautiful body + good looks, I know it was her. We went to our room and started the servicehttp://forum.timway.com/f/images/smilies/default/titter.gif. We talked a lot and non-stop for 30min and really GF feel, then she began part B with oil massage on little brother. I just cannot stand anymore, so I asked for further service upgrade. Finally, we went all the way and with much French kiss, BJ etc.. which you can imaginghttp://forum.timway.com/f/images/smilies/default/verygood.gif. It was really the best experience ever and thanks for LJW for your report. She is really busy and with many old customer and I even drove her to the next customer... http://forum.timway.com/f/images/smilies/default/mad.gif.


Is that safe to call the gals home ? Cos I live in SH


LJW-Ching can you Be kindly to Five the aktuell Tel Number of 小婷?
Thanks a Lot




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