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也可以找心。她也有一些很好的的JS 呢手机137^#^&##!9我在她叫了一個服務很好的JS. 按摩很到位。也可以有升級服務。又不會太過離譜。可以一試。

[ 本帖最後由 eggress 於 2015-5-18 14:06 編輯 ]




Dear Chings
I will travel to SH soon.  Can you pm me the contacts of those agents?

Thank you very much!


原帖由 merlot 於 2015-5-2 23:42 發表 I was in Shanghai last week. I tried Tao Tao, 90 mins. massage with HJ price range from RMB 260 to 498. Plus transport RMB 100. But I can't stand for the hot and beauty of the JS, I give up RMB 1, ...
That is really cheap for overnight service. I pay that amount for HJ in Beijing! Can you share the contact with me please, I go to SH very often and really like to find someone to dine with!


原帖由 tlbowl 於 2015-5-27 02:04 發表

That is really cheap for overnight service. I pay that amount for HJ in Beijing! Can you share the contact with me please, I go to SH very often and really like to find someone to dine with!
Hi C hing, I have replied to your short message box.

Just returned back to Australia, and will go back to Shanghai in July and August. Meantime, please C hing who got my contacts, report your comments to all of us. Thank you
I love HK


回復 5605# 的帖子

By the way, when stop by HK last week, I picked up a MILF in there. Big free meals
I love HK


各位兄弟,不好意思,很久没报告因为之前多数M问号码,有点心灰意冷。但最近又好番好多了,还是要兄弟们多点交流。我过去2个月,都有找安安,不知道是否是白天的原因,没有吃个一件好野。不是又肥又矮,就是又丑又没身材。除衫又要加小费,态度一般般。听说手头的女女不多,多数是外围,质量没保证。我现在每次都要她发照片给我看看才上马,但也试过到了跟真人差很远 所以最近爱上搞野场,一&#


一个小时,一炮或多炮,价钱不一样(由1000到1600 不等)。但女女都是part time model,一句到尾:样靓身材正


原帖由 shanghaiexpat 於 2015-5-29 16:32 發表 一臚p时,一炮或多炮,价钱不一屆]由1000到1600 不等)。但女女都是part time model,一句到尾:靓身材正


原帖由 shanghaiexpat 於 2015-5-29 16:32 發表
一臚p时,一炮或多炮,价钱不一屆]由1000到1600 不等)。但女女都是part time model,一句到尾:靓身材正
Hi C Hing,

Can you PM me the info? As this compare to the Mami I recommended, price is cheaper from your case, but how long does the girl stay and maxi how many Q? The Mami I used to recommended me the girls, I can choose from pictures or real person, so no worry of fague photos. For the girls from her, it is still RMB2300 + taxi for staying whole night unlimited Qs. Some girls are environmental friendly automatically, you don't need to ask and pay more.
I love HK


原帖由 merlot 於 2015-6-1 09:49 發表

Hi C Hing,

Can you PM me the info? As this compare to the Mami I recommended, price is cheaper from your case, but how long does the girl stay and maxi how many Q? The Mami I used to recommended  ...
So far in Shanghai, I only encountered one girl wants my brother to dress raincoat.
I love HK


Dear Ching,

I am going to SH soon. Can you pm me contacts of the agents? Many thanks!


回復 5601# 的帖子

請問c hing全套多小錢?


原帖由 Butters 於 2015-6-2 17:38 發表
請問c hing全套多小錢?
I love HK


原帖由 Butters 於 2015-6-2 17:38 發表
請問c hing全套多小錢?
I love HK


回復 5615# 的帖子

Hi brother "bwsleung" I have PM you the info of the Shanghai Mami and Tao Tao. Please share with us your story after the trip.
I love HK


Call Tao Tao on my last trip, she sent me the site and with blind-folded pic of js.  Have one come but not as expected.  A bit too old and fair look.  Guess it all depends on luck

Hopfully will try the girls from mami next week.

Anan had some young model, as she said, and ask for 3,000 for a quick meal.  Pics look great, anyone tried?


原帖由 jingya 於 2015-6-4 10:41 發表
Call Tao Tao on my last trip, she sent me the site and with blind-folded pic of js.  Have one come but not as expected.  A bit too old and fair look.  Guess it all depends on luck

Hopfully will ...
As I didn't try Anan girls I cannot comment. But the girl from Tao Tao was good last time, young and horny OL.

I have more trust with Mami, cause the picture she sent will not cover the face and is daily photos. If you don't mind, which I did most of my time. I will invite Mami for a lunch and she will bring few girls together, so you can see the real thing (face and boost) . This is an extra expenses, however, it is still cheaper than you go to the KTV for a night and get a girl, money and time consuming.
I love HK


回復 5618# 的帖子

I must tell you, last time I picked her assistant , not the girl. Who is we normally call "Siu Mami" she is a bit baby fat, but good skills and service in bed
I love HK


回復 5608# 的帖子

Can you pm me the contact?


回復 5618# 的帖子

Will try.  Thanks for the tips.


原帖由 jingya 於 2015-6-5 10:35 發表
Will try.  Thanks for the tips.
After you tried, share a report with us. Last time, when Mami took girls out for lunch with me, I can't see my cup of tea, BUT, I chose her Assistant Mami . Late 20s a bit baby fat, but good looking face and nice big boost. I did not regret, cause she had good bed skills and all environmental service..  Her normal work is assisting Mami to scheduling girls to different customers, and she will not sleep with customers. It is not usual she will take customer but as I am good friend of her Mami I got a good treat. May be one day, I will fxxk the Mami as well, eventhough she is a mature big boost lady around 40s.
I love HK


回復 5622# 的帖子

How many girls Mami can bring for lunch ?  How about dinner or night snack ?  If not taken anyone after meal, what is the damage (transportation, agent fee) ?

Please also PM me for the contact method.  Need to entertain a few clients/friends.  Thanks !


原帖由 Superwind 於 2015-6-8 02:00 發表
How many girls Mami can bring for lunch ?  How about dinner or night snack ?  If not taken anyone after meal, what is the damage (transportation, agent fee) ?

Please also PM me for the contact meth ...
Hi Superwind Brother,
I have sent message to you. Good thing to know this Mami, is that this Mami will not insist you have to go to the Club and you waste a lot in Karaoke room hire and drinks and tips for DJ, etc. You just need to go direct to Mami, and she arrange girls for you to pick and go. You just pay the girl next morning after finished her jobs. For appreciation to the Mami, I normally give her five hundreds RMB "privately", but of course, I don't mean you need to give this. But I have been a long time customer just like a friend now, I did this.

About the price for each girl, depends on how long you want her to stay with you. Range from RMB1,700 to RMB3,500. I have tried all levels, which even I take the highest one, still very good value. Cause for 3,500, you take the girl out from 6 pm to dinner, escort around and back to hotel for unlimited Q until next morning. Just like your own girl friend.

The only inconvenience is when you are new, you don't trust Mami's suggestion of girls to you. Then you waste time in selecting girls, since there are hundreds of girls, you can never make up your mind. I got a friend, who went there to pick, by the time he watched about twenty and more girls, he want to get the first one, but too late, took by others.

Enjoy your trip Brother.

[ 本帖最後由 merlot 於 2015-6-9 08:37 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Make up
I love HK


原帖由 merlot 於 2015-6-9 08:36 發表

Hi Superwind Brother,
I have sent message to you. Good thing to know this Mami, is that this Mami will not insist you have to go to the Club and you waste a lot in Karaoke room hire and drinks and  ...
Thanks a lot to bro Merlot for the information! How old are the girls?
Any suggestions on where I can find young girls from 17-20?




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