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原帖由 sweetlove 於 2015-6-10 00:17 發表

Thanks a lot to bro Merlot for the information! How old are the girls?
Any suggestions on where I can find young girls from 17-20?
Hi Brother,

The girls from her K Club should be younger, you must go there to pick but not necessary to book a room for a night waste time and money at the K. Just ask Mami what time to go is better, cause like I said the other friend last week, he went there late around 8 pm, not many to pick. Also, if you have preferences, tell Mami in advance so she can screen out first, then you don't waste your time when arrive.

I usually arrive around 6:30 pm at the Club to pick girls and then take her out directly for dinner and so on..... But my preference is girls from mid 20 and above. I had experience with very young girl around 18, too shy on bed, when I taste her nipples always laugh
and don't mention about any skills and service at all. But it doesn't mean young girls are all like this. I rather to have girls at late 20, with mature boost and skills and high sex interests. Always so horny that ask you for two to three times a night and a morning Q, good value for what you pay.
I love HK


Thanks Bro Merlot. Called Tao Tao to arrange a girl called NaNa few days ago. Not bad. Her face so so, but great body and talkative.


Hi brothers,

Do you have contact in Shanghai and GZ? I go there very often.


回復 5628# 的帖子

I only have trips to Shanghai not other cities at the moment.

For those Brothers who got my Shanghai contacts, please post your experiences and comments. Thanks
I love HK


Please give me SH's agent contact.  Promise to give report after.


Do you have any contacts in Beijing?

Thanks a lot!


原帖由 samson.ng 於 2015-6-15 18:49 發表
Do you have any contacts in Beijing?

Thanks a lot!

No. Please my answer in 5629# above.
I love HK


回復 5629# 的帖子

There are many brothers called Tao Tao's girls as I knew. But they came back with different prices asked by the girls in addition to the "Extra F" service. My experience was RMB1,000 which I found was very good value, however, some girls asked for more. Therefore, some brothers may be quite upset. I must say, the "additional service" is the girl's private business which means each girl will have her own price tag, so need to bet your luck. Because some girls may even not offering the "F" service, you may need to mention you need a "Very Open JS" during your booking, but DON'T say you want a Fxxk service    , then no one will response to you

[ 本帖最後由 merlot 於 2015-6-17 10:12 編輯 ]
I love HK


merlot ching,
Could please PM Tao Tao contact to me? I may go to Shanghai next week.



回復 5633# 的帖子

What's the price for normal service?
RMB$300? Please advise Thanks.


原帖由 fe522000 於 2015-6-18 15:45 發表
What's the price for normal service?
RMB$300? Please advise Thanks.
吾知師兄指Normal service是否齋揼,机餐應有几種价钱,你微信桃桃,她自有餐牌发給你,我也是微信问她的。至于增值服務,因是囡囡私下做,所以各有不同,要看你采数了。

[ 本帖最後由 merlot 於 2015-6-18 19:33 編輯 ]
I love HK


回復 5636# 的帖子

Normal service=机餐


原帖由 fe522000 於 2015-6-19 11:24 發表
Normal service=机餐
Well, I can't remember, you can ask Tao Tao by WeChat.
I love HK


thank you for sharing


Called AnAn. She sent a girl. The girl did not look as young as I expected, but body shape was my favourite type. The girl offered FS in the middle, and I accepted the deal at 1300 total. She gave a very good blowjob. When we were ready to do it, she asked me if I waned it without protection and said it was her safe period. I insisted on protection. Had good sex in her tight pussy. After that, she continued to give me message. Very good service and attitude


原帖由 sweetlove 於 2015-6-23 23:48 發表
Called AnAn. She sent a girl. The girl did not look as young as I expected, but body shape was my favourite type. The girl offered FS in the middle, and I accepted the deal at 1300 total. She gave a v ...
Good How long was the service in total?
I love HK


回復 5624# 的帖子

Brother Merlot, Thanks for your infomration. this is really helpful for all of us. as it is too expensive for going to KTV in shanghai. If possible, could you please also PM the information for the Mami? I can enjoy it during my visiting in Shanghai in next Monday. appreciated your help. Thanks a lot!!!

If possible, please kindly share the damae(estimate) if I need a arrangment to have a lunch with 2-3gals. Thanks so much!!!
世界是平的. 所以依家去玩冇難度~~


回復 5638# 的帖子

Brother Merlot, by the way,  can you give me the wechat for Tao Tao? Appreciated!
世界是平的. 所以依家去玩冇難度~~


回復 5636# 的帖子

Thanks brother Merllot, tried the girls of mami twice.   一次包夜, 一次快餐。both provided me very good service. The first one I went to her KTV to select the girl and then take it out. There are so many girls for selection. I can pick the girl who I like. The girl I picked is a very good fxxker. The second one, mami sent me several photos to select, they are real pictures, I selected a girl with big bosom, 36D. She also served me very well.


原帖由 男人愛高達 於 2015-6-25 16:04 發表 Brother Merlot, Thanks for your infomration. this is really helpful for all of us. as it is too expensive for going to KTV in shanghai. If possible, could you please also PM the information for the Ma ...
I believe it was mentioned 1.7-3.5k


回復 5645# 的帖子

actually, I am asking the damage just for the lunch with the gal and mami.... I knew the total damage is around 1.7 - 3.5k.
世界是平的. 所以依家去玩冇難度~~


原帖由 男人愛高達 於 2015-6-26 14:27 發表
actually, I am asking the damage just for the lunch with the gal and mami.... I knew the total damage is around 1.7 - 3.5k.
Basically, I didn't paid anything. Just the lunch, maybe if you just pay a few hundred as like taxi fare to the girls, not sure. But, you can ask Mami whether you have to pay over the phone when you invite her and the girls for lunch. Mami is very good and straight forward, just ask.
I love HK


原帖由 MUNCHEN 於 2015-6-25 23:03 發表
Thanks brother Merllot, tried the girls of mami twice.   一次包夜, 一次快餐。both provided me very good service. The first one I went to her KTV to select the girl and then take it out. There are so  ...
Brother, What is the name of the 36D girl? I like big.........
I love HK




回復 5647# 的帖子

Brother Merlot,

Really appreciateall  your useful information with a lot of Option, I will definitely try during my next visiting in Shanghai in next  Month. Thanks again.
世界是平的. 所以依家去玩冇難度~~




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