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原帖由 bb1218 於 2008-11-7 11:57 發表

如果係咁, 請問可告之上佢門的資料及收費? 謝謝
Please PM me as well.  Thanks.  


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-11-8 00:41 發表


recommend bg 小嚴 佳佳 彥彥 小麗 小張 小周  
I was in Shanghai some days ago.  First of all, apologies to Doer Bro. as I got the contact of the agent from him, but at the last moment, my cleint changed their specifications of requirements, so that I had to work overnight to amend the powerpoint.  As a result, I only went for out-call massage.

called B. 小嚴 remomended by Lao Jiang Hu and it was a good advice.  Pretty face, about 7.5-8 and very nice attitude. Before she started, she changed into short and T-Shirt, very attractive.  When she finished my back, I turned around and she told me her boundaries that no touch below waist, but anything is OK above !  I said fine.  Then, about 15 minutes of fun, she said "Would you believe if I told you that I could stop you right before you are about to come, but then jump-start you again ?"  I said, well, I will have to see about it.  She then tried to press on some spots near the thighs and it worked to slow me down.  She went on and off for another 20 minutes, and it was really exciting, best hj ever !!  All  money worth it.  

BTW   , she told me some girls have read about this forum as some how they could get into this site from Shanghai.  I said this was well beyond my level of technical knowledge as I could not get into this forum from my hotel at all

Got to go, will talk about 小麗  when I have time later or tomorrow.


You meant HJ only ?

If so, what is the price ? Since I will be in Shanghai next Friday.



原帖由 TaiChiSword 於 2008-11-8 11:05 發表

I was in Shanghai some days ago.  First of all, apologies to Doer Bro. as I got the contact of the agent from him, but at the last moment, my cleint changed their specifications of requirement ...
looking forward to ... especially on the level of acceptance of touching them


Both 小嚴 and 小麗 made it very clear that they were not willing to provide anything further , and I think we should respect that.  In fact, 小麗 told me that some local customers some time would try to force them for extra service and one time to the extent that she was so afraid she just cried non-stop.  That is why she said most girls would be very happy to see a HK customers, and I think we should all keep this standard of gentlemanship !


原帖由 TaiChiSword 於 2008-11-8 12:06 發表
Both 小嚴 and 小麗 made it very clear that they were not willing to provide anything further , and I think we should respect that.  In fact, 小麗 told me that some local customers some time would try  ...
agree !!

be a civilized HK person


原帖由 TaiChiSword 於 2008-11-8 12:06 發表
Both 小嚴 and 小麗 made it very clear that they were not willing to provide anything further , and I think we should respect that.  In fact, 小麗 told me that some local customers some time would try  ...
money talks, pal~


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-11-8 04:22 發表

money talks, pal~
agree!!! 從來不喜歡勉強強逼人,只喜歡用錢引誘人,對嗎?明明唔制,卻抵受不了金錢誘惑而願意,不是挺過癮嗎?



回復 658# 的帖子

Well, maybe I should have explored that possibility !!

Anyway, the second night, I tried 小麗 , as I was due to fly out early in the next morning, so local college girl for overnight was out of question again

When 小麗 came, I found her face was OK, but compared to 小嚴 , she is around 10-15% below the rank, though she is taller.  Looks like a bit the singer/actoress Chang Lai Wan from the past.  But once she was in the room, she changed into a really sexy see-through lace pajama, which was very appealling.  Very nice to talk to and not broing at all.  She metioned that most of the girls , but not her,are part-time and hence it may be very difficult to book some.  Apparently she knows that 佳佳  is very popular these days. Half way through the massage, she asked me whether I knew that they had a new over-nighht service for only 600.  I was interested and asked for some details.  However, she said there are limits in action, and touching is OK, but no ML allowed.  I said "what is the point ?  You just don't understand the physical mechanism of men !"  It is more like a torture just to sleep next to a woman with no action !  She then said "Well, after my hj, you won't have any energy for dirty thoughts !"  Anyway, due to my early flight I passed !  But now, with reflection of what Doer and Lao Jiang Hu said here, money can solve every problem !!


原帖由 TaiChiSword 於 2008-11-8 23:20 發表
Well, maybe I should have explored that possibility !!

Anyway, the second night, I tried 小麗 , as I was due to fly out early in the next morning, so local college girl for overnight was out of que ...
Yes, if I were you, I will try 1000 first, at least give a try,


原帖由 Doer 於 2008-11-9 09:47 發表

Yes, if I were you, I will try 1000 first, at least give a try,
yeah, usually it's 500 on top of the massage fee for full. a grand will do for overnight with 1Q or luckily more~


I just found vegi massage or bath house in Beijing.  Would like to have something new in Beijing


went to 小婷 clubhouse at 普陀, a 2-bedroom apartment at 中山北路,
condition as expected, bathroom wet and slippy, linens not dirty but certainly worse than sauna.
Tried 小麗, look ok but tall. massage skill better than you would expect from them, talkative and told me that she would take a few days off to visist Nanjing
with one of her customers from Beijing. She was so naive to say that she didn't anticipate the risk of ML during the travel and she expected the customer to book 2 hptel rooms.  We talk all the way during massage and she's very patient when performing HJ. It took a very long time but I still can't eject, may be I did 2Qs the day before with the u student.  Times up and she suggested to 加鐘 as she said it would do good to my body. But then she called 小婷 to arrange another girl as she had to go out to take another appointment. She was very apologetic and waited in the club house  for some 10 minutes ubtil another part time girl came. The 2nd one was much professional in performing the Hj. She also told me that she is doing part time as this allows her more flexibility and she has a club house of her own ( actually its her 4-bedroom apartment  where she stayed with her friends, all part time massagers, at changning district). she told me the condition of her apartment is much bettert han the club house and if other girls are available, mau be they can do double fly.
Forget to mention, 小麗 gave me a coupon of 50 dollars where I can use in my next visit.


The 3rd night in shanghai, I called 小婷 again to arrange 小章, this time I asked the girl to come to my apartment. overall, I rated her the best in my 3 encounters  with 3 different mms. Knows how to tease and get you exotic and allows you to touch every part of her body ( except not letting fingers to penetrate).  Gave me another coupon afterward. So, my target on my next visit is to try 佳佳 seeing brothers strong recommendation


安安個蘭蘭, 身材幾正, 又夠高, 骨技純熟, 仲有.....好鬼識扭~~~  

D相係响佢QQ度偷出黎既, 唔好話佢知喎...  

[ 本帖最後由 老江湖 於 2008-11-14 03:57 編輯 ]
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I love Shanghai!!!!!!!!!


老江湖 Hing, do you think she looks like Hong Wah?


原帖由 Redtshirt 於 2008-11-14 10:46 發表
老江湖 Hing, do you think she looks like Hong Wah?
which part? i've never tried Hong Wah.     well, a bit. anyways, much younger, good attitude, and amiable. worth a try.


Haha, I didn't try Hong wah too.  Just the face and smile.
Of course much younger and good attitude, etc.  I didn't go to SH frequently, otherwise, will call her and Anan again.


原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-11-13 19:50 發表
安安個蘭蘭, 身材幾正, 又夠高, 骨技純熟, 仲有.....好鬼識扭~~~  

D相係响佢QQ度偷出黎既, 唔好話佢知喎...    
I tried her and her figure is really nice.   Firm and good shape.    Also a good rider.


WOW. Dudes, your discussions make me on fire now.
I will make a business trip to shanghai on Dec 5 for some days.
Any one would like to share their shanghai agent's phone number with me?
I really want and need to enjoy with those girls. haha
Thanks for advance!!


thanks a lot










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