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­ì©«¥Ñ superpotato ©ó 2009-7-23 10:02 µoªí

¬O¤£错ªº选择, ¤ý¿P¦o¥Ö肤«Ü¥Õ, »L«Ü‹ë, face 7/10, °µ400«Ü§ë¤J, ¤j®a³£ª±±o¦nhigh.
¤£过¸ò¦o谈FS, ¦o说¥u¸ò¼ô«È, ¤£·Q²Ä¤@¦¸´N´£¨Ñ, §Ú·Q¬O¯d«Èªº¤â¬q. :l ...
yes, she was good in bed c hing, ask her before she comes over


¦^´_ 1222# ªº©«¤l

两个§Ú³£试过, ¦P·N¦Ñ¦¿´òCHING©Ò讲, ¨Î¨Î¤ñ较¦nª±, ¦Ó¥Bopen to FS. ¤£过¤ñhardware´N®t¥ª两条µó¥ª¥k. «w鱼«Cµæ¦U¦³©Ò爱


­ì©«¥Ñ fairview ©ó 2009-7-27 08:22 µoªí

yes, she was good in bed c hing, ask her before she comes over
Ching§A试过¤ý¿PªºFS吗? ¬O1K RMB 吗? You mean ask her for FS before she come over on the phone? Not a bad idea but a bit too direct.


yes, paid 1k.  good value u feel shy if asking direct?


­ì©«¥Ñ fairview ©ó 2009-7-27 22:22 µoªí
yes, paid 1k.  good value u feel shy if asking direct?
Maybe I will try later since she got CHING's recommendation. I can't say I will feel shy but if I spoil the mood of a lady, I won't even know what I will get at the end, if you know what I mean. It is a bit different to deal with an agent than the girl directly.


¦Ñ¦¿´ò C-Hing,                                                   
    ¤p³· is still using the same tel number? If not, pls PM me... thanks.


­ì©«¥Ñ superpotato ©ó 2009-7-28 02:28 µoªí

Maybe I will try later since she got CHING's recommendation. I can't say I will feel shy but if I spoil the mood of a lady, I won't even know what I will get at the end, if you know what I mean. I ...
they are used to these kind of questions.  I really doubt if they will get upset. or you can date zhang li (she will welcome FS! )


­ì©«¥Ñ fairview ©ó 2009-7-28 11:26 µoªí

they are used to these kind of questions.  I really doubt if they will get upset. or you can date zhang li (she will welcome FS! )
I already tried Zhang LI, feeling so so. She was on the phone or SMS all the time, think she was overbooked. Really not my cup of tea.


­ì©«¥Ñ Fattyacid ©ó 2009-7-28 10:58 µoªí
¦Ñ¦¿´ò C-Hing,                                                   
    ¤p³· is still using the same tel number? If not, pls PM me... thanks.
xiao xue is still working as part time but only on saturdays & sundays. her mobile coverage is bad in the area where she lives. sms her 1#472788805 or contact via qq:106%22%692 & msn: huang_kitty¦Ñ¹«live.cn
tell her it's my recommendation and she'll be more nice

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¦Ñ¦¿´ò ©ó 2009-7-30 00:46 ½s¿è ]
ªþ¥ó: ±z©Ò¦bªº¥Î¤á²ÕµLªk¤U¸ü©Î¬d¬Ýªþ¥ó, ½Ð¹Á¸Õ¦h¶K¤å³¹Àò¨ú¿n¤À¡A¿n¤À¶W¹L 120 ©Î¯S©w¥Î¤á²Õ¤è¥i¬d¬Ý.


thank you for sharing


¦^´_ 1200# ªº©«¤l

Thanks for Daben's info. I also found this on the web, 3 QQ...$73!5!9$2,  11&%24%%94,  11^@42%^43. The girls pics in their QQ zone are really pretty if it's true. If any bro. wanna try this, pls share report to us.


¦^´_ 1237# ªº©«¤l

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


¦^´_ 1238# ªº©«¤l

yes, Daben, safety is also my concern. dont know if any bro. have tried it before?


Hi Bro, any recommendations for pretty and white skin and good boobs?


¦Ñ¦¿´ò®v¥S, I'm new here and will go to Suzhou in Oct., any information?





­ì©«¥Ñ crespo333 ©ó 2009-8-5 15:14 µoªí
¦Ñ¦¿´ò®v¥S, I'm new here and will go to Suzhou in Oct., any information?

call ¬À¬À 1590671***6.  tell her it's my recommendation. same price & service as shanghai. hv fun~


­ì©«¥Ñ ¦Ñ¦¿´ò ©ó 2009-8-7 03:05 µoªí

call ¬À¬À 1590671***6.  tell her it's my recommendation. same price & service as shanghai. hv fun~
Thanks alot , will try it when I go to Suzhou.






¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: «ÕÀq


Want to try try

¦Ñ¦¿´ò C-Hing,

I'm coming to Shanghai for business tomorrow. Want to try try. Any recommendations? Please forward me the agent contact number. Thanks a lot.


­ì©«¥Ñ mlml1628 ©ó 2009-8-13 01:15 µoªí
¦Ñ¦¿´ò C-Hing,

I'm coming to Shanghai for business tomorrow. Want to try try. Any recommendations? Please forward me the agent contact number. Thanks a lot.
my suggestion for you is to try xiao ting's ¤p¬ü & ªü¶®, and anan's «Å¸© & ¥ì¿Õ

xiao ting: 1#818#82972
anan:      1#524#0579#


¦Ñ¦¿´ò C-Hing,

What is '#' means? Please advices. Thx.


­ì©«¥Ñ mlml1628 ©ó 2009-8-13 05:10 µoªí
¦Ñ¦¿´ò C-Hing,

What is '#' means? Please advices. Thx.
Man, look at the keyboard of your computer, please!



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