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¦^´_ 1692# ªº©«¤l

Tried ¤p°Ò last wednesday at the new club house at ¦¿¹ç¸ô / ·s‰N¸ô, better place than the club houses before.  ¤p°Ò just worked there for a few days.
Skill is average, not forceful, ¤p´@ claimed she was 25 but she looked very ¤Ö°ü
style, mature and a  bit chubby. appearance not attractive at first sight but when doing the 2nd part and with her ±ý©ÚÁÙªï on the french kiss, I ended up giving her a better score and cannot be said to be disappointed. But what could you expect during this time when most MM returned to the hometown. Having said that , my preference is ¤p¬ü, ¤p±i,  even µ{±á has a better look but relatively less open.


­ì©«¥Ñ yale ©ó 2010-2-8 14:30 µoªí
Tried ¤p°Ò last wednesday at the new club house at ¦¿¹ç¸ô / ·s‰N¸ô, better place than the club houses before.  ¤p°Ò just worked there for a few days.
Skill is average, not forceful, ¤p´@ claimed she  ...
agree. she's not very pretty but hot during 2nd part.


¦^ÂÐkiddo_sh¥S¸ß°Ý, ¤]¶¶«Kµ¹¨ä¥Lching¤F¸Ñ:


¤p´@¦³­Ó¤k¤k¥s³¯ÅS. §A¦³ÉN¸gÅç?


³o­ÓÉÆÉƬO­Ý¾, «ö¼¯so so, ¬Û»ª¤]¥­±e, ¤£¹L¨­§÷¥i¥H, ¦Ó¥B¬Û·í¶}©ñ, ¥i½Í800.

¤p´@¥t¥~¦³­Ó¾|¹tÁÙ¤£¿ù, ¦¿Ä¬mm, ªø±oè°ÄR, «C¬KµL¼Ä, ²M¯Â«¬, ¦Ñ¦¿´ò³Ì³ßÅw±Ð³o¨Ç¤p©f©f«ç¼ËÀ´¨Æ¤F

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¦Ñ¦¿´ò ©ó 2010-2-10 00:45 ½s¿è ]

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ­Ý¾


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


¤p´@µo¨Ó¤p°Ò·Ó¤ù¨â±i, ¤j®aµûŲ¤@¤U:
ªþ¥ó: ±z©Ò¦bªº¥Î¤á²ÕµLªk¤U¸ü©Î¬d¬Ýªþ¥ó, ½Ð¹Á¸Õ¦h¶K¤å³¹Àò¨ú¿n¤À¡A¿n¤À¶W¹L 120 ©Î¯S©w¥Î¤á²Õ¤è¥i¬d¬Ý.


¦^´_ 1706# ªº©«¤l

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


­ì©«¥Ñ daben ©ó 2010-2-11 09:44 µoªí
LJW CHing.....¤p°Ò¨­§÷³£¦n¥¿³á!
¦×¦a´X¦n, ªiªi¬X³n, ÁöµM­ø«Yè°, ¦ý«YºA«×¤@¬y¸Éµf®Í¼Æ~


¯u¨t点°Ú ¡I§Ú³£¦n·Q试¤U°Ú ~¡I


·s¦~·s®ð¶H, ¯¬¦U¦ìching¹â¹B¦ë³q, ¿W»â­·ÄÌ, ¥ª¾Ö¥k©ê, ¤£³Ò¦ÓÀò, ³p»»ªk¥~!




¦^´_ 1711# ªº©«¤l

Who are you talking about?  Happy new year.


¦^´_ 1710# ªº©«¤l

Happy New Year to you all!  
Happy Massage!


·s¬K²Ä¤@¦¸fj§ä¤F陈±á, 没·Q¨ì¥L们¦~ªì¤T这¤\¦­´N开¤u, ºV­I±Àªo¨ÌµM认¯u, ¦b这¤I¹s«×ªº¤ÑÉa¨½¤@¤U´N§ä¦^¬K¤Ñ! MMªA务¤£错, ¯Ý¤]¤j, ¤¬ºN¤§¤Uª^围¦nÌå¤F, ³Ì终开开¤ß¤ß缴¤F±ñ!


I always thought 陈±á is not that fun.


Will visit Shanghai on Mar.4 for a week, any recommendation?


I was told that some in-room massage service (Hand job only), girl can stay over night for another 300 rmb, but she only sleep naked with you, can not ML, any idea where can I find some of those service?


­ì©«¥Ñ lossapenny ©ó 2010-2-21 13:59 µoªí
Will visit Shanghai on Mar.4 for a week, any recommendation?
call ¤p´@ and ¤ß½t. they surely will arrange the best for u.


­ì©«¥Ñ tsfelephant ©ó 2010-2-21 18:43 µoªí
I was told that some in-room massage service (Hand job only), girl can stay over night for another 300 rmb, but she only sleep naked with you, can not ML, any idea where can I find some of those servi ...
right. xiao ting has some masseuses who can stay for the night. naked? probably with underwear. yet some might also provide fs.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ¦Ñ¦¿´ò ©ó 2010-2-22 04:21 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ ¦Ñ¦¿´ò ©ó 2010-2-22 00:32 µoªí right. xiao ting has some masseuses who can stay for the night. naked? probably with underwear. yet some might also provide fs.
brother ¦Ñ¦¿´ò, can I have xiao ting's number? I like the young and lively type, not commercial type, can you recommend some girls when I call xiao ting?

thanks in advance for the information!


­ì©«¥Ñ tsfelephant ©ó 2010-2-22 10:10 µoªí
brother ¦Ñ¦¿´ò, can I have xiao ting's number? I like the young and lively type, not commercial type, can you recommend some girls when I call xiao ting?

thanks in advance for the information!
tel: 1#818#82972  msn: xin.ziing¦Ñ¹«live.cn  website: %1huisuo.cn


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C hing, next week will go to Shanghai, any update MM info?


cool thanks for sharing


hey, any good recommendations on ms chow's girls lately?

i always used her service though it is a bit expensive now with RMB appreciating!


­ì©«¥Ñ packolee ©ó 2010-2-26 19:09 µoªí
hey, any good recommendations on ms chow's girls lately?

i always used her service though it is a bit expensive now with RMB appreciating!
i always prefer service with real massage and go fs depends on the bg and the mood. ¤ß½t has her bgs ³¹ÄR, Áú³·, µáÆv, ¤p«B, ¤p¥ª, ²ú²ú available for fs and eatable. 260/800




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