原帖由 科拿仔 於 2007-9-11 12:39 發表
A﹕係金鐘美國銀行中心一間類似consultant公司既account department做account clerk既,佢地話係做類似count account既野,13個月糧,仲有bonus,study leave,5 days work。
B﹕Causeway Bay ...
It really depends on
1) The kind of transactions you are required to handle. If the accounts are simple. You never get the chance to learn or experience complicated accounting treatments or tax schemes...
2) The prospect of the job. If there is no clear career path, it will not lead you to anywhere. Why choose it?
3) Your own career plan. What do you want to be? A CPA? HKCPA or China CPA or AICPA? How the above jobs enrich your experience or knowledge?