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威尼斯人亂完未 ?

原帖由 Garfield 於 2007-9-30 10:54 發表

6A 係之前工程期間既其中一個 "著名" 出入閘口,可以話所有的士每日都會去幾轉架!
I see, thank you.

相關搜索目錄: 工程




下晝3點半去到... check in條龍打晒蛇餅... 睇見都登d人辛苦...
貼錢買難受, 慘過d阿婆孟蘭節排隊輪米...
見圖 2007-10-08 lvsm 01

睇完場... 老闆原來好like 玩slot... 佢比左100蚊叫我幫佢玩...
最初都贏架... 但我根本唔like賭錢既...
但見輸左佢d錢唔好意思... 唯有入番比佢喇.. 最後輸左4百蚊...

走人既時候... 的士龍好長... 救命...
見圖 02


相關搜索目錄: 酒店
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in love with the nature...


原帖由 allure 於 2007-10-8 19:44 發表
No such thing happened on recent Sunday. We checked-in @2pm (not one person was waiting on the queue) and 4 out of 5 rooms were ready. The last room needed to wait till 6pm. The taxi queue was long though but we were able to get from other exit. Rooms are very nice indeed and services OK for a busy hotel. Casino was crowded but extremely huge! Shopping mall was a bit disappointed although they have the lovely canal and fake sky.

Overall, very good experience.


pen, Sunday is not so busy usually !

but the queue for taxi is always very long .

queue for hotel coach ia also long .


原帖由 Oldman 於 2007-10-18 14:15 發表
pen, Sunday is not so busy usually !
but the queue for taxi is always very long .
queue for hotel coach ia also long .
Sunday was quiet at check-in and they have express check-out.

I used taxi all the time. Did not use hotel shuttle and we took taxi from other exit/entrance points (not the main lobby).


I wasted half an hour for an one bed room on Oct 14 at 2:30, they said the room will be ready
one hour later if I insist an one bed room. So I had to take my baggage for a range round the
casino to kill the one hour, and wasted another half an hour to queue up for the room key.


I wasted half an hour for an one bed room on Oct 14 at 2:30, they said the room will be ready
one hour later if I insist an one bed room. So I had to take my baggage for a range round the
casino to kill the one hour, and wasted another half an hour to queue up for the room key.


I wasted half an hour for an one bed room on Oct 14 at 2:30, they said the room will be ready
one hour later if I insist an one bed room. So I had to take my baggage for a range round the
casino to kill the one hour, and wasted another half an hour to queue up for the room key.


原帖由 aloho8 於 2007-10-23 17:00 發表
I wasted half an hour for an one bed room on Oct 14 at 2:30, they said the room will be ready
one hour later if I insist an one bed room. So I had to take my baggage for a range round the
casin ...
You can keep luggage at the luggage storage area wor. I did not have same problem as you!


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