1. a simple router, can be from HK$300+
2. a wireless router, HK$400+
3. a wireless router, and an USB wireless station for the PC. HK$600+
4. please read some books, hard to explain here in full. Switch is basically forwarding the ethernet information to the correct IP address and doing no more. Router is more intelligent allowing "rules" and even reading the contents inside the ethernet packets. Therefore router can talk to the internet with one IP and talk to other devices on the LAN with other different IP's, hence called NAT network address translation, which is the basic of firewall and network security. You will need a router for connecting multiple devices into your ISP (internet service provider) since most ISP will only assign you with one IP. The router will take up this IP and talk to the ISP (real-IP) and talk to your LAN devices with internal IP (ie 192.168.x.x).
相關搜索目錄: Router Switch