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原帖由 johnnyjohnny 於 2008-5-17 02:30 發表

有關小喬,Yuki及銅銅三人, 一如我一直所言, 小喬床上經驗及技巧較多, 但Yuki也肯搏, 而制服亦多. 但銅銅較自然且人妻 / 女朋友 feel:ros ...


回復 #300 johnnyjohnny 的帖子

I try to call 銅銅 yesterday and nobody answer. I try to visit her and she was not working. Her adv in 1*1 was deleted. Is she taking vacation?


原帖由 kenhk168 於 2008-5-20 09:15 發表
I try to call 銅銅 yesterday and nobody answer. I try to visit her and she was not working. Her adv in 1*1 was deleted. Is she taking vacation?
I also tried to call Tung Tung, but was unable to contact her by phone. When I visited her place last afternoon, no one was there! Probably she was in vacation! Recently I heard that many girls from Szechwan took leave because they'd to return home to take care of their family there. If not because once I heard from Tung Tung that she was a Hangzhou girl, probably I will guess she came from Szechwan and she need to return home. I iss her indeed. Does any brother know where she has been, and when she will be back?

Last after, since I could not find Tung Tung, I had knocked the door of her neighbour, a new girl opened her door. She looked OK, but small in size. She is not my cup of tea, however, in order to peace my lovely small brother, I entered the room for service. That girl was quite initiative, especially during ML. However, I would change to visit girls at lane 4 of 6/F if I still unable to find Tung Tung next time!


回復 #303 happysunny 的帖子

Let's start the "Hunt for Tung Tung" game now..........! Please report when any news about her is available. I start missing her again!


回復 #304 icheng609 的帖子

May be that is your brother who miss her more!


回復 #305 def_lo 的帖子

not really la............. my brother is hunger for someone else this afternoon.....!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-5-30 09:18 發表
not really la............. my brother is hunger for someone else this afternoon.....!


回復 #303 happysunny 的帖子

Thank you for you news!


how much you paid


I'd been to Fat Lei several times during past few weeks, although I can find lovely girls there, but strange enough, I still unable to find Tung Tung.

It seems Tung Tung is disappeared. Hey! Is there any brother who'd privatized our beloved Tung Tung?

Did any person know what has happened? Brother Johnny, I think probably you should know the "fact"? Right?

[ 本帖最後由 happysunny 於 2008-6-16 21:01 編輯 ]


Help JOHNNY 兄...


其實我也是最近才收到銅銅電話,當時我都有問她是否被某兄弟<私有化>,不會再返工. 當時即時傳來銅銅清脆的招牌笑聲及一句<痴線>! 銅銅表示純因私事才會至本週未返工,但實際日期仍未確實!

好嘢! 靚女又再返工, 我又可以有正骨技師處理疲勞, 而小Johnny亦可以找小銅銅妹妹happy!


回復 #312 johnnyjohnny 的帖子

Thank you for your news!


上週末以為可以一親香澤, 但在致電聯絡時卻得知銅銅因事要到星期三再工作.

可憐的小Johnny, 大哥又要安排你呢一兩日去接觸唔同嘅小妹妹啦!!! (終於去咗邊? 我哋唔話比你哋知!!!) 至於嗰個靚靚銅銅小妹妹...! 兩日後就有得見啦!

話時話, 前幾日去搵Yuki時, 撞到04有一新囡, 細細粒, 身材幾好樣唔錯, 但因為Yuki已出門相迎, 所以回頭見到新囡行入巷, 又未能跟進房號!!! 一於星期三見完銅銅以後,再到04巷獵艷


原帖由 johnnyjohnny 於 2008-6-23 17:00 發表
上週末以為可以一親香澤, 但在致電聯絡時卻得知銅銅因事要到星期三再工作.

可憐的小Johnny, 大哥又要安排你呢一兩日去接觸唔同嘅小妹妹啦!!! (終於去咗邊? 我哋唔話 ...
Great! At last I can have the service of Tung Tung agian. During past motnh, I have to search around for massage, but still unable to find someone compatible to her, especially I'm demanding a girl having good massage skill and exciting ML attraction on bed!

By the way, brother Johnny, please reprt back if the new girl you'd mentioned at Lane 4 is worth visiting.


原帖由 happysunny 於 2008-6-23 17:43 發表

Great! At last I can have the service of Tung Tung agian. During past motnh, I have to search around for massage, but still unable to find someone compatible to her, especially I'm demanding  ...
Tung Tung back to work already........? I went there yesterday afternoon but there is no "Welcome" plate hanging on her door!


回復 #316 icheng609 的帖子

Then who did you try and where's your report please!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-6-24 09:21 發表
Then who did you try and where's your report please!!
One of the mid girls  charging $480 on the 3/F........... nothing special, but still OK. Not worth for a report.


剛得知銅銅因事仍需請假,有可能要至月底才可以返工!!! 一有進一步消息必再知會各界同好!! 若有其他兄弟有資料更新,亦請提供

[ 本帖最後由 johnnyjohnny 於 2008-6-24 23:51 編輯 ]


回復 #319 johnnyjohnny 的帖子

At first, I will try her this evening. I think I will need to find someone else.
Any suggestion?


回復 #319 johnnyjohnny 的帖子

You know, I have some chances to go to TST in the coming few weeks and I think this is the right time for me to visit Tung Tung again.........! I have not seen her for damn long a time.


原帖由 kenhk168 於 2008-6-25 12:35 發表
At first, I will try her this evening. I think I will need to find someone else.
Any suggestion?

此外, 03巷除銅銅仍休假以外,其他辦事處已齊人,不妨逐一試試 (真入屋去馬而不是只按鐘睇囡)


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-25 16:07 發表
You know, I have some chances to go to TST in the coming few weeks and I think this is the right time for me to visit Tung Tung again.........! I have not seen her for damn long a time.
蛙蛙師兄, 我都係等得好心急呀!!!
而個細佬又唔生性, 成日要追住搵小銅銅, 都唔知點算. 只好去HB-B搵Mat Mat介紹嘅彤彤頂住檔先啦!!! (不過我唔會寫報告㗎!!!原因?請閱按摩那邊的討論區<第217 次 出擊 -HB B 7G room 姨 彤彤>. 怪只怪Mat Mat太勁,無人夠膽再寫搵佢個彤彤嘅報告!!!)

[ 本帖最後由 johnnyjohnny 於 2008-6-25 17:15 編輯 ]


原帖由 johnnyjohnny 於 2008-6-25 16:49 發表

蛙蛙師兄, 我都係等得好心急呀!!!
而個細佬又唔生性, 成日要追住搵小銅銅, 都唔知點算. 只好去HB-B搵Mat Mat介紹嘅彤彤頂住檔先啦!!! (不過我唔會寫報告㗎!!!原因?請閱按摩那邊的 ...
Is 彤彤 a good substitute to Tung?


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-25 16:53 發表

Is 彤彤 a good substitute to Tung?
蛙蛙, 我未知! 因為今日打風我沒有外出,所以未試彤彤.

Matt Matt曾試搵銅銅, 應該可作比較.

[ 本帖最後由 johnnyjohnny 於 2008-6-25 17:29 編輯 ]




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