쩫 mangojack 2007-10-1 09:38 o
ܤ[eڱ`hover there a lot of Americian and foreigners, you can try disco over there some Korean girl want to meet some foreigner. I have good memory over there. So good lucky !!
Last time, the American and Caucasians like to visit this pub at Hooker's hill and stayed at Hyatt & Hamilton Hotel. I got a short report on these 2 places to share with all of you:
|pubsMhooker's hillG|hamilton hotelﭱW2ӦpubOѦALpubMdiscobhooker's hill(oOѥ~墨Ӱ~Y١AOuaW)Chooker's hilluGqhamilton hotel᩹䨫AJĤ@jf|ݨڻburger kingAL~e쨫U@jfk]uNOpubMdisco̦haϤF^AQXGQط|ݨ쥪䦳lucky clubA䨺ѤlWhשYNOҿתhooker's hillFCuשY\htsaAY۩ʷPffAAgLɭnOݡAN|]XӹAۤB\ܭnAih]LѤ]\N|b~F^ALڤ]SihA]SݨֶihASܹxWª@ةPıAF@jA]\SCbfstrip clubTCJbԫȡAڻJO11000A5000AL]SxlhCburger kingѥ~ڻking club(NbpubEW)Mpolly's house(hooker's hill̤W)OL̳̱`hAڥhFpolly's houseAOѥ~Ajǥͪ~C
(hyatt hotel b2^GOӬ۷pubAϥiHRBťlive band]iHܰsѡCLhyattmbsWAIAҥHp{OKCpubfiDڦb|pizza huteACj30|hyattKO騮ALڱqFWaKզp{Lhᤣ2000NOFC
̫ Bonkinasia 2007-10-20 04:03 s ]