hi Bro Firejack,
I think most bros in this thread are debating the VALUE of spending $1500 for a nite shot. I for myself could afford the higher price because I only come back to DG every few months and the higher price does not affect me too much. Again, I went to the CP, Zh, ZS, CA, Macau during my trip and I still find CP is stll THE place for value and choices. There are tons of choices in CP and convience of restaurant, transortation is still the best. Everywhere I went, I always find some high qualty gals working in KTV, massage places. It is the preception of value that you are going to pay for the services. Anyway best looking or best body does not always translate into the best enjoyable SEX time that you can have. I have a tempary lunch box in CO whom is not the best looking girl but her attitude and service is unbeatable and I enjoy her company very much, much more than some expensive gals that I have. It is all peresonal perception of Value.