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回復 #1 7-siu 的帖子

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Thanks for sharing


I unlock this thread which has been locked automatically by the system by replying to it, as a brother requested me to do it such that brothers may have a place to talk about this venue.
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


Thank you 7-siu and 蕉器勃勃 for the heads up and I shall contribute accordingly as a gesture of my appreciation to all of you.

Touched down at SZ airport last April and began our sight seeing tour of CA/P.

D1 杀头 pearl (258, buy one beer 1 free 1)
Was there around 7pm, saw plenty of mm heading upstairs to a room, and decided to hang around the mid landing.  5-10 mins later the mm exit the room like floodwater and some customers were already busy with their picking by stopping some mm on their way down. Anyway, we were too slow or rather hesitated and decided to follow the crowd down to the main hall.

The main hall was dim and we were lost in the sea of kimono with so many mm either sitting or standing fronting us. Honestly, most of them cannot make it at first glance but after some intense searching with wide-open eyes, we managed to discover a few gems hidden here and there with the help of mami.

Back to the ktv room with brighter light, we were surprise to see our picking were much more pleasant than we thought. What followed was rather a tame affair and when mami came in later, she jokingly commented why we were so well behaved and ordered mm to remove whatever they have on and show us a good time. With the influence of alcohol and initiative taken by the sporting mm, the shy gentlemen slowly transformed into color wolves and the fun finally began. I purposely asked the my mm how far she can go and I shut up immediately when she gave me a dirty look, grabbed my precious one and said: there is nothing we dare not do.

Four UFO spent about rmb 1100 for a good night of fun and headed back to hotel happily with our companions. When we met the next day for lunch, our conclusion was unanimous: The mm was very accommodative and their level of service was beyond expectation. My wife would probably ask me to fly kite if I ask the same from her.


D2 Oriental charm (268, buy 2 beer 1 free 1)
Put up at MGM due to close proximity to Orient. This ktv definitely has better hardware and deco compare to 杀头pearl. The manager started the parade and not many to our liking. Some of us started to stand outside the room where we can see plenty of mm passing by, leading by their mami. Saw a few nice mm and hijacked them to our room. The manager pop in around 930pm and started some dirty games to lighten up the atmosphere. What follow next was more or less as in 杀头pearl. MM were friendly, easy going and as sporting as those in pearl.

Total bill for 7 came to 1800, inclusive of 2 pretty djs and 2 dancers.

Our room has a balcony (extra charge) where u gets to see the stage show and what not. This ktv has a big hall too.

The mm I brought back is not that pretty but very friendly with fine skin complexion. Not much foreplay compared to the one from pearl. However, she is fresh and it din take long to warm her up and soon she was all wet like Niagara fall. She climbed on top and started the wild ride and slowly her moaning was getting louder and I have to shut her up by mouth to mouth. After several exchanges of positions, her cheek turned pinkish and she became more excited and asked me to pump faster and harder. 东冬锵, this time I will surely die big time. What to do? Die die also must try. In the end, both of us were dead. She was dead with a satisfied grin presumably from her climax and that donkey was almost dead from a near heart attack. We were too weak to wash up, lied on the bed, and slept until next day.


D3 祭A (258, buy one beer 1 free 1)
Went there around 7pm and my oh my, people mountain people Sea inside. After a few rounds of parading without success, the mami brought us down to the main hall to choose. I was about to give up but decided to show some respect by choosing probably the oldest mm out of the lot. With the pleasant experience from 2 previous outings, atmosphere in this place was kind of letdown. A few mm were shy, mumbling when told to undress, and mami started to raise her voice on them. Since we had 2 wonderful outings earlier, told the mami it was all right and we just relax, drinks, chitchat and sing song. No dirty dancing etc.
In fact the mami casually mentioned that祭A is moving towards the direction of decent ktv after their new wings are ready. The existing hardware and deco are in similar class as in pearl.

6 of us paid abt 2000 and all went home empty handed.

D4 CP.
JY flower Street was awesome but I hated it when mami there were so hard selling and kept pushing mm towards us and won’t take no for an answer. Jokingly told one of the mami that we won’t want to be seen walking with baby dinosaurs and she has the cheek to reply: at least they are rare species, @#$%$@*^.
After walking a few rounds, close eyes, choose, and hurried to the room to avoid the mad crowd. Normal routine again and mm were fun to be with by playing dice games, chatting and sing song.

Total bill came to abt 1560 for 4 of us.

The nightmare only began to unfold when I hit the hotel room. After shower separately, she just lied on the bed with arms and legs stretch out, resemble the Chinese character 大.This cant do, that don’t know what to do, hate kissing, no bj and behaved like a completely stranger. After a quickie, paid 500 and released her, at least I can sleep without nightmare.

All 3 except one of us had similar unpleasant experiences when we talked about it during lunch. Well, just too bad.

D5 CP.
Next destination was 拌倒, nice deco and hardware with some smashing looking mm. The night went on with the usual nonsense but I decided to sleep alone when I noticed my mm paid more attention to her mobile phone than me. Expenses were about the same as in JY.

When we exchanged notes the next day, it was disappointing to hear the same comments again from my friends regarding different behavior of mm exhibited inside the ktv and hotel room. How unlucky of us.


While I was contemplating what to do next, several sms came in from the oriental mm. She wanted to treat me dinner should I come to CA again. I decided to move back to CA since my friends next destination was the Canton fair.

Arrived CA and she took me to a nice Hunan restaurant. When dinner over and I asked for the bill, waiter informed it was paid and that was a nice surprise. We took a slow walk up and down changqin ru and ended up in CA park. Lots of ppl there were dancing, kids running around and crowd watching big screen monitor. We sat down and talk sky speak earth and all the grandmother stories. It was a great feeling and I must admit I felt young again.

The action that night was more explosive than our previous encounter. Only exception was the nice surprise that her service level has upgraded and she said that was natural since we knew each other better. I was lost for words and told her: if u need to kill me, please do it gently and softly.

Time to head home. She wanted to accompany me to the airport and I thought it was very nice of her since she might worry that I would be lonely waiting for my flight.Told her I can read a book to kill time, guess what her reply was: I have never been to an airport and would like to see aeroplanes, faint!

Gave her 800+transport and she bid farewell with a kiss, and I left CA a weaker but happy man.

Personal observation
CP is very easy to move around on foot and most of the hotels/eating-places is located along the major streets. CA is rather spread out where one needs a cab to move around. The only bad thing I have to say abt CA is the air quality.

I only been to a few KTVs and pardon me if this is not a fair statement. I noticed CP mm look prettier and better in terms of dressing and makeup. I believe the CA mm know that too and they make it up with better service/right attitude/feeling.

I probably made a few mistakes here and there and missed out a lot, but I am glad that I made the trip and no more ‘what if’ or ‘should I’ later in my life.

Goodbye CA and I wish u stay that way for a long time to come.


回復 #311 cakesum 的帖子

Good to see this threat active again...

How nice it is Brother Cakesum can get a good MM..very often it is pure luck or 緣份 for us to come across a nice MM..you like her and she likes you...believe you will keep in touch with her and long for your next trip...


原帖由 Happy_1973 於 2008-1-25 02:51 發表
自從上次好耐之前和傘兄巡廠之後都冇去lu.  依家唔知咩環境呢?
where is 傘 now, he has been disappear from here for a long long time


原帖由 colorbhk 於 2008-5-10 10:50 發表

where is 傘 now, he has been disappear from here for a long long time
Bro Colorbhk, we NO need 傘 any more, it's because Sunny Day !


原帖由 cakesum 於 2008-5-10 03:52 發表
Thank you 7-siu and 蕉器勃勃 for the heads up and I shall contribute accordingly as a gesture of my appreciation to all of you.

Touched down at SZ airport last April and began our sight seeing t ...
good job cakesum.  You made the effort in writing a long report...and I am sure you will be back whenever you get the chance.


thx for your report


I'm sorry to hear that your experience is bad in CP. However, what you have encountered at there is not unusual nowadays.


I would say you have got the crunch of the different between CP & CA.

CP has more prettier MMs, nice dress, easy transportation and system with better hardware. The MMs are more "rofessional", both in term of dressing and "Bad service".

CA's MM has better attitude and service. Except a few new Karoke, the hardware are less modern and more wearing out. The MMs here are more "Factory-like", less professional bad habbit, but better "rofessional service".


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-5-13 11:33 發表
I would say you have got the crunch of the different between CP & CA.

CP has more prettier MMs, nice dress, easy transportation and system with better hardware. The MMs are more "rofe ...
Agree with you that the main difference between CA and CP..

Actually I would say that i enjoy more in CP because i met more, almost all MM I met there, are nice, altho i have been to CP only a few times..Now there are 2 MM in touch with me from CP but none from CA,

In CA i admit that I got the above average service every time, but unfortuately i have not met a single MM that gave me the good feel...


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-5-13 11:42 發表

Agree with you that the main difference between CA and CP..

Actually I would say that i enjoy more in CP because i met more, almost all MM I met there, are nice, altho i have been to CP only ...


原帖由 simonkok 於 2008-5-13 12:11 發表
只是覺得 CP 比 CA 好一些姐。。不是在 CP 已找到了 GF。。
GF 就只有阿嬌。。


原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-5-13 12:17 發表

只是覺得 CP 比 CA 好一些姐。。不是在 CP 已找到了 GF。。
GF 就只有阿嬌。。



原帖由 simonkok 於 2008-5-13 12:28 發表
GF 感覺。。明白了  。。


Brother Cakesum, your trip is somewhat similar to mine but i travel to a few more places and If I found decent one, I will keep her for few days. Like you just found out the quality and attitude is hard to be sure inside the karaoke and inside the bedroom. It is all matter of pooning luck. i concur with your assessment of CP and CA. CP is always the main hub and you will never loss if you stay there even for the whole trip because eveything is there and close by. Like Brother 7 sui and Haidada said, you may find different treat from different town and I found it very true. Like in ZS, girls are so much different and the charges in and out of KTV is also so much different. Girls there are more custom to steady clientelle and won't go back to hotel with you on the first encounter. You could go home empty handed. It sucks, lucky, it did not happen on me.
Anyway, thanks for the postings and I hope to read more thread like this.


I think that CP is getting too commerciialised. MMs talk about money. CA provides better service.




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