原帖由 百目鬼魁 於 2007-10-12 11:09 發表
台灣軍方日前展示了大批自製新型武器,引起廣泛關注。美國智庫分析指出,臺海兩岸近年來的軍力消長,及中國大陸改採以彈道導彈和巡航導彈構築的火網,搭配海、空武力的戰略,台灣正在喪失軍事上的優勢。分析認 ...
I think the only way Taiwan can do is develop the nuclear weapons, Taiwan don't need a lot of nuclear weapon, only need few.
Once main land China attack Taiwan, Taiwan can drop their own nuclear weapon on other countries such as Iran, North Korea, Russia. Once Taiwan did that, then main land Chian have face a lot of problems and other counties's blame even though China will win the war but lost the world. Main land China have to take care all the consquences of Taiwan nuclear attack on other country bcs Taiwan is part of Main land China..they always say that. Taiwan can't win the war is one thing, that means they can't scroll up a lot of things even USA can't sure or stop Taiwan develop the nuclear or not. Of curse Taiwan have to use all the man, money power to do the research and develop the nuclear.