If the market is bullish, one should be able to make some money easily if one is not buying anything exceptional.
How much to earn depends on what u buy, how much u buy, and when u buy, but mainly your luck. I'll personally put them into the importancy ratio 2:2:2:5 in the HK stock market. But the ratio is different in Australia as it is a more reasonable market.
But I don't really trust those "tips" fm the financial actors, especially when the tips are well-known to the public. Their attritute toward a certain share can change 180 degree in 1/2 day before the public start to complaint them.
I remembered in one of the court case, Uncle Six said he was a financial expert. But after checking Uncle Six's background, the judge said Uncle Six was not qualified. Now he is keeping on giving out tips to earn his living. I don't see any difference between Uncle Six and TsanX Sir.
Also, in TsanX Sir's show, he used to organise tours of his fans to buy shops in ShenZhen, together with a HK jerk named "plazza doctor". The outcome was, many of the plazza were not finished, or the ownership of the shop documents were unclear which many of his fans lost huge amt of $. The plazza doctor still got his full commission fm the transaction as he said the unfinished plazza was not his duty.
I personally recomment u to read a book, named "一個投機者的自白". The authur was an excellent speculator in Europe. He had a chapter to tell u how to treat the "tips".
[ 本帖最後由 b4321 於 2007-10-18 15:01 編輯 ]