(Cendol Soy Milk Pudding Topped with Longan Cendol)
1. 把清水、糖和果凍粉邊攪邊煮至溶,然後加入豆奶、鮮奶
和 cendol 攪煮至滾 ,倒入容器中,放入冰箱待凝固。
2. 取出豆奶布丁,加入龍眼及糖水即可食用。
325ml soy milk, 1 packet jelly powder, 350ml fresh milk, cendol, as required, 275ml water, 100g sugar, 1 canned longan, syrup, as required
1. Pour water into a saucepan. Add sugar and jelly powder.
Keep on stirring while dissolving the sugar and jelly
powder over low heat. Then, add the soy milk, fresh milk and cendol. Bring the mixture to boil, while continue to stir the mixture. Pour the contents into a container and set aside to cool before placing it in the refrigerator
to chill.
2. When the soy milk pudding has set, remove from the
refrigerator. Serve together with longan and syrup.