- 12號九巴...佐敦道碼頭至荔枝角....
20 年代九廣鐵路天星碼頭真相明信片
- I think the Star Ferry photo is actually the one on the Hong Kong side, the KCR is the destination of the Ferry, not the location of the ferry pier.
Sorry to interrupt:
1) The pic was taken in 1926 and the locale is Salisbury Road TST Star Ferry
2) The intriguing thing is the "Route #12" as shown on the Thonrycroft (?) single-decker bus. As far as my meagre knowledge can tell, there were only 10 bus routes serving Kowloon pre-1941 and "Route #2" ran from Star Ferry TST- Lai Chi Kok. From the pic, which I also have in my KMB history book, the figure "12" looks very exact leaving out any doubt that the stroke "1" is shadowy.
Expertise in this field to solve my doubt is henceforth most coveted