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The recent bottom might have been seen already...

­ì©«¥Ñ ¤pªá¦Ü·R ©ó 2007-12-1 21:31 µoªí
The right thing to do at the time of this posting (when HSI was around 27000) is to buy and hold preferred stocks and let the profit run,,, buying bull contract or index call another right strategy ...
with all fundamental factors i listed many times before, plus low
recent turnovers...
I think 30K pts (HSI) and 20K pts (CEI) is more unrealistic...
cannot see really good reasons to hold long positions...
¦³®M¤é¼@¥s"BIG MONEY", (­ì§@: ªi®ö¤WªºÅ]³N®v), ùØ­±­ÓªÑ¾Â¦Ñ«e½ú¦P¥Lªº®{§ÌÁ¿­¹ÄK¿N(たいやき, ³½«¬¨§¨F»æ), ­ø¦n³s³½§À, ³½ÀY³£°á¦í­¹®I, ¦]¬°DÀ`«Y¤¤¶¡¦P®I¦n®e©ö®C¦º,·N«ä§Y«Y¸Ü, Long ¤S¦n Short¤S¦n³£o§^¦n°á¦íÁȭӤɮö/¶^®ö¨ìÁȺɡK
§Ú³£¦n¦P·N, ¦ý¤H¤H³£·|³g


­ì©«¥Ñ peninsula ©ó 2007-12-2 06:33 µoªí

You are forever optimistic!
I made this post not because of optimism, but because there are signals indicating the correction is over,,,

Target around CNY would be +33000, let wait and see


¡ion.cc±M°T¡j ¤¤°ê¸gÀÙ¤u§@·|ij¤µ¤éµ²§ô¡A·|ij¤W©ñ±óí«Ø³f¹ô¬Fµ¦¡A©ú¦~±N¹ê¦æ±qºòªº³f¹ô¬Fµ¦¡AÄ~Äò¥[±j§ïµ½§»Æ[½Õ±±¡F¦P®É¡Aºî¦X¹B¥Î¦hºØ³f¹ô¬Fµ¦¤u¨ã¡A±Ä¨ú¦³¤O±¹¬I¡A¥[±j¬y°Ê©Ê¡A¶i¤@¨B§¹µ½¤H¥Á¹ô¶×²v§Î¦¨¾÷¨î¡A¥ç­n§ïµ½¤º»Ý¤Î°ê»Ú¦¬¤ä¥­¿Åª¬ªp¡A«P¶i¸gÀÙµo®i¡C¥t¥~¡A·|ij¤S«ü¥X¡A¤¤°êÀ³¹w¨¾¸gÀÙ¼Wªø¹L¼ö¤Î³qµÈ´c¤Æ¡C

wonder how the mkt wiill react tomorrow...
¦³®M¤é¼@¥s"BIG MONEY", (­ì§@: ªi®ö¤WªºÅ]³N®v), ùØ­±­ÓªÑ¾Â¦Ñ«e½ú¦P¥Lªº®{§ÌÁ¿­¹ÄK¿N(たいやき, ³½«¬¨§¨F»æ), ­ø¦n³s³½§À, ³½ÀY³£°á¦í­¹®I, ¦]¬°DÀ`«Y¤¤¶¡¦P®I¦n®e©ö®C¦º,·N«ä§Y«Y¸Ü, Long ¤S¦n Short¤S¦n³£o§^¦n°á¦íÁȭӤɮö/¶^®ö¨ìÁȺɡK
§Ú³£¦n¦P·N, ¦ý¤H¤H³£·|³g


­ì©«¥Ñ Jackel ©ó 2007-12-5 22:32 µoªí
¡ion.cc±M°T¡j ¤¤°ê¸gÀÙ¤u§@·|ij¤µ¤éµ²§ô¡A·|ij¤W©ñ±óí«Ø³f¹ô¬Fµ¦¡A©ú¦~±N¹ê¦æ±qºòªº³f¹ô¬Fµ¦¡AÄ~Äò¥[±j§ïµ½§»Æ[½Õ±±¡F¦P®É¡Aºî¦X¹B¥Î¦hºØ³f¹ô¬Fµ¦¤u¨ã¡A±Ä¨ú¦³¤O±¹¬I¡A¥[±j¬y°Ê©Ê¡A¶i ...
This one is US news though...
As usual, The Fed cook up some statistics to prop up the market .. the worker productivity advanced by an annual rate of 6.3%... and its GDP was calculated using the inflation rate of 0.8% (iirc)... when everywhere else experiencing notable inflation, including china... you have to question why most analysts still fall for this trick... actually most stock markets go up on seeing this 'good' data

All these lies are setting up excuses for more rate cuts, and to prop up the stock market on the brink of major correction or collapse...
If you don't trust gold, do you trust the logic of taking a pine tree, worth $4,000-$5,000, cutting it up, turning it into pulp, putting some ink on it and then calling it one billion dollars?


­ì©«¥Ñ Jackel ©ó 2007-12-5 22:32 µoªí
¡i18:17¡j2007¦~12¤ë05¤é ¶i ...
UP, of course!


No matter what the HSI finally ends up at the year ended, the HSI went from under 26,000 to 29887 at this moment, you and the bullish-ist sure have the win.

Every day is a new day. Now, we have to predict what will be next from now (not dragging by the previous wrong prediction)?
­ì©«¥Ñ ¤pªá¦Ü·R ©ó 2007-12-1 09:31 PM µoªí
The right thing to do at the time of this posting (when HSI was around 27000) is to buy and hold preferred stocks and let the profit run,,, buying bull contract or index call another right strategy ...
[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ eatallcheesecak ©ó 2007-12-6 10:45 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ eatallcheesecak ©ó 2007-12-6 09:41 µoªí
No matter what the HSI finally ends up at the year ended, the HSI went from under 26,000 to 29887 at this moment  
I am still of the view that HSI can reach 26000 in Q1 2008 as PRC exercises more control measures.


I wont be surprised that HSI will again hit 26000 or 32000 in the first quarter of 2008 or earlier, as 3000 to 4000 points rised or dropped in a very short time is not rare now.

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ eatallcheesecak ©ó 2007-12-7 01:24 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ peninsula ©ó 2007-12-6 21:53 µoªí

I am still of the view that HSI can reach 26000 in Q1 2008 as PRC exercises more control measures.
CEI would correct more...
¦³®M¤é¼@¥s"BIG MONEY", (­ì§@: ªi®ö¤WªºÅ]³N®v), ùØ­±­ÓªÑ¾Â¦Ñ«e½ú¦P¥Lªº®{§ÌÁ¿­¹ÄK¿N(たいやき, ³½«¬¨§¨F»æ), ­ø¦n³s³½§À, ³½ÀY³£°á¦í­¹®I, ¦]¬°DÀ`«Y¤¤¶¡¦P®I¦n®e©ö®C¦º,·N«ä§Y«Y¸Ü, Long ¤S¦n Short¤S¦n³£o§^¦n°á¦íÁȭӤɮö/¶^®ö¨ìÁȺɡK
§Ú³£¦n¦P·N, ¦ý¤H¤H³£·|³g


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