前晚去了main court,因為有好多好野又有後生...cannot only choose one,聽到$148+100(90分鐘)雙飛包起飛,去馬
半套 or 全套都有, but I prefer 半套, 技師 no black face
Two girl play together, very comfortable soft 4 hands
骨技都唔會好...技師態度very good, always laugh, one sit at bed end, one aside me for playing hand balls,
alternate hand job, one scrapping bagbag, OHHHHHHHH SOooooFffffffff
no request小費, 240 '9-0-ting', and 20 cuopon from manager, i.e. just $220落樓,
won $100 'Lai Wai Ming' Place at the last horse racing, won $500, so happy ending
Good experience, had free travel, 5'' from Lo Wu
Address: - see my past post
enjoy yourself
本帖最後由 PAULOVE 於 2007-12-6 00:46 編輯 ]