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How to use C++ in real life

How to use C++ in real life

其實學O左C++ 以后點apply到具體中 大家有冇好ge idea 分享


write a little game program...


thanks very much
i love it


If you need to write low level application that require good performance, then you need c++... but not many opportunity in job market, even they do, company only hire experience developer ( > +5 to 8 yr exp)


not just C++, all the software companies will only hire experienced software developers.


Yes, I agree but I would say not necessarily just low level programs.  I work in finance and c++ is used for our trading and risk systems as speed in computation is essential.  The design is fairly high level in terms of abstraction.  I would say plain old c is usually more reserved for low level applications.  I also agree with the work experience requirement, from my experience I was stuck doing java, perl and c for a couple of years before being allowed to do c++. The reason is not really because c++ is a difficult language but because I lacked an in depth knowledge of the finance and math required and it took me a few years to learn.  C++ is used for the "brains" of our applications which requires a developer with more than just programming knowledge.
原帖由 supplierhq 於 2008-1-28 19:42 發表
If you need to write low level application that require good performance, then you need c++... but not many opportunity in job market, even they do, company only hire experience developer ( > +5 ...




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