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AK-47 or M-16

AK-47 or M-16

Which is the more reliable weapon, AK-47 or M-16 ?


原帖由 luckydrawacc 於 2008-1-2 22:09 發表
Which is the more reliable weapon, AK-47 or M-16 ?
"Old soldiers never die; they just fade away."


Purely from design view point, AK47 is more reliable. M16 earlier design got jamming problem, until the M16A1 model got some improvement.
From manufacturing point, AK47 quality is poor, specially those from China. Barrel can get overheated easily.
AK47 using 7.62mm and got better penatration, but low accuracy since the gun is too light for this kind of ammo.  M16 is using 5.56mm and get less kickback, hence better accuracy and can also carry more ammo per person. 7.62 weight 40% more than 5.56.
In practice, I don't like both weapons. I perfer the old British L1A1 or the Belgium FAL.


原帖由 BenChek 於 2008-1-3 08:31 發表
Purely from design view point, AK47 is more reliable. M16 earlier design got jamming problem, until the M16A1 model got some improvement.
From manufacturing point, AK47 quality is poor, specially  ...
very professional




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AK47 i guess


Discovery 有一紀錄片講述獲選為十大最能改變世界之武器,
唯一入選之槍械為 AK-47

M16 一比之下相形見絀


M-16 is a precisely design weapon!
It is not suitable for daily use as experience tells!
AK47 is too tough and capable as your loyal friend in any warfare!
You drop AK47 in the mud, water or even in fire, just pick it up and shoot!!!
M-16 long range accuracy is useless in the real warfare!




AK47 absolute


原帖由 kenbondwong 於 2008-1-18 23:10 發表
M-16 is a precisely design weapon!
It is not suitable for daily use as experience tells!
AK47 is too tough and capable as your loyal friend in any warfare!
You drop AK47 in the mud, water or eve ...


原帖由 kenbondwong 於 2008-1-18 23:10 發表
M-16 is a precisely design weapon!
It is not suitable for daily use as experience tells!
AK47 is too tough and capable as your loyal friend in any warfare!
You drop AK47 in the mud, water or eve ...
It is not suitable for daily use as experience tells!
I wonder what daily experience you have?

Well, I used both.
AK47 design was good, but manufacturing let it down.
It is simple and reliable, as it should be.
The one I used was manufactured by Chez and the barrel got way too hot just after one clip and must wait for it to cool down. You dont want this in a battlefield. I heard Chinese version is even worse.
It also jumps very high since the 7.62 recoils very strong. You cannot carry too many clips since those 35 rounds 7.62 clips are really heavy.

M16 is also light but got far more components to take care in a battlefield situation, eg cleaning. So it is less reliable then the AK47.
5.56 recoils much less, and it will give you the accuracy. Anyone saying range and accuracy is not important has not been in a battlefield. You want to shoot as far as possible to keep the other guy away from you, which is also trying to kill you. Trust me, being shot at is no fun, cos you will die.

The chance if you drop them in mud or water, AK47 is more likely to survive to fire immediately.
The advantage of 5.56 is much lighter and you can carry a lot more clips. I dont remember anyone can carry more than 4 of those AK47 curved 35 rounds clips and still can run around. A rifle is useless without ammo. Another real battelfield situation to take care.

It is easy for us to argu here, but try to pick one up and kill someone with them, and keep yourself alive. In that situation which one you will use ? I will perfer more ammo and keep the one trying to kill me as far away as possible.

Again, I dont like any of those, still perfer a FAL or L1A1.

[ 本帖最後由 BenChek 於 2008-1-23 10:15 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Cleaning



AK47 is good


ak ak ak ak ak


This is gonna be another Glock 17 vs 1911 .45 again...


Not tried Glock 17, but .45 S&M is definitely a bloody canon. No way we can fire it using one hand only unless you are Arnold lookalike.
I believe the 9mm Glock is a much stable gun for practical use, if it is similar to the Browning which I used as standard NATO side arm.

[ 本帖最後由 BenChek 於 2008-2-8 18:50 編輯 ]


A very detailed discussion
i think L1A1 looks heavy and its ammo is also the 762, why do u prefer it?


Cos it is damn reliable and "handy" if you compare to the SA-80.  You just dont "feel" right while holding a SA80.
All infantry men perfer the old L1A1, especially you are a foot soldier getting any chance of close combat.
L1A1 fitted with the bayonet is a very scary weapon for close combat, or a granade launcher to take out light vehichels.
Also it is very accurate.  I have shot figure-11 at 1200 yards.


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should be AK47


I quite agree BenChek's points. But SA80 isn't too bad. It is just bit shorter than the others. Once you get used to hold it in your arm, its firing power and accuracy are definitely ok.

I don't remember the range of M16A1, the experience of firing a M16A1 is one word "confidence". I tried AK47 as well, I felt it was too powerful for me and had less chance to hit the target once the barrel heated up.

People may argue that one hit one die with AK47. I can tell you that any wound caused by firearms could be deadly in the field. For close quarter combat, you don't have time to think of the mechanism of your firearm, just too quick.

Hollywood or John Woo style ain't working!




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