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My first fastfood experience at LoWu village - Macau style

My first fastfood experience at LoWu village - Macau style

Last Saturday I was sitting in one of those restaurants in Lowu village checking out the girls, there was one 中女 (about 27 and pretty) walked by, looked and winked at me on the street so I smiled back.   She then came into the restaurant and sat with me.  She asked me for a quickie and asked for 200 RMB (I was thinking why I only have to pay for 100-130 for a 18-19 year old but pay for 200 for a 25+, so I told her that I don't have 200 (I knew at that time I had less than 150 RMB in my pocket but don't know the exact amount) but proposed that whatever I have in my pocket I gave to her and she have to accept.  She thought for a moment and accepted the bet.  I emptied my pocket onto the table and there were 136 RMB.  She was kind of disappointed but better than nothing.  She led me to the building next door.  She gave good service as 中女 normally does and her pussy is really pink (surprise me).  The place is also cleaner than other fastfood place I went before.  My question is how much c-hing usually pay for 中女 fastfood?  Is 136 a good price?


Never had the coruage/chance to try girls there.


回復 #1 CPKTVman 的帖子

如果$136 還要問是否俾多的!不如自己打飛機喇!雖然人肉平,但總比豬肉貴吧!


$136 is a very good price already........... and the pussy is pink! What more so you expect?!!!


原帖由 CPKTVman 於 2008-1-14 14:57 發表
Last Saturday I was sitting in one of those restaurants in Lowu village d ...
Should be under $130.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-1-14 20:17 發表

Should be under $130.
食得起就唔好貴, 俾多幾十算係俾d尊嚴人地, 一係就唔好搞


You are really a "Brave One".   

Following a stranger to her place is an extremely dangerous move.


原帖由 mnmn06 於 2008-1-14 14:27 發表
You are really a "Brave One".   

Following a stranger to her place is an extremely dangerous move.
This was my true story.  It was happened four years ago.  On one day’s morning, I was approached by a young lady near Shangri-la Hotel.  She said she could provide me with massage service in her apartment.  So I followed her and in her apartment, she asked me to undress.  I put off my t-shirt but refused to take off my underwear.  Anyway, she started her service.  After she had served me for several minutes, three strange men appeared suddenly.  I knew that I was trapped.  One man showed me his ID, said that they were Gong An and he was the group leader.  The other two men were busy in searching my belongings and the apartment.  Strange enough, they recovered some knives under the bed.  Then these two men led me into a corner and one of them “explained” the situation to me.  He said that I was really in trouble because I engaged in “calling chicken” and this chicken was a gangster!  Those weapons were evidence of her background.  Now I was inside that apartment, I was considered as a suspect of having these illegal weapons.  Another man asked me to sign a document that I confessed the action of “calling chicken”.  Eventually one of them said they intended to help me but I should cooperate with them.  If I paid them 5000 RMB, they could persuade the group leader to let me go.  I said I did not have 5000 RMB at that moment.  They said I could give them my ATM card and tell them the password.  They could retrieve money for me.  I had assessed the situation and it was almost impossible for me to escape.  Anyway, I reminded myself remaining calm.  I might still have the chance!  Then I told them the card was not mine, it was my dad’s card.  My dad did not allow me to disclose the password to any strange persons.  But I could go to ATM to get money.  If they did not trust me, I could surrender them my Return-home Card so that I should use money for exchange.  After several rounds of struggle, they said that’s OK but they did not fully trust me.  I should be escorted by one of them to ATM so that he could control the situation.  I smiled because my chance came.  After I had left that apartment, I directly ran into the Custom Building without any hesitation.  That guy did not follow me probably because I ran faster than him, or he was afraid of the Gong An nearby.  After hiding for 1/2 hour, I went to the Police Office and declared that I lost my ID.  The policeman told me that I should apply for a temporal ID.  Because I had hided HK$200 inside my shoes, I was able to travel to the Police Station (opposite to the Book City) and pay the fee for issuing a temporal ID without asking help from my friends or family.  Overall, I lost my mobile phone, my wallet and some cash inside.  But I survived.  To all brothers, here are my two suggestions:
1/  NEVER! Never follow stranger to strange place because you may not have the chance of getting out;
2/  ALWAYS! Always having HK$200 ready.  Hide it inside your shoes.  You never know when you need this HK$200.

[ 本帖最後由 sl886 於 2008-1-15 05:58 編輯 ]


原帖由 sl886 於 2008-1-15 00:27 發表

This was my true story.  It was happened four years ago.  On one day’s morning, I was approached by a young lady near Shangri-la Hotel.  She said she could provide me with massage service in h ...


woooo, just go with a lady pass by outside the window?
bro is really, really brave espsically when weather is strange these days


原帖由 197 於 2008-1-14 16:49 發表

It must have been really frightening.


Thanks for all the advice and I think I did not make myself clear in the beginning so I can clarify this with some background information.  I saw this lady quite a few times in the past already with other HK c-hing eating in the same restaurant I had lunch when she approached me.  Also I noticed her usually sitting in the LoWu village FL just across the street from the restaurant.  But as all c-hing said, never follow a stranger to her place.  Shequalified as a stranger to me since I don't know her but I already observed her for a long time jsut to me safe.


One more thing.  The place she led me to is right next door to the FL she belongs to and have multiple rooms just like a typical fastfood place.


I think the above story is a true one........... it si too risky to follow girls back to their apartment, expecially newly known ones.


Bros SL886's story is very valuable. Thanks again.


原帖由 colorbhk 於 2008-1-14 21:15 發表
食得起就唔好貴, 俾多幾十算係俾d尊嚴人地, 一係就唔好搞
I am just stating the market price. You don't know if good or bad until try.


原帖由 sl886 於 2008-1-15 00:27 發表
This was my true story.  It was happened four years ago.  On one day’s ..
I know true for sure!


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To all C Hing, even the gals you know, don't trust her as you never know when she needs money and get gangs to trap you.  Some C Hing said before, PLAY safe, PLAY long




I always believe that it is not a safe trade.
Try not to do this again, brother.


原帖由 sl886 於 2008-1-15 00:27 發表

This was my true story.  It was happened four years ago.  On one day’s morning, I was approached by a young lady near Shangri-la Hotel.  She said she could provide me with massage service in h ...
One of my friends had terrible experience a few years ago...........! Be cautious and not to play in such a risky way again.


原帖由 779394 於 2008-1-16 02:49 發表
Totally agree.  俾多小小錢玩, 當係買保險。廣東省仲有gong an查房, 但只要唔係過時過節洗太平地, 一般都沒問題, 忍唔住就留港建港啦。出左廣東省, 仲更安全, gong an基本上係唔會上酒店和SN捉人。而家有D省份, 好似四川和重慶, 所有娛樂場所都要有dom dom供應先可以營業, 如果無就要罰, 即係話, 只要玩得低調D就沒事。上次我入住一個叫個XXX武警渡假中心, 講到明係武警開的, 裡面一樣有野搞, 反而街外危機四伏!

相關搜索目錄: 酒店 保險 娛樂


It is just too risky to follow them to their place. I suggest that those who want to venture into this type of play can approach other experinced brothers for familiar places and telephone number. Also, it would be nice for thise brothers to help out. Sharing information is waht we want to do here.




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