First of all, many thanks for bro greenmail's support.
Speaking for myself,
I hold no strong view one way or another
Because I'm just one of the many participants in here, in the internet
It's just that there's one place called "Bro 4 Alliance" which interested me much, and so I kept revisting, and chit-chatting with the others
Nothing deliberate, nothing intentional
So long as there's a place where we can get together, I don't really mind how it's done
Also, matt matt is right
sometimes, our chit-chat may be too personal
and, worse still, it may cause inconvenience to others against our wishes
I believe that the present state of affairs is not too bad
speaking for myself again,
I'm most willing to issue my reports in here as well (though sometimes with slight modifications)
it's not necessary to be too 刻意 la
let the things take their natural course - 順其自然 loh