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Experience at Shanghai 吉原

Experience at Shanghai 吉原

Encouraged by all brothers’ sharing, following is my experience at  Shanghai 吉原(@胶州路 )last month, one day before I came back to US.
I got there about 6:30 pm. Well greeted by 4 门口小弟. Straight up to 2nd floor and I was led to a room to pick up MM. There were 6 or 7 MM, I picked one with media height, slim with media boobs. Followed here into SN room. It had 2 beds, one inside shower room, one outside shower room. As soon as got in the room, I asked her what service provided here(1st time to Shanghai SN). I was told full serv. w/730.00 per clock. She asked me wait a sec. and she went to get her stuff. After she came back, she joked with me, thought I already got undressed. Seeing her stripping off her black bikini, I started taking off my clothes. She’s kind my style, media-size boob.  Interesting enough, both her tits are kind dented in her boobs. I asked her why they were not stick out, she said she didn’t know why. I touched her boobs and told her they felt real(as I’ve seen too many fake boobs in both N & S America). She confirmed they were real. While we were showering, I chatted w/ her and learned she’s 24 yrs old, from 长春 and had been working in SN for 2 yrs. After showering, she asked me to get in the bed w/ face down; she poured some oil on my back and started doing massaging which I wasn’t really interested very much. The massage only took 10 min. I believed by then that 1st clock had been half way through(btw, a clock there is anywhere between 50 – 70 min. depending on if they are busy or not). After massage, we dried off and got out the showering room, she asked me lying in the bed, facing up. She started her MJ(no ‘rain coat’ on my DD). Since she saw me feeling cold, she only used warm stuff. Then we started 6-9 pose, still MJ. After a while, I asked her lying down, I’m on top this time. I joked with her I would make her feel high, she laughed and said she didn’t believe it. She put ‘rain coat’ oo my DD and I stared stick in. During my push back and forth, we were still chatting. I guessed by then the 1st clock was close to run out, she asked if I need another clock. Of course, I had not felt anything yet, neither did she. She called for another clock, we did not change our pose, I started pushing again. Here’s the part I liked. I started kissing her neck and ear and she responded accordingly(absolutely no mouth kiss), then I asked her turn around, raised her butt and I came in from back. She did not make very much sound but I felt she’s getting wet. I asked her lying down again w/face up. I stick in and continued to push. The more I pushed, the more she’s gotten wet and I could feel by then she came. After that I pushed several min.more, then I did my shot. I laid on her and we both took some rest, then we got up , took shower again and she cleaned up the ‘war zoon’. Since we still got quite some time(I believed since I had my 2nd clock), we chatted again. She told me she did feel high and it was the 2nd time she had that feeling from her work, 1st time she got that feeling was from an Italian guy, she joked she felt tired and could not continue her work that day, we both laughed. She called the clock by then and helped me got dressed and also put on her black bikini, then told me I could take some 消夜at the resting hall. We said bye to each other and went to the resting hall. I figured I spent about 120 min. in the SN room and first 30 min. was accounted for showering and massage. Overall, I think she was professional enough and we both enjoyed, plus that place treats customers well. This is just my experience and hope helpful to brothers’ adventures.


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
Thanks C hIng, how much for 120 mins serivce ?


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。

Experience at Shanghai 吉原

I checked out w/$1460.00 for 2 clocks.


提升 DSE 英文? 登記立即幫你免費預測DSE成績,為考試作出最佳部署!
原帖由 TexasElite 於 2008-2-10 18:53 發表
I checked out w/$1460.00 for 2 clocks.
Thanks for your good experience and sharing!!!


每日5分鐘,英文Level Up秘技大公開! - 登記全新每日英語,內容豐富又實用
Thanks for the detailed report. That's very expensive for 1Q service. For 2 hours, I think the girl should give you one more Q.


立即免費訂閱每周10分鐘英文小貼士 - 一個 Email 輕 鬆學識工作英語、旅遊英語及日常英語!
thank you thank you
  • anakin 體力 -60 惡意灌水 2008-2-26 21:48
  • anakin 威望 -60 惡意灌水 2008-2-26 21:48


每日5分鐘,英文Level Up秘技大公開! - 登記全新每日英語,內容豐富又實用
原帖由 liuxunzhen 於 2008-2-26 21:42 發表
thank you thank you
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


提升 DSE 英文? 登記立即幫你免費預測DSE成績,為考試作出最佳部署!

回復 #1 TexasElite 的帖子

Thank you for your detail report.



立即免費訂閱每周10分鐘英文小貼士 - 一個 Email 輕 鬆學識工作英語、旅遊英語及日常英語!
very detail report.. Thanks for sharing..  You are from Texas, C-hing?
C-hing, is it safe for this place, 吉原? I haven't done sauna in Shanghai (DG-CA is my home court)...
RMB1400 seems kind of expensive for me.


立即免費訂閱每周10分鐘英文小貼士 - 一個 Email 輕 鬆學識工作英語、旅遊英語及日常英語!

回復 #2 hkmgt 的帖子

Very detail report, thank you
shanghai is always expensive but you did enjoy it, that is good enough..
For sure one Clock is less than an exact hour..
原帖由 Haidada 於 2008-2-28 16:34 發表
Very detail report, thank you
shanghai is always expensive but you did enjoy it, that is good enough..
For sure one Clock is less than an exact hour..
1 clock in normal massage is ususally 45 min.  However, for naughty sauna, 1 session usually last > 1hr. In DG, it is normally 90 min after shower (where you will spend approx 20 min in side the shower with some action). Therefore, the whole sessiion will be around 110min.  

However, in Shanghai, 1 session usually last 70 min  and at most 90 min (starting from the minute you entered the room).  Sometimes, if you finished early and you did not insist, the girl will leave earllier (some saunas still insist to get the approval from the customer before letting the girl going earlier).  Texas's brother's experience of extending one session bcos' you had not delilvered yet is a bit unusual since some customers ask for 2 shots within the session to make the best use of the payment!  


每日5分鐘,英文Level Up秘技大公開! - 登記全新每日英語,內容豐富又實用
why so expensive?i only 760 for 90 min


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