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[原創] Today at Rainbow Sauna

Thanks for your advise.

Yes the service provided is absolutely worths what it costs. I wonder if there is any other place provided the same standard services in TST.

I tried one BG before, she talks like your girlfriend. Kiss your neck, face and bug you in Part 2. Not to mention you can touch whatever part of her body you like even remove her bar and kiss her **. They know how to light up your sexual desire and make you to come back again.


回復 619# 的帖子

c hing Amy 係唔係陀地BG o架?請多多指教


回復 624# 的帖子

c hing united, 提議你去check下10送4的套餐依家仲有無得賣,真係好抵o架,買10送4.....


回復 626# 的帖子

Formally speaking ... Rainbow can provide a relaxed environment  to me

Truly speaking ... The girls there have their own "fans" ...
They know how to keep you constantly to visit Rainbow  ...
I'm one of the fans of .... ^-^


Is the special couple plan 10+4 available now?


Is the special couple plan 10+4 available now?


Wonder if the BGs provide ML service?
I think it is a place for HJ with BM at most.
It is no way to have big plan within such a small area, or if any one try ML there?


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[quote]原帖由 happywkr 於 2010-2-1 12:21 發表

As I mentioned before, there is no big plan ar Rainbow, if ML happened, this is the pritwe deal between the customer and the BG only, Customer A got it but Customer B may not get. [/quote

Yes it is their private matter not the normal plan offered by the Rainbow.

It seems that those BGs from north have a better attitude than the local. They just make you feel she is your girlfriend and hold you and kiss you body through and look high when you finger dance her.

相關搜索目錄: Dance


Actually I tried some local, and they also have good attitude, likecarman, donna etc, but I am not sure they can provide ML or not.
However, rainbow has best service quality from both local and north.
Any C Hing can share his latest recall list?

[ 本帖最後由 simplecat 於 2010-2-1 21:46 編輯 ]


ML in rainbow...  local... BG is human too, ching just be polite and don't show boss attitude


Any brother to share the BGs list here?

Not necessary those who provide ML, just those with good attitude and skill make you feel happy at the end.


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I have been to Rainbow several times recently and find that the customers there are not as many as before.
There are used to be 5 to 6 people sitting at the waiting room but now it has only 2 to 3 people even at the busied hours between 5pm to 8pm. I wonder if some customers may have been diverted to other sauna which are newly opened in TST, or some good BGs like Fanny have left there and her fans leave with them.


rainbow sauna 下面有間浴足....




原帖由 happywkr 於 2010-2-1 12:21 發表

As I mentioned before, there is no big plan ar Rainbow, if ML happened, this is the pritwe deal between the customer and the BG only, Customer A got it but Customer B may not get.
I just wonder, ching

for part 2, is it FOR SURE? or  we need to request??

thanks in advance


Part 2 is automatic but I am a frequent customer so am not sure if they treat new customers differently.  Need to remember though that there are some BGs there who are just "pure" massage and no part 2.


One of the big reasons why I keep going to Rainbow is because of the good service and the decent quality local BGs.  In HK, it is so difficult to find good local gals, i.e. born and raised here as opposed to those who moved here for a couple years and have a HK ID.  Granted, the Rainbow BGs are on the older side (doubt you will find many in their 20's), many of them are real local gals.  Combine local BGs with good service and good bone skills, this is the best sauna for me in HK right now.


The quality of BGs are guaranteed in Rainbow. That is explained for the high price.


原帖由 United 於 2010-2-2 23:08 發表
The quality of BGs are guaranteed in Rainbow. That is explained for the high price.


回復 645# 的帖子

Can't agree more



Are Rainbow at TST and North Point both have same quality of BG and service? I went to TST before and love it, but I live in HK island.


Not a place elsewhere I have visited so far is as good as Rianbow.




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