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[原創] Today at Rainbow Sauna

Rainbow Sauna 服務真的很出色.


Wonder how different BGs treat people in the room.
I have experience that, for part two, the BGs starts with rpp, balls, then face up, she kiss around my chest, nipples, hold me and lies down on me, wisple around the ear, then finally finsihed with HJ. At the end when say goodbye, she hold me again and kiss around neck.
Very girlfriend feel and unforgetable.


回復 652# 的帖子

I have tried some times too, really felt good! that's why i agree both hardware and software are both great to keep clients.

any ching can share his experience which bg wearing t-back? many thanks!

[ 本帖最後由 simplecat 於 2010-2-4 02:34 編輯 ]


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are the rainbow in TST and North Point both offer same price and service?????


Where is the Rainbow in North Point?


回復 657# 的帖子

There is only one Rainbow in HK.

- 地址:尖沙咀東 幸福中心


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回復 655# 的帖子

I remember several wore t-backs: Gucci, Coco, Annie, Daisy, Shadow......
Most of them were beautiful......


Do the BGs recognise chings when you visit them?
I have an experience that, when I enter the room, the BG said has not seen me for over a month, I told her that I have just visited her the last week. She said I must be asking for another BG. How can I forget the vist which cost me 1200 each time?

The BG must be forgiven considering the number of man she served every day, 3 or 4 at least, but it is a hard feeling when you realized that actually she does not recognised you and not put you in her heart actually.

Anyway, it is just a money issue.


how many times have you visited her?  i think once you become a regular, they will of course recognize you.  but for the BGs, their good customers would go several times a week and there are many customers like that


回復 659# 的帖子

Thanks Ching for info. I don't need to waste time and money for Tin Hau branch then.


原帖由 paloalto2008 於 2010-2-5 00:42 發表
I remember several wore t-backs: Gucci, Coco, Annie, Daisy, Shadow......
Most of them were beautiful......


原帖由 United 於 2010-2-5 11:19 發表
Do the BGs recognise chings when you visit them?
I have an experience that, when I enter the room, the BG said has not seen me for over a month, I told her that I have just visited her the last week. ...
How can they remeber all customers?  except with close relationship


原帖由 gowentgone 於 2010-2-5 13:20 發表

How can they remeber all customers?  except with close relationship
How many visits you need to make before you become a close customer??


my guess is for a new customer, at least 4-5 times within a month?  i go several times a week.  these things are all relative.  for the BGs, they serve 3-5 customers a day.  if they haven't seen you within the last 4-5 days, to them, it is not the recent past anymore and they won't remember (unless you are a regular customer).  if you were them, you would focus your attention on the most frequent customers also and that means several times a week.  once you get to know them well as a regular customer, then I don't think they will forget


At rainbow, we spent some money to "buy" 90 minutes' service time, or happy time. I guess we probably should not take the words of BGs seriously, and just have fun with them, making sure that the time and money is well spent...


Yes agreed.
Unless you are a movie star or spend extra monies to them each time, do not expect they take you seriously.
Any new BGs to share?


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Agreed. I also have met "Lek Gor" a while ago in the afternoon.


Last week I met "小瑤" in Rainbow
Local, nice figure & friendly ... but service is just ...
Anyway this is only my personal opinion


原帖由 United 於 2010-2-5 16:51 發表
Yes agreed.
Unless you are a movie star or spend extra monies to them each time, do not expect they take you seriously.
Any new BGs to share?
to expect a movie star spend extra money is rediculous,   some of them is much worse than a reqular customer.

Espically the famous one , such as AT.


原帖由 United 於 2010-2-5 16:51 發表
Yes agreed.
Unless you are a movie star or spend extra monies to them each time, do not expect they take you seriously.
Any new BGs to share?
I don't think that you need to be a big spender, if you become the BG's old customer, she will serve you very well.  How about you, any good BGs could be shared?


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