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[原創] Today at Rainbow Sauna

原帖由 2017 於 2010-9-23 22:43 發表

As it was my first time, I actually do not know how to answer your questions. But, some comment on these two:

1. I guess I got part 2 because I told the manager I can't be massaged by power.

Brother 2017, would you mind sharing with us what bg did after you shot?  How much time was left when you shot?  I am afraid bg will stop service me once I shoot even there is still time left.


I would like to know what is the best time to visit rainbow on weekdays.  I mean few customers and more bg choice.  Thanks!


I go several times a week and i told you pure bone is the same price.  what more confirmation do you need?  if you don't believe it, go and see for yourself


Any new Bgs worths to try?


原帖由 jlun 於 2010-9-25 11:36 發表

Brother 2017, would you mind sharing with us what bg did after you shot?  How much time was left when you shot?  I am afraid bg will stop service me once I shoot even there is still time left.
She help me to clean. Then, she said there was still some time and ask where did I want to massage.
There was about 15 min left.


原帖由 bhead 於 2010-9-24 01:20 發表

man you were so lucky i didnt even get part 2 days ago on my first visit, and u got irene

how does she look? can u describe ? thx.

and reply to a brother above, yeah if it's pure bone it's ...
She look about late 20 to 30 (not sure), triangular face. To me, she did not look pretty but ok. But, it was very nice that she has good body shape, smooth skin and soft voice (although sound north).

Before I left, I saw a few much more pretty one at the reception. They wear pink uniform. I like them more but not sure they are bg or not? Any brother can tell?


原帖由 DaiLiu 於 2010-9-25 14:07 發表
I go several times a week and i told you pure bone is the same price.  what more confirmation do you need?  if you don't believe it, go and see for yourself
several times a week? You are so rich!!!


原帖由 2017 於 2010-9-26 14:14 發表

She look about late 20 to 30 (not sure), triangular face. To me, she did not look pretty but ok. But, it was very nice that she has good body shape, smooth skin and soft voice (although sound nort ...
Night shift, which one's good?


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I will make my first visit to Rainbow in these few days.  As I will go around 15:00, I think I can only choose day shift bgs.  As recommended by chings, Irene will be my 1st choice.  In case she is on leave or serving another customer, anyone can recommend other day shift bgs as my 2nd or 3rd choice?

Is Amy day shift?  Is Carman still here?  Thanks.


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原帖由 jlun 於 2010-9-27 22:04 發表
I will make my first visit to Rainbow in these few days.  As I will go around 15:00, I think I can only choose day shift bgs.  As recommended by chings, Irene will be my 1st choice.  In case she is on ...
if you have a target already, why don't you make a reservation by phone before you go there ?


回復 1013# 的帖子

i totally agree with c hing wewa_168!


Do I need to leave my phone number when making a booking?


Is there only one entrance to Rainbow?  I feel embarrassed when waiting for the lift which is near the rice noodle restaurant.


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i agree with c hing happywkr

just go !   maybe u ought enjoy a good bowl of noodles in the noddles coffee shop before visiting to relax


師兄, 想請問成個過程 part 1-2 幾多分鍾呢?



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原帖由 DaiLiu 於 2010-9-25 14:07 發表
I go several times a week and i told you pure bone is the same price.  what more confirmation do you need?  if you don't believe it, go and see for yourself
睇左你地厘條thread咁耐, 都心郁郁想試試 (雖然貴左D), 但我係新客, 唔係好知厘間野既規距, 因為好似你咁講, 有無hj都係同價, 我駛唔駛暗示給經理知?

因為好似2017師兄咁, 佢無暗示, 佢都食到好野. 你知啦, 成$12xx, 如果好似2017師兄或者其他兄弟咁有咁正既服務就話姐, 如果無part2 hj, 咁貴玩正骨, 唔多值喎, 我唔想行寃枉路!

因為好想今晚就去試, 唔想分開兩條題目問等各位回覆, 所以冒昧問多少少野:

1. 係唔係好似其他場咁直接同經理講個BG既名, 唔駛叫number?
2. 想update一下, 睇左咁多條賽後評論, 雖然各花入各眼, 但發覺Bonnie, Irene, Mimi, Winnie等都是最多c-hing讚好既, 佢地仲有無係度做呀? 有無其他好介紹呀?

[ 本帖最後由 射精 於 2010-10-5 12:43 編輯 ]
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原帖由 happywkr 於 2010-10-5 14:13 發表

Even you ask the manager about the part 2 service, she would say no, because officially there should be no part 2 service, but the BG is willing to massage your lower part to make you enjoy a rela ...
多謝你回覆!! 唔好介意我問一個低B問題, 係唔係應該入到房後向BG暗示, 仰或BG會自動自覺呢?

根據你或大家既經驗, 多唔多BG會有part 2 ? 例如我提的幾個BG, 會否自動波呢?

另外, 你提到day shift 同 night shift, 即係各自邊段時間?

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原帖由 happywkr 於 2010-10-5 15:07 發表

I can't reply you on behalf of the BGs, but I would off my pants myself before part 1and expect a good massage to my whole body.

Day shift: 1200 to 2000,  Mid/ night shift: 1500 to 0230.
Thanks!! 另外想問下Bonnie, Mimi, winnie 同 Irene係唔係local or north ?
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