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[原創] Babies for Barack Obama

Babies for Barack Obama

Very funny

Obama Baby......Obama Baby......Obama Baby......

[ 本帖最後由 arararchchch 於 2008-4-5 15:52 編輯 ]
  • 20thcb 體力 +16 精品文章 2008-4-6 01:25
  • 20thcb 威望 +16 精品文章 2008-4-6 01:25


Babies for Barack Obama 歌詞

(Do you want a bottle?
Do you want a bear?)

I don't want my bootle.
I don't want my bear.
I just want a president who's really gonna care.

I don't want a blanky.
I don't want a boob.
I just want a president who won't send us down the tube.

I'm an Obama Baby, Obama Baby, Obama Baby.
I'm an Obama Baby, Obama Baby, Obama Baby.

I don't want bananas.
I don't want green peas.
I just want a president endorsed by Kennedys.

I don't want my naptime.
I don't want my swing.
I just want a president who will restore honour and dignity to the white house. (rushing)

I'm an Obama Baby, Obama Baby, Obama Baby.
I'm an Obama Baby, Obama Baby, Obama Baby.

McCain makes me go. WAAAAA
Huckabee makes me go. WAAAAA
Romney makes me go. WAAAAA
Rudy makes me go. WAAAAA
Hillary makes me go. WAAAAA

You know what they say
Politicians are like diapers.
If they're full of &$*!


[ 本帖最後由 arararchchch 於 2008-4-7 22:24 編輯 ]





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