原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-4-11 10:40 發表
井底蛙遊踪之八 ---- DL TV SN
偶然拜讀了 denny 兄的DL 報告, 得知天外有天, 在 DG 竟有如斯超豪的男人天堂, 況且雖然 CP 仍有不少 SN 有待開发, 但在 “嘗新” 的前題推动下, ...
icheng brother, you are v. efficient in exploring this place. As I said, this is a good place for those who like luxurious decoration and facilities. The only place that has similar standard will be in MND with 鋼管舞 (report submitted long ago, with the help of Sigma brother).
A few comments
1) TV SN 亦有提供交通安排往返 CP 火車站, 需時約 20 分鐘, 費用 rmb 40 - in fact, you coudl take a taxi from CP to TV SN, cost is about 30-40. No need to wait for their transportation.
2) the 2nd shift starts at 7pm. Those brothers who want more selection should go there later.. Of course, if you have to report duty to boss at home, then better stick to icheng suggested itinerary.
本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-4-11 12:38 編輯 ]