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[疑難] UK London 141

UK London 141

I will be traveling to Ireland for business, and will stop-over London for 2 days.

I did some research and found these...they look so hot...so hard to choose and need some help!

Which one would you choose? (remove the spaces in the links)

http://www.agencybar  racuda.com/es  cortprofile.php?id=531

http://www.agencybarra  cuda.com/escortprofi  le.php?id=402

http://www.agen  cybarracuda.com/escortp  rofile.php?id=195

http://www.affairgi  rls.co.uk/escorts/london-escort-Edgwa  re-Road-W2-Genta347.cfm

http://www.affa  irgirls.co.uk/escorts/london-escort-Great-Portlan   d-St-W1-Kendra324.cfm


原帖由 chef123 於 2008-4-13 15:43 發表
I will be traveling to Ireland for business, and will stop-over London for 2 days. ...


If the charge is in UK pounds, then they are all too expensive.


原帖由 NewBro 於 2008-4-17 04:13 發表
If the charge is in UK pounds, then they are all too expensive.
Yeah, it's in pounds - mostly in 150 to 200 pounds.

But what about 1 HR service - 2 shots.  It seems the standard service is 1 BBBJ + CIM, then FS...sometimes twice (that's what i read from a lot of reviews - YMMY).  But I will play safe for sure.

I am just thinking it's once of a life-time thing, unless some bros can show me where to go in TO for the same quality level of EE girls.


Just came across this link...

h t t p :// www .agency-asian-london.com/ escort-34

Do you believe she's Jap?  a bit of too much make-up but looks hot to me though


>Do you believe she's Jap?  a bit of too much make-up but looks hot to me though

Nah, I dont think she is pure Japanese. Probably Chinese/Japanese or Korean/Japanese.

If you are going to Ireland, you can alsotry the MM there. The prices are slightly cheaper than in London. Agencybarracuda is a very good company and the girls are nice. If you think the cost are higher, they have some girls that charge for 30 mins and 45 mins. You need to click on each one to check who do 30/45min.


原帖由 gadgetman 於 2008-4-19 03:40 發表
>Do you believe she's Jap?  a bit of too much make-up but looks hot to me though

Nah, I dont think she is pure Japanese. Probably Chinese/Japanese or Korean/Japanese.

If you are going to I ...
Thanks for the info, it's good to know that agency is "for real"

Not sure if I have time in Ireland, it will be a long work-day there.


goto places aorund chinatown.  read local english papers


>goto places aorund chinatown

Come on, forget it. There is no more around Chinatown. And those that are, you will not attend. Old and fat and for the same price. Would you do it? Its best to choose like AgencyBarracuda and other agents. If you want Chinese/Asian then go and pick up a copy of 華商報. There is a full page of adverts in there. Prices are around 60-80 GBP.


Thanks for the info


uk chick very expensive bor....and a lot of Thai


原帖由 gadgetman 於 2008-4-21 23:41 發表
>goto places aorund chinatown best to  ...
How is software?


原帖由 gadgetman 於 2008-4-21 23:41 發表
>goto places aorund chinatown

Come on, forget it. There is no more around Chinatown. And those that are, you will not attend. Old and fat and for the same price. Would you do it? Its best to  ...
華商報 is good choice, 60-80 Pounds for 30mins, you have to contact agents if you want to try good west girls, very expesive.

such as




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