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[原創] 老太監 - Change name to avoid diaster + first report in KY

原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 14:11 發表
But that's not your style when you're frequent customer of HL!
There were quite some legends over HL at that time....... I still missed my little Doggie !

[ 本帖最後由 icheng609 於 2008-4-15 15:03 編輯 ]


回復 #26 icheng609 的帖子

Yes, so do I.  She's excellent although the hardware is really so and so!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 14:38 發表
Yes, so do I.  She's excellent although the hardware is really so and so!!
I received a short massage from Zhou last night, stating that "XX最近新進了一批上等紅酒,味道純香可口,价格实惠, 買一送一, 歡巡迎閣下來电預定和品嘗!"... Any interest?

相關搜索目錄: 紅酒


"買一送一" in HL? really that good?


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-15 15:16 發表
"買一送一" in HL? really that good?
I don't know......... can any brother verify this?


回復 #30 icheng609 的帖子

Why don't you give her a call to verify?


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 15:34 發表
Why don't you give her a call to verify?
I would like to do so, but I can manage it at present.

[ 本帖最後由 icheng609 於 2008-4-15 15:36 編輯 ]


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 15:34 發表
Why don't you give her a call to verify?
I don't have the facility to make long distance call in hand....................


回復 #33 icheng609 的帖子

What about your 一卡兩號 used in your mobile phone??


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 15:39 發表
What about your 一卡兩號 used in your mobile phone??
I have lost the prefix of making the call to China! Maybe you can make the call on my behalf for the details, please.


回復 #35 icheng609 的帖子

Why don't we call her later when we're together in SZ!! It'll save some money!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 16:01 發表
Why don't we call her later when we're together in SZ!! It'll save some money!!
Btu it will happen a few days later and we shall not be able to share the information in the quickest manner.


回復 #37 icheng609 的帖子

Well, but it seems that not too much brothers are interested in HL anymore.  Even we have have shifted our focus to CP!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-15 16:13 發表
Well, but it seems that not too much brothers are interested in HL anymore.  Even we have have shifted our focus to CP!!
OK............. then let's forget about it for a while...........


There are really some "FxxKing Ching", who told the girls in "Factory", that "7-siu" took the phots of the girls and posted in the internet.

I really want to know what is the logic this "FxxKing Ching" is thinking. As my name is disclosed to the girls and "Factory" management. What sort of benefit this one can get ? Nothing except being "FxxK " by all of us, but make my situation dangerous !!!!


回復 #40 7-siu 的帖子

呢啲人最好係拉佢去遊街示眾啦, 做埋啲損人不利己嘅嘢!


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-4-15 16:21 發表
There are really some "FxxKing Ching", who told the girls in "Factory", that "7-siu" took the phots of the girls and posted in the internet.

I really want to know w ...
把那些 "Fxxking CHing" 揪出來!

損人而不利已, 有乜謂!


perhaps 7-siu 大大 should consider changing his web-name and opening a new account this time!


Yes... It really hurt... and it almost crash the tower I have built...

I totally agree that I really don't know what's point to tell so many stuff in such a detail...

That's why, I won't use Chinese to comment or report... at least my tiger only know how to read and speak "Tigernese"...

And I have to be very careful on all my move...


7-siu, long time no see, how are you...


The girls told me that "fxxking ching" is a Taiwanese.

Lucky that I have a good guy reputation in Factory. Last night, Cheung Pak Chi's sister came into our room, burst out crying, she was drunk and told me she loves me. Why I love another one but not her.

I told her that just because I like her, I don't want to hurt her, as we all know that I cannot give her anything, no matter money, marriage cert or other, I have 4 wives already, I cannot handle anymore. I have to love my wives.

Finally, I took her home, her home, and kissed her and searched all over her body for 15 minutes. As the driver was waiting downstair, I have to go.

P.S. 1 of my friends actually nominated her to sit table, and she knew he is my friend, she told him that she is having period, so not convenient. Actually, she is waiting for me.

[ 本帖最後由 7-siu 於 2008-4-15 19:00 編輯 ]


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-4-15 18:39 發表
The girls told me that "fxxking ching" is a Taiwanese.

Lucky that I have a good guy reputation in Factory. Last night, Cheung Pak Chi's sister came into our room, burst out crying, she ...
有情皆孽, 無情太苦


Hey ~~ brother !
I can make long distance call !!!

let me know the information and I will call for you guys to verify.
Let me know what kind of items that you want to verfiy.


hmmm, maybe me tooo

Now, if we change IDs, do we get to keep old "points"?


And per this moment, I can't get back my point... I know 求老闆 could help... but I don't know if it is possible...

But better get a mentally preparation that you have to lose everything and rebuild again...




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