原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-4-28 09:03 發表
Wa, sounds interesting.. Could you tell the difference of the girls? 4/5/6/7 are quite complicated wor...
Finally, I managed to visit this sauna with my friend.
It is about a 10 min from the Factory.. Look like to be a 4-star hotel.. The reason i chose this one is bcos I am finding the girls in Pacific and "France" too fake. This place and HKZhou brother desc. seems that a more intimate, less commercial feel may be provided (relatively).
we are brought to a normal hotel room, quite big with steam sauna but no meat table nor any other "facilities". The lady manager came in, not the young type as found in other saunas, possibly at her 30's. She still looks good.. She said that bcos of reasons "XYZ", there are not too many girls now (we possinly went there too early). She brought in 14 girls, only in 4 and 5 (no 6 or 7 as they have not come back to work). The uniform is too conservative although i quite liked the air-stewardness uniform. There are about 4-5 eatable one and after another 5 min inspection , I chose a 1.65m girl from Hebei, 23 (look like 20), but with the japanese "Bao" type teeth. She was very cute, and slim waist altough a bit flat. I was quite happy with my selection since the girls in general are tall and less worn out. (may be i went there too early)..
Then, we started off with the usual shower thing. Since she was so cute and she always laughed, I felt that she is a Japanese AV girl! Blood suddenly flew to my didi and I whispered into her ear, saying that have you tried doing it inside a shower room? She showed her shyness and said "no". I asked "do you want to try?" she replied " "yes, with you". Althogh I knew it was sweet word, my heart was warm and my dick was hard. We managed to do like a typical Japanese av movie, with me attacking her from the back. She also matched my attack by twisitng her waist slightly.. The scene was very erotic that I quickly delivered my 1st round.
The 2nd part was roughly the same as the ISO 9002,with some newer technique like the use of 2 vibrator egg and didi. She gave the orgasm feel when i inseerted the articiial didi to her part, and the scene was erotic!
A happy experience with room at 168 and girl at 500 ( 400 is available).