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[原創] “精” 英同盟會 - 老太監 - Site Visit Report for FF in SZ

“精” 英同盟會 - 老太監 - Site Visit Report for FF in SZ

Wanna have a FF last night afterward

Arrived LWEST at around 1900... just less than 15 Dinosaur there... my familiar GT also said GA requested them not to stay in the street... stay in the shop is possible... then many MM leave to other place, like Cheung Sha Wan and LakeShell...

Moved to WESTEST at around 1945... ALL... yes "ALL" shop close with only a few MM around the outside street... but many GT still asked ppls go to upstair to have a look... claims those GA won't come up...

Any c hing wanna take the risk?  No thanks... not for me...

2000... go home desperately...


嘩! 咁混亂! 都係咪制咯!


Yes... even I found a real good target yesterday in West... but... after a deep thinking for ... 5 sec... no... no thanks... if I don't have time constraint... I might buy out to other place...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-25 11:41 發表
Yes... even I found a real good target yesterday in West... but... after a deep thinking for ... 5 sec... no... no thanks... if I don't have time constraint... I might buy out to other place...
I would like to join your game next time if invited.


My FF trip is always adhoc...

But SN trip is pretty steady schedule...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-25 11:53 發表
My FF trip is always adhoc...

But SN trip is pretty steady schedule...


I will let you know if I got any Adhoc trip... PM me your contact la...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-25 03:53 發表
My FF trip is always adhoc...

But SN trip is pretty steady schedule...
I have never tried FF.....


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-25 11:24 發表
Wanna have a FF last night afterward
Arrived LWEST at around 1900... just less than 15 Dinosaur there... my familiar GT also said GA requested them not to stay in the street... stay in the shop  ...
So bad. Seems serious crack-down?


Yes.. due to 5-1 and Olympics... some MM already looking for other options...

In fact, even K and SN will be targetted durig Olympic... but just that we don't know how strong it will be


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-26 09:08 發表
Yes.. due to 5-1 and Olympics... some MM already looking for other options...

In fact, even K and SN will be targetted durig Olympic... but just that we don't know how strong it will be
冇錯, 我上一個星期都係睇完就走, 感覺已經唔安全. 雖然都有睇岩, 不過同公公既情況完全一樣. 唔夠時間打包. 所以食白果. 明天有機會單身再去深圳. 今次一定要食到.




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