Well, by listening to that, it obviously is a political propaganda and did not correctly state some well known historical fact straight... because that is not in the favor of the Chinese Communist party.
3:20 China isolated herself 200 years ago and as a result she is still an developing country...
--- Really needs someone simple and naive to believe. He should do better layout rather than making an empty statement like this.
5:04 .... annex the area into new India..
--- No, that area has been reclaim by PRC in 1960 after an Indo-China war, but subsequently deserted for unknown reason...
....... 1950 after ending the Chinese civil war and defeating the Imperial Japanese Army..
The fact is " Defeating the Japanese Army " and then " Armistice of Chinese Civil War had not been honoured by PRC army" and these are two independent issue and not in that order.
6:20... Sending Dalai Lamma and his contrual ... into India ever since..
The central govt had always mantained the Dalai Lamma was kidnapped into India.