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Abbey Interior

Abbey Interior

Hexham Abbey - May 2008. Taken with Canon 40D.

[img] [/img]


Beautiful colours and lighting.
Did you use flash?
香港 --> 雪梨


原帖由 MovieMonster 於 5/27/2008 06:07 AM 發表
Hexham Abbey - May 2008. Taken with Canon 40D.

C Hing 強項...  HDR??
唔好話離開髐G十年, 即使到死o個日我都會係香港人!!!


Yes, usmaeless, well spotted - HDR - with careful blending to create as natural as possible lighting.  Three exposures +2, 0 and -2 ev, without flash of course.  

BTW - I like your perfect macro shots, and well carried out experiments with water droplets.  They are excellent!


我係初學者, 玩玩下.  多謝意見!
唔好話離開髐G十年, 即使到死o個日我都會係香港人!!!


Woo .... HDR images !!! ....

I've heard about HDR but never tried. So I want to ask the following Qs about HDR :

1. Is "3 exposures" a must in making HDR? Somebody say 2 or even 1 is enough.
2. Should I take RAW or JPG?
3. Besides Photomatix, is there other softwares that is convenient to be used in making HDRi?

Thank you very much.


Q1: It depends on the dynamic range (i.e. the level of contrast between hightlights and shadows).  If the dynamic range is not high - one can get away with one shot.  Otherwise two, three or even five expsoures may be needed to prevent total white or black out - i.e. to prevent pixels that have values of 0 (complete black) or 255 (complete white) that cannot be further processed.  The shots shown here are taken with three exposures 0, +2 and -2 evs.  This example shown below that I have experimented last year was taken with one shot - the dynamic range is not diverse and I can get away with it - with the bonus that the sky is musch more interesting than the original version.

Q2. Raw is preferred as raw format captures more data than JPG.  Although JPG can still be used the results can be limited.  Raw format has a depth of 24 or 48 bit, a tiff format 16 bit and JPG 8 bit - you loose data and hence definitions with JPGs.

Q3 - Photoshop CS3/CS2 has this feature built in and is quite easy to use.  There are one or two others that I have tried as well.



Thanks a lot


原帖由 usnameless 於 2008-5-29 03:37 發表

C Hing 強項...  HDR??
其實點知呢張相係HDR 呢?


原帖由 yannieyam 於 6/6/2008 04:41 PM 發表

其實點知呢張相係HDR 呢?
一般HDR色彩較濃, 陰影位少, 相既立體感亦較唔統一...

[ 本帖最後由 usnameless 於 2008-6-6 22:50 編輯 ]
唔好話離開髐G十年, 即使到死o個日我都會係香港人!!!




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