Interest rate is not the only factor to determine whether a currency is strong or not. The reasons (still not the only factors) behind the interest rate rise or cut are more important.
However, I don't think AUD nor NZD are good to invest at this stage as they are in recorded high.
I use my AUD to invest in the Aussie stock market which are high quality - agriculture, mining, oil and banking. The China gov't is buying many mining companies at premium to secure the supply. So I don't think the natural resource in Aussie companies will be in big drop, especially the huge ones.
For emerging markets, no la. I can't escape fast enough.
澳大利亞財長斯万(Wayne Swan)周二表示,中國監管机构授予了澳大利亞"投資目的地國"的地位,這為中國資本進一步流入澳大利亞鋪平了道路,中國對澳大利亞的投資勢必將再次獲得提振。
斯万表示,中國銀行業監督管理委員會(China Banking Regulatory Commission, 簡稱:銀監會)
他還表示,中澳兩國目前還在討論澳大利亞財政部(Australian Treasury)和中國國家發展和改革委員會建立机构合作的事宜,目的是促進經濟方面的經驗交流。
原帖由 ces 於 2008-6-13 01:12 發表
But in my view AUD may enter into it's bearish stage after the coming rates meeting no matter whether there is a rate rise or not, Unless the central bank deliviers a very strong post meeting n ...
本帖最後由 b4321 於 2008-6-13 13:51 編輯 ]