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Batam Islands

Batam Islands

heard that quite a lot of Singaporeans go to this Indonesian island just like we go to Shen Zhen !

what kind of services are provided ther ?

karaoke ? saunas or fishbowls ?

what type of girls usually could be found there ? Indonesians , Malays , Malaysian Chinese , or Mainland Chinese ?

how about  the charges ?

thanks !


回復 #1 Oldman 的帖子

I cannot believe this, I was there about 23 years ago....


what did you have 23 years ago ?


原帖由 Makeice55 於 2008-6-3 12:51 發表
I cannot believe this, I was there about 23 years ago....
You meant 2 or 3 years ago??


any hints, brothers ?


原帖由 Oldman 於 2008-6-3 19:53 發表
what did you have 23 years ago ?
A pair of hands??


回復 #4 peninsula 的帖子

No, It was 23 years ago, the Canadian interest rate was 21%.  I was working in Singapore in a construction site, to erect a six stories factory. It so happened, my counter part, also a Hong Kong worker educated in Canada.  He told there is an island that have pigs with hooves.   This is a great opportunity, we can export pork to sell to the Jews.

Anyway, I took my first ever ride on a Hydrofoil to Batam.  I remember, my friend told me to follow him, I dropped $10 local currency, we just walked past the custom officers.   No questions were asked.

We checked in a "place".  The owner was delighted I am a Canadian, he never seen a Canadian passport  before.  The is no running water, he showered with water in a sump, collected with bamboo pipeline.

That night, we met a contractor our job site. He took us to a beach restaurant, amazing seafood, gray fish and fresh fish for dinner.  The whiskey was cheap.  It was surprising that in a Muslin country, one can enjoy excellent whiskey at very low prices.  I was drunk, very drunk......


回復 #7 Makeice55 的帖子

I remembered, we hired a taxi to go up the mountain.  By the way, the contractor brought a young Local man with us.  We went up and went down, I sew a few log houses within a compound.  I believe, there were armed guards outside the compound.

I don't how we selected this particular log house, it got at least 50 rooms on each side, the rooms are opened on the top with partition walls between them.  My friend told me, I can go inside talk to the girls in the the room, as long as there are no sandals in front of it (i.e. she is not busy).

The rooms are small, bright clean and airy.  I was total hammered by now.  I don't know how I selected this young girl about 18-17 years old, how the transaction was done. I remembered the girl left the room, I assumed she took a shower, and my friend handed me a condom.  

She returned, I put on the condom, and went at it.  I recalled she wasn't very friendly, maybe, I was too drank...I didn't the enjoy the session at all. I was told later that these girls do not like the clients to use condoms....

As I was leaving, I noticed the young local man was very happy and his girl was very receptive to this young men. I  bet you this guy did not use a condom.

There was a cab waiting for us, we returned to the "Place".  

In closing, I noticed the young local men have no jobs. They just stand and chat all days. I guess the local girls have a make a living.

I never return again. It maybe 25 years ago, right after University.


原帖由 Makeice55 於 2008-6-7 10:52 發表
I remembered, we hired a taxi to go up the mountain.  By the way, the e,  ...
Thanks for sharing.


Originally posted by Makeice55 at 2008-6-7 10:52
I remembered, we hired a taxi to go up the mountain.  By the way, the contractor brought a young Local man with us.  We went up and went down, I sew a few log houses within a compound.  I believe,  ...
I'm sure the place has changed quite a bit since you were last there 23 years ago!


回復 #10 tailantau 的帖子

Why screw up a good system?   I do hope the girls are using a condoms..


BATAM E+矛乜野玩啦...印尼政府唔比gambling....all casino closed...so now don't have too much night live, i went ther last year...


Old Batam 25 years ago..............

Just to share with makeice55 on Batam 23 years ago.  My very first visit to Batam was in early 1980.  Went there by hydrofoil from Singapore.  That time Batam Immigration was at Nagoya and in the vicinity after coming out from Immigration were shop houses run by chinese businessman. I with 3 Singapore
friends just drop in there for 'weekend retreat'.  We hired a Cab for Sing $40.00, that time they dun accept Indo Dollars.  The driver drives us to a jetty at Pungol, there we took a sampan to cross over to the Kelong in the sea for seafood lunch.  We paid around S$40 for seafood lunch for 4 persons.
Now is very much cheaper, last time everywhere not develop yet. Remember the sampan that took us to the kelong run out of petrol and we we strangled in the middle of the sea awaiting for another sampan to 'rescue' us, we wait for nearly an hour.  Very poor co-ordination for the Kelong Management (which also provide overnight stay for their guests there).

Later in the afternoon, the driver took us to their brothel on the hill top. That place designed like an army camp, in front there is an 'gate' with rows of houses on 2 sides, centre far end views a stage-like building.  At the entrance there is a hut where we saw some men gambling there.  The log house with attap
roofing, inside are 2 rows of cubicles using curtains as doors. Behind the building there was a well where these working lady used their porcelain basin to collect water from there. The flooring are are clayed (no cemented).  It was early afternoon and most of the ladies are sleeping inside.  Was told there this place called Bukit 'Samyam',  an red light areas or releasing place for men working in Batam, this place operated in the evening.   

The 2nd place we visited was a better class with a Bungalow in a mid-hill and the massage rooms are made from used metal containers, inside have a bed and shower room with aircon. Remember the massage fee was S$16.00 and the gal want to charge me S$50 for ML.  These price at that time was too expensive and the gal dun provide CD so I didn't take up the offer. Beer and coke were sold at S$1.00 each can. I have not visited Batam since then.

From 2000 till now I have made several trips there . There were many changes and I have the opportunities to cheong there too.................................

[ 本帖最後由 Bonkinasia 於 2008-7-24 17:51 編輯 ]


原帖由 Bonkinasia 於 2008-7-25 01:46 發表
Just to share with makeice55 on Batam 23 years ago.  My very first visit to Batam was in early 1980.  Went there by hydrofoil from Singapore.  That time Batam Immigration was at Nagoya and in the vici ...
Good sharing. Thanks.


原帖由 Bonkinasia 於 2008-7-25 01:46 發表
Just to share with makeice55 on Batam 23 years ago.  My very first visit to Batam was in early 1980.  Went there by hydrofoil from Singapore.  That time Batam Immigration was at Nagoya and in the vici ...
Thanks Makeice55 and Bonkinasia for their 用心之作.  This forum will be more and more famous if more this sort of high quality sharing.




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