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[原創] 請教CP有邊到SN好!

No la... just thought that ppls should explore the world themselves ma...

Don't just "put the rice in your mouth" all the time...  

And building the relationship is kinda fun too...

Actually... no matter in K or SN... if the MM know you are VIP... the service is comparatively better...


回復 #26 Retav 的帖子

The new brothers are just asking for short cut and trying to make the event cost effective............. don't play them la...................!


Haha... Ok Ok...

PM me if you want any info for KY la...


the relationship is very important...
if you have good relationship with those captain/manager...
they will even tell you which girl is good, and which girl is bad...
they will give you a clear direction... as they don't want to disappoint you....

It is a real experience !
go to the same shop for a period of time...
to the level even the receptionist can recognise you... and say: welcome mr. XXX !!!!
then... you are sucessful in this sn....!


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-6-12 11:51 發表
the relationship is very important...
if you have good relationship with those captain/manager...
they will even tell you which girl is good, and which girl is bad...
they will give you a clear  ...
But don't 100% trust the captain/manager although their recommendation is an assurance most of the time.  But you can't ensure if they give a girl bad comment just because there are some conflicts between them!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-6-12 11:56 發表

But don't 100% trust the captain/manager although their recommendation is an assurance most of the time.  But you can't ensure if they give a girl bad comment just because there are some confli ...
quite agree, "唔熟唔食"


原帖由 colorbhk 於 2008-6-12 12:51 發表
quite agree, "唔熟唔食"
除非兄弟極力推薦, 否則我偏向倚靠自己的眼光及賭一賭自己儮漡B!


I won't trust the Manager in 英方...

But in KY... so far... touch wood... the manager I know still trustable...


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-6-12 11:56 發表

But don't 100% trust the captain/manager although their recommendation is an assurance most of the time.  But you can't ensure if they give a girl bad comment just because there are some confli ...
yes ... of course...
exactly the case was happened at my home playground... !!!

But lucky I picked a good captain ... the little dragon girl.....
for the other one ... her relationship with those girls are not really good......

miss city P .........


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-6-12 14:44 發表
I won't trust the Manager in 英方...

But in KY... so far... touch wood... the manager I know still trustable...
yes.... i also have the same feeling....
the one of 英方.... beauty is beauty la....
but she seems too hard sell during the pick up process...


Dam... i still remember the Pacific Ocean she recommended and so call newcomer...


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-6-12 14:56 發表
yes.... i also have the same feeling....
the one of 英方.... beauty is beauty la....
but she seems too hard sell during the pick up process...
I would say she is too "pushing" during the pick-up process! Seems that she is on a rush!!


I don't mind she push a lot if she is 3p with me...

but not when I am choosing...


hahahahaha !!!!

hey ... tell you something...

I was there a few weeks ago with some of my friends...
and one of my friends... businessman look... you know... like play golf... go to dinner in deluxe restaurant... he asked the beauty captain to go to play golf ... and some overnight activities... and she say yes... !!!

I think ... with some skills and $$$... this captain... you can get her... !!

相關搜索目錄: Golf


No thanks...

I just wanna fuxk...
don't want any love...
Even she is beauty and shy...
I just want to fuxk till she die...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-6-12 15:00 發表
Dam... i still remember the Pacific Ocean she recommended and so call newcomer...


was there yesterday in 咁狼咁遲, met 小黑提.  everything is ususal, service is at an acceptable level. not that much comment about the quality level, as for the price 138 + 300 service charge, what can u expect. (they even provide pick up service between train station and hotel, and i pretty enjoy the train, only 23 minutes from SZ to there )

ask to see more girls, some of them are OK, but the hit rate is low compare with KY.

why i post? i saw some lady army before i was about to leave the hotel

大鵬福利, 圖片已改 (俾夠兩張)  

[ 本帖最後由 colorbhk 於 2008-6-13 14:45 編輯 ]
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原帖由 colorbhk 於 2008-6-13 08:44 發表
was there yesterday in 咁狼咁遲, met 小黑提.  everything is ususal, service is at an acceptable level. not that much comment about the quality level, as for the price 138 + 300 service charge, what ...
是不是 P 城的港樂 (KL).............?


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-13 09:01 發表
是不是 P 城的港樂 (KL).............?
Definitely! You can be sure for that if you can remember what its main entrance looks like!


are the SN girls wearing new uniforms.........? or do they work somewhere else? Where is 港樂姑爺 --- 蜘蛛仔........? Pls confirm.


My god... someone post the photo...

OK... let me tell you the truth by PM......
those poor girl....

what I am afraid is that ....
港樂 will be closed by KO late or soon if they continue such kind of action....


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-6-13 13:48 發表
My god... someone post the photo...

OK... let me tell you the truth by PM......
those poor girl....

what I am afraid is that ....
港樂 will be closed by KO late or soon if they continue s ...
Yes............. I really want to know what's up over there.........


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-13 13:59 發表

Yes............. I really want to know what's up over there.........
me 2


回復 #48 colorbhk 的帖子

Anyway, it seems something abnormal is happening...........


回復 #49 icheng609 的帖子

Simply speaking, lousy management jeapordizes the SN!!




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