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原帖由 ivan99 於 2008-6-19 09:28 發表

1) 請別單純下載新聞.

2) 如要下載新聞,必需要有個人的意見。若果無自己既opinion,可以搬去垃圾桶。  
Well... at least these are written by me

話陳巧文之前, 你可會想一讀此文章 ?

    從國際法層面探討西藏可否自決 - 夏博義資深大律師

Word for word and information content is more than your response ...
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠,以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失 - 唐太宗


原帖由 飛毛腿 於 2008-6-18 21:13 發表
講論點 ?

19. China’s present control over Tibet dates from 1950 when the People’s Liberation Army invaded Tibet
and defeated the Tibetan Army at Chamdo. China claims that Tibet was already ...
Interesting start, lets investigate if he is right in this particular fact...

Searching the net revealed that ( from Wikipedia )

" People's Liberation Army first entered Chamdo on October 7 1950. The large number of units of the PLA quickly surrounded the outnumbered Tibetan forces, and by October 19 1950, 5,000 Tibetan troops had surrendered....."

Also some very interesting fact that China Govt. issue Chinese passports to the trade Mission send out by Lhasa..

In 1947-49, Lhasa sent a "Trade Mission" led by the Tsepon (Finance Minister) W.D. Shakabpa to India, Hong Kong, Nanjing (then the capital of China), the U.S., and Britain. The visited countries were careful not to express support for the claim that Tibet was independent of China and did not discuss political questions with the mission. These Trade Mission officials entered China via Hong Kong with their newly issued Chinese passports that they applied at the Chinese Consulate in India and stayed in China for three months. Other countries did, however, allow the mission to travel using passports issued by the Tibetan government. The U.S. unofficially received the Trade Mission.

[ 本帖最後由 Rubber 於 2008-6-19 13:14 編輯 ]
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠,以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失 - 唐太宗


原帖由 CAB 於 2008-6-19 00:47 發表

So...what is your point?
The fact was S.C. Harris commissioned by "Hong Kong Lawyer" to research and wrote an article about Tibet.  However, the editorial board approved but then decided not to publish this article.

For the interest of debate and various viewpoint, which has been the success that make Hong Kong different from any other China city, I think it is better to let the reader decide.

When people yelled at Ms Chan How-man, did any really studied the ration behind.  And are there weakness in PRC's argument or any weakness in S.C. Harris argument ?

Discussion is something that distinguished civilized people and barbarian.  

[ 本帖最後由 Rubber 於 2008-6-19 13:16 編輯 ]
The unexamined life is not worth living - Socrates
以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠,以史為鏡,可以知興替,以人為鏡,可以明得失 - 唐太宗


「Discussion is something that distinguished civilized people and barbarian.」 also difference in weapons between ink and fists.


原帖由 Rubber 於 2008-6-19 11:54 發表

Discussion is something that distinguished civilized people and barbarian.    ...
國際法 ?
英國佬又唔好攞福克蘭島, 直布羅陀去國際法庭 ?
要萬里迢迢派兵同阿根廷打仗, 同西班牙紮馬

G 8 所謂工業發達國有邊個唔係靠打靠搶嘅強盜,  barbarian ?


咁我都可以搵篇洋文去揭穿達賴喇嘛嘅所謂自治面具啦 :

Down with the Dalai Lama
Why do western commentators idolise a celebrity monk who hangs out with Sharon Stone and once guest-edited French Vogue?
o        Brendan O'Neill
o        guardian.co.uk,
o        Thursday May 29 2008

Has there ever been a political figure more ridiculous than the Dalai Lama? This is the "humble monk" who forswears worldly goods in favour of living a simple life dressed in maroon robes. Yet in 1992 he guest-edited French Vogue, the bible of the decadent high-fashion classes, which is packed with pictures of the half-starved daughters of the aristocracy modelling skirts and shirts that most of us could never afford.
He claims to be the current incarnation of the Tulkus line of Buddhist masters, who are "exempt from the wheel of death and rebirth". Yet he's best known for hanging out with clueless western celebs like Richard Gere and Sharon Stone (who is still most famous for showing her vagina on the big screen). Stone once introduced the Dalai Lama at a glittering fundraising ball as "Mr Please, Please, Please Let Me Back Into China!"
The Dalai Lama says he wants Tibetan autonomy and political independence. Yet he allows himself to be used as a tool by western powers keen to humiliate China. Between the late 1950s and 1974, he is alleged to have received around $15,000 a month, or $180,000 a year, from the CIA. He has also been, according to the same reporter, "remarkably nepotistic", promoting his brothers and their wives to positions of extraordinary power in his fiefdom-in-exile in Dharamsala, northern India.
He poses as the quirky, giggly, modern monk who once auctioned his Land Rover on eBay for $80,000 and has even done an advert for Apple (quite what skinny white computers have got to do with Buddhism is anybody's guess). Yet in truth he is a product of the crushing feudalism of archaic, pre-modern Tibet, where an elite of Buddhist monks treated the masses as serfs and ruthlessly punished them if they stepped out of line.

The Dalai Lama demands religious freedom. Yet he persecutes a Buddhist sect that worships a deity called Dorje Shugden. He outlawed praying to Dorje Shugden in 1996, and those who defied his writ were thrown out of their jobs, mocked in the streets and even had their homes smashed up by heavy-handed officials from his government-in-exile. When worshippers complained about their treatment, they were told by representatives of the Dalai Lama that "concepts like democracy and freedom of religion are empty when it comes to the wellbeing of the Dalai Lama".
As the Dalai Lama tours Britain, lots of people are asking: why won't Brown receive him at Downing Street? I have a different question: why should Brown, who for all his troubles is still the head of an elected political party, meet with an authoritarian, fame-chasing, Apple-loving monk?
The Dalai Lama has effectively been turned into a cartoon good guy. In America and western Europe, where backward anti-modern sentiments are widespread amongst self-loathing sections of the educated and the elite, the Dalai Lama has been embraced as a living, breathing representative of unsullied goodness. Despite the fact that he advertises Apple, guest-edits Vogue and drives a Land Rover, he is held up as evidence that living the simple eastern life is preferable to, in the words of Philip Rawson, westerners' "gradually more pointless pursuit of material satisfactions". Just as earlier generations of disillusioned aristocrats fell in love with a fictional version of Tibet (Shangri-La), so contemporary un-progressives idolise a fictional image of the Dalai Lama.
Most strikingly, the Dalai Lama is used as a battering ram by western governments in their culture war with China. The reason he is flattered by world leaders and bankrolled by the CIA is not because these institutions care very much for liberty in Tibet, but rather because they want to ratchet up international pressure on their new competitors in world politics: the Chinese. You don't have to be a defender of the authoritarian regime in Beijing (and I most certainly am not) to see that such global sabre-rattling is more likely to entrench tensions between the Tibetan people and China, and increase instability in world affairs, rather than herald anything like a new era of freedom in the east.
Far from "helping Tibet", the slavish western worshippers of the Dalai Lama are helping to stifle the development of a real, lively movement for liberty and democracy in the Tibetan regions. One author on the Tibetan independence movement argues that "the Dalai Lama's role as ultimate spiritual authority is holding back the political process of democratisation", since "the assumption that he occupies the correct moral ground from a spiritual perspective means that any challenge to his political authority may be interpreted as anti-religious".
At least one reason why the Dalai Lama can pose as "the ultimate spiritual authority" and all-round supreme leader of Tibetans and their future is because influential elements in the west have empowered him to play that role. In doing so, they have been complicit in the infantilisation of the Tibetan people. Tibetans now suffer the double horror of being ruled by undemocratic Chinese officials on one hand, and demeaned by the Dalai Lama and his western supporters on the other.

原文出處 :
http://www.guardian.co.uk/commen ... hthedalailamaSample


原帖由 Manics 於 2008-6-19 10:32 發表

當然博一夜成名嘅陳巧文, 恐共植物人等當然不包括在腦功能正常之列


原帖由 Manics 於 2008-6-19 10:32 發表


原帖由 飛毛腿 於 2008-6-19 13:34 發表

當然博一夜成名嘅陳巧文, 恐共植物人等當然不包括在腦功能正常之列


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