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“精”盟會 – 蜘蛛俠遊記: 字典街 搵 鍾意打 “康樂棋既皇帝”

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-17 10:17 發表

你講中咗........... 蛙蛙當時是 青 蛙!
咁條 wet 妹咪發達 !

哈哈哈哈 !!


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-6-17 10:20 發表

咁條 wet 妹咪發達 !

哈哈哈哈 !!
Definitely she's more experreinced than Froggie at that time for sure..........

[ 本帖最後由 icheng609 於 2008-6-17 10:26 編輯 ]


一齊去唱 lunch k...
一齊係 k 房入邊... 大家練 "擒拿手"....
你攻我守...... 好激烈架 !!!


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-6-17 10:25 發表
一齊去唱 lunch k...
一齊係 k 房入邊... 大家練 "擒拿手"....
你攻我守...... 好激烈架 !!!


想起有當中有幾個.... 又白又滑......個樣又青春..... 把聲又正....
有時午夜夢迴...... 都好掛住佢地......


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-6-17 10:31 發表
想起有當中有幾個.... 又白又滑......個樣又青春..... 把聲又正....
有時午夜夢迴...... 都好掛住佢地......

午夜夢迴時, 有冇夢遺?

[ 本帖最後由 icheng609 於 2008-6-17 10:34 編輯 ]


jes, good job.. I like your desc. of those names as it takes a bit of brain juice to understand what you refer to.

I have to envy your power.. You said  佢下邊又收又縮… 想我快些出來… 我就係咁胡思亂想… 分散自己集中力…" For me, I have to concentrate to get my 2nd load (not thinking about the 3rd load) off.  


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-6-17 12:04 發表
jes, good job.. I like your desc. of those names as it takes a bit of brain juice to understand what you refer to.

I have to envy your power.. You said  佢下邊又收又縮… 想我快些出來… 我就係咁胡 ...
Thanks brother Denny !
of course ! we need creativity !!!!

about the power... well... I think it depends on the opponent... if I put a beauty on your bed... I think you can shot her more than 3 times also easily... !!

How are you ? Hope everything ok for you ar !


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-6-17 14:21 發表

Thanks brother Denny !
of course ! we need creativity !!!!

about the power... well... I think it depends on the opponent... if I put a beauty on your bed... I think you can shot her more ...
所以無論如何一定要落一次賽道, 領畧一吓法拉利的 kick-back 感覺!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-6-16 20:30 發表

Weight up pros and cons. Once in a while OK la.
Agreed. Price-performance ratio is on the low side.
However, if software is good, still worth paying a visit.
My experience a couple years ago on software was so so.
Maybe quality iproves lately!


原帖由 dw78 於 2008-6-18 00:45 發表

Agreed. Price-performance ratio is on the low side.
However, if software is good, still worth paying a visit.
My experience a couple years ago on software was so so.
Maybe quality iproves lately!
死蜘蛛講得咁实在, 又点可以唔試一吓呢?


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-18 09:11 發表
死蜘蛛講得咁b在, 又禰i以唔試一鴭O?
diu, 你A城都未試, 咁快又心&九痕去字典街, 鶣蚴}仲遠


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-6-18 09:11 發表

死蜘蛛講得咁实在, 又点可以唔試一吓呢?
who mention my name ??
hahahahha !!

well... as I mentioned in the report....
there is adv. and disadv. .....
I think for most of our case... if you want to visit the 字典街...
we need:

1) a group of friends (3 to 7) to share the car booking expenses
2) excellent time management... because you will go with a group of people... and there will be surely someone being late... pay more attention to that...


3) if you go alone... please plan 4 hours rount-trip by bus (to play safe...) from sz to 字典街.... and another 2 1/2 hours for the action and something else... then... 6 1/2 hours is needed and it is not included the travel time from sz to your home in HK....


City A is different...
You have 7 people van going there... just 2 hours is enough for the round trip...
if you book the car going there... the timing will be even more accurate...
last time we went there... the driver drive very fast... and we need only 30 mins from sz to city A !!!! I swear that it is true and only 30 mins !!!!!!  like those 亡命小巴.... 5 分鐘 from mong kok to Kwong tong...  

in addition to the action time... you need maximum 4 1/2 to finish everything and back to sz....
add up those travel time from sz to your home...
1/2 day leave is still enough....


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-6-18 09:45 發表

who mention my name ??
hahahahha !!

well... as I mentioned in the report....
there is adv. and disadv. .....
I think for most of our case... if you want to visit the 字典街...
we need ...
明白...............! 如果唔係咁隔涉, 蛙蛙一早就落咗賽道啦!


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-6-18 01:54 發表
City A is different...
You have 7 people van going there... just 2 hours is enough for the round trip...
if you book the car going there... the timing will be even more accurate...
last time we ...
take quite a long time.  for going to 字典街, it is better overnight la.
too rush but seems not so many brothers can overnight.


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-6-18 09:54 發表
City A is different...
You have 7 people van going there... just 2 hours is enough for the round trip...
if you book the car going there... the timing will be even more accurate...
last time we ...
I agree with you.......from highway entrance to highway exit, my best record was 20 miinutes but it was midnight.
City A is really convenient and this is the reason I seldom visit Thick Street now!


原帖由 dw78 於 2008-6-19 00:18 發表

I agree with you.......from highway entrance to highway exit, my best record was 20 miinutes but it was midnight.
City A is really convenient and this is the reason I seldom visit Thick Street now!
and it is even more convenient to go to City P......... as CRH is so smooth and comfortable!




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