不得發表內容空泛之文章、洗版、過於精簡、文不對題的主題或回覆、灌水或呃post,、 (只打thanks, thx, good, nice, push, support, hihi, 推, ccc,....,see; 只用符號或圖案表情或 自己回覆自己等都計算在內)
(本討論區規定所有會員, 24小時內在不同的版裡, 大致不能發多於 6 個新帖, 但某些特定的版, 會有不同的規定, 請進入不同的版之前, 務必看清楚該版版規)
first time u blocked me, without any warning.
second, if i did that wrong, why dont u send an email to me?
third, i think the rules should be a little change, as u said im 灌水 in the first place, but at that moment everyones were sleeping, just only me in the forum and when i read through all the threads, of coz i should support all the members. thats why i were repling the threads. inside all the threads that i was repling, didnt have second of my posted.
ok, i shouldnt type only (cool, thx for sharing or thx for sharing). im not saying that i dont understand the rules, but inside the rules have some grey area. thats why i sent u a message to clear a little bit. now u blocked me again and u didnt reply my message first, dont u think u did very selfish. u just blocked everyones that complained u and u are not very kindly to explain to us.