Think in this way. Short means u borrow (short) something and buy another thing (long). To borrow, u need to pay interest. To buy or to long, u can gain interest. There is always a pair of currencies.
Short gold means u borrow gold (short) and buy USD (long). Since gold has no interest, so borrowing it requires no interest (or min interest), and on the other side, your long position of USD will generate you interest but USD gives u very low interest.
So if u want to prepare to sit in a boat for long time, u should borrow something that can generate you daily interest insteads of paying interest.
The Forex rate in a major Bank:
USD buy 0.65% sell 2.65%
NZD buy 7.365% sell 8.365%
Gold buy 0% sell 1%
So if u long NZD and short USD, u can gain a interest of 7.365% - 2.65% = 4.715% (+ve interest, good to sit in a boat).
If u short NZD and long USD, u need to pay 8.355% - 0.65% = 7.705% (-ve interest, very high, the boat will sink if sitting long time).
If u short gold, u need to pay 1% - 0.65% = 0.35% (interest return is -ve)
If u long gold, you need to pay 2.65% - 0% = 2.65% (interest return is more -ve)
In short, u should very alert if u want to borrow (short) something that requires high interest, like selling NZD or AUD.
But of course, the trend of strengthness of the currency is more important than the interest rate. I will consider interest rate for sitting in a boat case.
Also, for the 1st case, u will gain 4.715% by buying NZD and shorting USD. But it is not the end of the story. Since you are using margin, like 10% of the cost to buy 100% of the NZD, so u are multiplying your money. And indeed, u are gaining 4.715% X 10 = 47.15% interest!!!
If you believe the economy is a round circle, and somehow unluckily u sit in a boat for buying NZD and shorting USD, u can just sit and relax and wait for the Earth to turn for a circle. And at that time, u won't loss for the NZD-USD pair, and also u will gain the 47.15% X time in yr of interest. And time is your friend.
原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-8-5 20:45 發表
Short gold has no interest, right? Only long gold you have to pay interest.
本帖最後由 b4321 於 2008-8-6 10:20 編輯 ]