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 27 12

[疑難] Young BG

Young BG

I could not find any young and good looking BG these days!!  It just nothing compares to the old days.  Hai........


原帖由 DarkVader 於 2008-8-4 13:36 發表
I could not find any young and good looking BG these days!!  It just nothing compares to the old days.  Hai........
Not in HK!


GoodLuck in HK~


You have better chance in China.


原帖由 sunboyz 於 2008-8-5 11:06 發表
You have better chance in China.
Much better!


I know that! However I can't go to Mainland, I only can do it over in Hong Kong!


Your problem actually is the common problem.  I think situation may change as history is just a cycle that shall be changed and repeated.


What u mean is when the economy goes down, then all the Youngies will come back rite?


Actually, your problem is money and budget ! If you can afford, you can also find young bgs in HK sauna, of course, I mean in some high class saunas. But the fees may be HK$ 1500 or more !


Well!  I have tried those expensive sauna in Hong Kong including Rainbow, Kobe...etc, but I still can't find any goodies.  Back in 90's to early 00's, BGs r young and great ,u know.  hm.....


原帖由 DarkVader 於 2008-8-7 16:39 發表
Well!  I have tried those expensive sauna in Hong Kong including Rainbow, Kobe...etc, but I still can't find any goodies.  Back in 90's to early 00's, BGs r young and great ,u know.  hm.....
It's difficult to revert the situation in HK.  Ever since HK has become "rich and famous" in late 90's, girls in HK think that they are a class above.  Being a BG is tough work and like many kids in HK - they are spoiled (at least attitutide wise).  How can the girls in HK compete with those in China (age 18-22) with great figures, better attitude, and more daring to please for money.  Girls in HK just want to make quick money without any hard work!  Many young girls tried to work as C-clock - their age 20-22, average figure, below average look calling for $1800 to $2000 an hour?!  For that price, you can be a King in China!!!


原帖由 sunboyz 於 2008-8-7 18:24 發表
It's difficult to revert the situation in HK.  Ever since HK has become "rich and famous" in late 90's, girls in HK think that they are a class above.  Being a BG is tough work and like many kids in ...
Getting $1,000 lying on a bed is tough work?


原帖由 peninsula 於 2008-8-7 22:00 發表

Getting $1,000 lying on a bed is tough work?
Peninsula C-Hing, may be my expectation is a little different than others.  If I have to pay over $1,000 in a Sauna or USB place, the BG must be able to provide a good quality massage (beside an above average personal quality).  Otherwise, there is no different than going to a 161.  The good quality massage is a bit of tough work if you have to serve many customers during the day.  Of course it's not as tough if the BG only need to lie on her bed all day!


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really hard to find young BG


原帖由 DarkVader 於 2008-8-4 13:36 發表
I could not find any young and good looking BG these days!!  It just nothing compares to the old days.  Hai........
絕對係啦, 三年前我初出道時, 30歲樓下的usb真係唔少. 今時今日真係絛得比

1) 幾個月前試過一個小雪, 陀地, 廿到蚊, 樣子同骨技唔錯, 先天條件甚佳, 可惜只做了一個月.
2) 之前TST發記六樓有個阿恩, 有人話佢年輕, 不過我未見過, 宜家廣告都冇埋, 唔知人仲嚮唔嚮度呢?
3) 康冰A CoCo, 三年前幫趁時, 佢話自己廿六歲, 如果屬實的話, 佢今日都未夠三十歲.
4) 康冰A仲有一個年紀不太大的usb, 不過我唔敢提佢個名, 以免刺激某人.
5) 康冰B阿Don, 聽聞年紀都唔大, 不過我又未見過.
6) 發記希文年紀都好似唔大, 不過樣我覺得麻麻.
7) 兩年前嚮立x九樓有個阿May, 當時廿中, 某d角度少少阿嬌feel, 舊年曾進駐康冰B, 可惜現時不知所蹤.
8) 昆x大廈3, 4及9樓都有一些年紀不太大, 樣貌可以接受的按摩師, 不過極其量只有A餐, 甚或沒有.
9) YMT Bowling C 910有間美容中心, 入面有個叫Wendy的技師, 年約廿七, 樣貌中等 / 中上, 陀北, 不過絕對齋場仲要著褲.

相關搜索目錄: 美容 美容中心 廣告


原帖由 jimmy_lee 於 2008-9-10 00:26 發表

絕對係啦, 三年前我初出道時, 30歲樓下的usb真係唔少. 今時今日真係絛得比

1) 幾個月前試過一個小雪, 陀地, 廿到蚊, 樣子同骨技唔錯, 先天條件甚佳, 可惜只做了一個月.
2) 之前TST發記六樓有個阿恩, 有人話佢 ...
昆X 15/F 個話 28 歲, 收 400 做 SPA, 冇 VAS, 樣子一般, 不過服務好好

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 jimmy_lee 於 2008-9-10 00:26 發表

絕對係啦, 三年前我初出道時, 30歲樓下的usb真係唔少. 今時今日真係絛得比

1) 幾個月前試過一個小雪, 陀地, 廿到蚊, 樣子同骨技唔錯, 先天條件甚佳, 可惜只做了一個月.
2) 之前TST發記六樓有個阿恩, 有人話佢 ...
以前係立信 9/F 有個阿珊, 15/F 有個小貓, 都叫年青貌美

华豐 8/F 有個 SOPHIA, 宜家唔知去咗边.

有冇 BROS 知?




原帖由 connector 於 2008-9-9 02:52 AM 發表
really hard to find young BG


以上是某骨場主任解釋點解在香港(做的)好 BG愈來愈少。


回復 20# 的帖子

I think HK is HK.  China is China.  Different feelings, different pricing.  Surely if you pay $1,000 in China, you get "better" girl but remember that girl is not local.  Perfectly ok if you just want the face and the so called service.  But the feeling is really different if you pay some more and enjoy a 100% local pretty girl.  You get higher satisfaction.  Surely you need to pay a higher price.  A PRC sauna girl cannot compare with a local girl in a high class sauna in HK.  For those brothers who go to those high end places and know the local girls there, they will know what I mean


I encounter 2 young bg in TST.  Price tag under $1,000.  The local one is very young (<25).  No ball, no figure, no bone skill (like doing facing for your whole body), no ml skil, but really young. No sure the no.  Ask the manager for young local.

Another northern, speak absolute HK cantonese.  Forgot no again.  25 to 25 age, tall, slim, face 80 mark.  Good part 1 and 2.  

Only in one sauna u can find representing sample of HK and China girl.


回復 22# 的帖子


What is 25 to 25 age?


各位C Hing, 有冇試過旺角利民大廈5/F晶晶呀, 佢得24歲咋, 不過就玩得吾放, 基本上得DUP+HJ, 最多係BM, 有興趣就去試吓啦!!


原帖由 tommy001 於 2008-10-8 10:24 發表
各位C Hing, 有冇試過旺角利民大廈5/F晶晶呀, 佢得24歲咋, 不過就玩得吾放, 基本上得DUP+HJ, 最多係BM, 有興趣就去試吓啦!!
利民大廈??? 真係估唔到呢度有後生囡囡......


 27 12


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