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[原創] 日本 SM Club Prezis

日本 SM Club Prezis

今次去了近銀座區的田町玩 SM. 自從 Lasiora 事件後, 好多 SM Club 都改變了經營方式, 改為予約電召女王都時鐘酒店玩. 我今次玩的 Club Prezis 也不例外.

Club Prezis 的職員在田町 JR 駅等我, 在填完 form (玩乜,唔玩乜)同俾 $$ 之後 (about HKD 2000連hotel room fee, 80 minutes session)就車我到附近的時鐘酒店開房.

等了 5 minutes 左右, Mistress Reina (麗奈女王様)就來到!她命令我沖涼. 沖完涼後已見她著了整套女王服. 佢都算 ok 高, 165cm左右, 腳好長! 我跪在她面前, 除了底褲之後她便一腳踏著我要害!開始時有 d 痛, 但經她腳慢慢輕撫 jj 後, 痛楚已轉為快感. 當我盡情享受其中時, 麗奈女王突然一淡口水吐落我面上. 我立即由天堂又跌回地獄. 她將我放在 chair 上, 用 ropes 綁起我, 仲同我以日語講:"這是日本女人專有的綁繩技巧, 你呢 d 低賤的中國人點掙扎都冇可能逃得到的!". 我手、身和腳都綁在 chair 一起. 女王命令我站起來. 出奇地我的 knees 和小腿是冇被綁的, 以為可站起來. 誰知她的綁法是會令我失平衡的, 我連人帶 chair 倒在地上!麗奈女王様立即哈哈大笑, 恥笑我o地中國人還在作無為的反抗.

之後開始舔她的美腿. 真係好長好滑. 舔極都唔想停. 她用另一隻腳好溫柔咁玩弄我 jj 和春袋. 力度和速度好適中, 令我超興奮之餘, 又絕不會令我有射精的壓力. 快感好似源源不絕, 無窮無盡咁! 麗奈女王様坐上我面上, 令我可盡情舔她的渾圓美尻之外, 又令我有少許窒息感覺. 同時她吐口水落 jj, 開始 handjob. 幸好她只作輕度的挑逗, 不然肯定好快射! 開始鞭打了!鞭打的力度由輕逐漸加大!每一鞭都拍拍聲打在我每一處.最初她用九尾狐散鞭, 後來轉用一條過的長鞭!!! 太痛了, 我不能接受她的最大力度, 用了一次 safe word 要求減輕力度. 她就用第二大力去鞭我. 好鬼正, 我嗌到好大聲, 她就好奸咁大笑.

接著是玩我的後庭. 麗奈女王様穿上醫療用的薄手套, 一隻中指慢慢伸入我 asshole 中. 在 asshole 中不停左右撩, 想將之擴闊, 又出出右右咁抽! 好有快感呀. 跟著她將一條有凹凸紋的膠條塞入我後眼再抽出來!Wah...d凹凸紋刺激到我連眼淚都流出來!但完來故事還未完! 女王著上 strap-on要我blowjob佢!我身為男子竟要含"九", 好有侮辱感, 仲要下下深喉. 之後女王要我扒在床上, pat pat 向上, 用狗仔式插我!我能在鏡中看到女王的動作, 就好似 AV 片中的狗仔式強烈抽送, 只是男女角色換了...當中她又恥笑我是女人!她說如果不是女人的話, 我豈會那麼喜歡被插!我大聲用日語說: 我是很強的男人!她不回答, 只是加強抽送. 我始終忍不住, 仍是要大聲呻吟出來. 她冷笑地道: 你的聲音和 jj 已出賣你了!我一看 jj, 嘩!!!原來已流出了好多"九水"(閠滑水). 她大力令我轉身, 將狗仔式變成傳統傳教士式, 其間不需拔出 strap-on 的!她將我雙腳舉高, 全身壓住我來抽插. 右手又同時 handjob 我, 好快就射精了.....在射盡的一刻她大力一渣.....所有精液也奉獻了給麗奈女王様.......

原來這只花了 50 minutes, 還有 30 minutes先夠鐘.仁慈的麗奈女王様話玩多 20 minutes 痴女 play! 我當然求之不得 la! 她仍以女王氣勢騎在我上面, 但就好姣咁錫我全身, 之後用絞剪腳夾我頸, 我乘機又舔她的美腳. 之後她訓低叫我在她上面舔佢.我由她頸舔到乳頭, 由乳頭舔到肚, 女王發出好微呻吟聲, 好誘惑. 最後她用腳板夾住 jj footjob!今次 footjob 頭開始session 時的好不同. 今次的下下能擺命, 隨時都有機會按奈不住. 位置上是男上女下, 但實際上我是被她控制著, 充滿了予盾同諷刺感的我又發射了.整個 session 完畢. 各自沖涼後, 麗奈女王様變回好好人的麗奈小姐同我閒談, 還親自送我回車駅, 好友善. 麗奈女王様冇Lasiora的真珠女王様(Mistress Shinju)咁靚, 但身材較好, 玩得夠放.

好滿意呢次的 session!

相關搜索目錄: 酒店 日語


個Report好正, 可惜我不懂日語, 否則都好想一試

相關搜索目錄: 日語


wonderful experience............. but I don't know Japanese too. No chance to enjoy it~
精英盟會頂瓜瓜,目標明確無偏差,啜到 D 女变奶媽,囡囡猛話跨啦啦!


Hey man,

Apart from Japan, have your tried the SM clubs in other countries? How long does it take for you to train your ass to a big strap-on? My girlfriend is training my asshole now and start using medium size butt plug, i feel ok and not painful already, do you think it is right time for my girl friend fuck me with a strap on?


回復 4# 的帖子

I played SM in Japan and HK.

I could accept big strap-on very long time ago. The first Mistress who fuck my asshole was Mistress Kelly. She fucked me so hard!

If you can accept medium size butt plug, you can try strap-on!


Ths. May be time to move on and try new things, we just bought a strap-on dildo from internet. Normally, how long the Mistresses will fuck your ass with strap-on? Can you share what is your feeling and idea about this play? Just imagine, i feel kind of down graded or being completely take over by the Woman, but we haven't start yet, may be i will feel differently during the real action. Any other things can suggest us?


原帖由 GstringLover 於 2008-8-14 08:00 發表
Ths. May be time to move on and try new things, we just bought a strap-on dildo from internet. Normally, how long the Mistresses will fuck your ass with strap-on? Can you share what is your feeling an ...
My Mistress used strap-on to fuck me quite long time, usually about 10-20 minutes.
You can ask your Mistress to force you to blowjob the strap-on first, then she fucks you.
It gives a big humuliation feeling!


Hay man,

Eventually, my gf use the starp on dildo fuck my ass during the weekend. Wow, it is really different experience and now i know the feeling, it is kind of humuliting and let the female completely take control of you. Both of us like it a lot. The first second she penetrate me feels a little bit painful, but it went not too bad after i get use to it, the first tiem she fuck me for about 5 mins. She fucked me 4 more times during the whole weekend, the longest time she fucked me for almost 30 mins., i just can't control and cum during she fucking my ass, both of us went crazy about this play, now i know the feeling being fucked in the ass and why she also love anal sex before.

We will explore more things to play in SM, any other suggestions?


原帖由 GstringLover 於 2008-8-18 11:16 發表
Hay man,

Eventually, my gf use the starp on dildo fuck my ass during the weekend. Wow, it is really different experience and now i know the feeling, it is kind of humuliting and let the female comp ...
Glad to know that you can play strap-on fucking so smoothly now!
How about whipping and spitting?
Spitting is another action that can give you big humuliation feeling.

Do you have MSN? We can chat easier by MSN.


wonderful experience.
But it is too exciting to me.


very details.thanks!


原帖由 死於女人腳下 於 2008-8-13 20:03 發表
I played SM in Japan and HK.

I could accept big strap-on very long time ago. The first Mistress who fuck my asshole was Mistress Kelly. She fucked me so hard!

If you can accept medium size butt  ...
You have played SM in HK & Japan. Which mistress are the best in HK & japan so far?




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