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[Äé¤ô] ¼Ö¦¹¤£¯h (Âà¶K)

­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2008-8-18 17:28 µoªí
¦h·¥, ³£«Y®tªG¤@¦Ê´X¤Q, ¬~­ø¬~­n­Ú¤Öd, ª±¥¢ÂÜ, ¦pªG¦³dËݼ˪B¤Í, ³Ì¦n¥sÊ\°s¤ô¦Û³Æ, ­ø¦n¤J©Ð¦P¥sÊ\¦Û¤v§¤ÆU


­ì©«¥Ñ colorbhk ©ó 2008-8-18 21:33 µoªí

by the very-end of the month, should be OK
I don't think you're OK ! You haven't show-up for a year la !




­ì©«¥Ñ DrTea ©ó 2008-8-18 23:14 µoªí

I don't think you're OK ! You haven't show-up for a year la !
half year ended, may be able to get a weekend off

by the way, it is evenly important to meet some OLD Friends

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ colorbhk ©ó 2008-8-19 00:06 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ iammrso ©ó 2008-8-18 23:35 µoªí
¤C¤Ö­ø«Y¦³¤T­Ó¶º²°«§? ¥ò¦³Ëݦh®É¶¡¤Îºë¤O¥X嚟«Â?
Bro 7-siu not only our CEO but also our Hero in playgroup with MM too !


­ì©«¥Ñ DrTea ©ó 2008-8-18 09:05 AM µoªí

Bro 7-siu not only our CEO but also our Hero in playgroup with MM too !
­ø¦nÀ¿¾c,why are u not show up in long time,and now talk 3 talk 4....



­ì©«¥Ñ glucerna ©ó 2008-8-19 00:52 µoªí

­ø¦nÀ¿¾c,why are u not show up in long time,and now talk 3 talk 4....
hahaha, it seems you are nothing better than me


¦^´_ 28# ªº©«¤l




¦^´_ 30# ªº©«¤l

Should it be time, we Old Ghosts organise a party for ourselves ?


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2008-8-19 12:00 µoªí
Should it be time, we Old Ghosts organise a party for ourselves ?
Bro 7-siu, count me one IF you think I'm one of your Old Ghosts !


¦^´_ 35# ªº©«¤l

You are of course 1 of the oldest ! Ha Ha!


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2008-8-19 12:00 µoªí
Should it be time, we Old Ghosts organise a party for ourselves ?
I will be more than willing to join if I am qualified and time allows.
ºë­^·ù·|³»¥Ê¥Ê¡A¥Ø¼Ð©ú½TµL°¾®t¡A°ã¨ì D ¤k变¥¤¶ý¡AÉÆÉƲr¸Ü¸ó°Õ°Õ¡I


If I am allowed, I wish I could be the old ghost too...

Btw... if our ON project success, I will definitely ask 7-siu to be our VIP guest...


­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-8-19 14:45 µoªí
If I am allowed, I wish I could be the old ghost too...

Btw... if our ON project success, I will definitely ask 7-siu to be our VIP guest...
I'll be present to share the fun, too! Let me know earlier to erect the scaffolding.
ºë­^·ù·|³»¥Ê¥Ê¡A¥Ø¼Ð©ú½TµL°¾®t¡A°ã¨ì D ¤k变¥¤¶ý¡AÉÆÉƲr¸Ü¸ó°Õ°Õ¡I


Still planning in progress... coz I am so sorry to all brothers I have to arrange after the confirmation of my Queen back-to-home plan


­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-8-19 14:57 µoªí
Still planning in progress... coz I am so sorry to all brothers I have to arrange after the confirmation of my Queen back-to-home plan
I understand you are the key member of the organising committee.......... other than the date, what about the other details such as the venue, form of activities..........etc., all fixed?
ºë­^·ù·|³»¥Ê¥Ê¡A¥Ø¼Ð©ú½TµL°¾®t¡A°ã¨ì D ¤k变¥¤¶ý¡AÉÆÉƲr¸Ü¸ó°Õ°Õ¡I


¦^´_ 41# ªº©«¤l

He has only one sort of activity in mind, Yan-K and ON!! Sorry, froggie, not for you!!

I really want to have chance to join the oldest ghosts for wild.  It must be great!!


Um... if you wanna play wild... then must be the Factory... but need to ask CEO if the quality is still ok...

Or... I will suggestion the ColorLion, Richman, or BoatClub...

form of activities??? sing, dance, drink, cards, hands, balls, naked, fxxk... you name it, we could have it...

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: Dance


Yes.. ON... main objective!!

so.. quality of MM is the most important... and it must be 2 of them... i mean... i will grab 2 MM for ON... I really want to enjoy the night as 7-siu enjoy it for almost everynight...


­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-8-19 15:15 µoªí
Um... if you wanna play wild... then must be the Factory... but need to ask CEO if the quality is still ok...

Or... I will suggestion the ColorLion, Richman, or BoatClub...

form of activities?? ...
Anything good for a "Cinderalla Man" like froggie?
ºë­^·ù·|³»¥Ê¥Ê¡A¥Ø¼Ð©ú½TµL°¾®t¡A°ã¨ì D ¤k变¥¤¶ý¡AÉÆÉƲr¸Ü¸ó°Õ°Õ¡I



One good suggestion... come with us... drink with us, pick a girl like us.. the fuck her once... then paid as ON price.. then leave the MM to me and I will take care for you till the next morning... don't worry...


­ì©«¥Ñ Retav ©ó 2008-8-19 15:28 µoªí

One good suggestion... come with us... drink with us, pick a girl like us.. the fuck her once... then paid as ON price.. then leave the MM to me and I will take care for you till the next m ...
haha, it is the price of not going ON. in fact, you forget to ask froggie to take a share of hte hotel room fee!!  

Froggie, in fact, many of the Ks, including factory, have cannon room for short rental (1 hr, is it enough?) for 1Q.  Imagine that you start your activity there at 630pm (factory only), finish selection at 7pm, play for 2 hrs at K, do your exercise for 1 hr at canoon room, you could still leave at 10pm, taking a taxi back to HG (last 7-van leaves at 9pm).   You could still talk proudly to your tiger, saying that the meal is very full and your reunion with old friends is wonderful.  Of course,do not forget to dry your hair...  

Your brothers will feel grateful if you pay the ON fee and bring back the girl to the girl while you are leaving.  . haha..  easy man..


Its only been 1 hour or so I gone for work since my last logged on, it become so busy here.

I would be away for Canada next week and be back and be available not until end of Sept, probably early weekend of October.

Since I would be away for the time being, could any "Old Ghost" brother organise this party ?


­ì©«¥Ñ denny2000 ©ó 2008-8-19 15:45 µoªí

haha, it is the price of not going ON. in fact, you forget to ask froggie to take a share of hte hotel room fee!!  

Froggie, in fact, many of the Ks, including factory, have cannon room for sho ...
Thanks, Denny! That's exactly what in my mind. But instead of getting a girl for my own, I just intend to ©â¤ô all round and raid on the girl which looks good to me any time at random. Brothers will pay her/them off in next morning, right?
ºë­^·ù·|³»¥Ê¥Ê¡A¥Ø¼Ð©ú½TµL°¾®t¡A°ã¨ì D ¤k变¥¤¶ý¡AÉÆÉƲr¸Ü¸ó°Õ°Õ¡I


¦^´_ 49# ªº©«¤l

But instead of getting a girl for my own, I just intend to ©â¤ô all round and raid on the girl which looks good to me any time at random. Brothers will pay her/them off in next morning, right?

You coudl do that but I am sure you will not be welcome next time by your JM brothers




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