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When can I buy Australia Stocks

When can I buy Australia Stocks

Aus stock has fallen more than 20% from its highest point
and Aus currency also fell more than 10%

don't have much concept on Aus stocks
wonder whether its good to buy by stage if they further correct
and hold for long term (3-5 years)
in the form of Aus stock funds

1. any brother has Aus index chart for 20 years ?
2. any other ways to buy Aus stocks besides their funds (any ETF ?)
3. any other advice?


when ??

anytime you like


原帖由 xpgg 於 2008-8-20 14:41 發表
when ??

anytime you like
Please don't kid
Big money is at stake


原帖由 ces 於 2008-8-20 10:08 發表
Aus stock has fallen more than 20% from its highest point
wonder whether its good to buy by stage if they further co ...
I would hold cash for time being.


I still +ve for the natural resource for Australian shares. However, AUD1 = HKD6.8 is not cheap, although dropping fm the peak for many already. If u have AUD on hand for long time, then OK, otherwise u have to bear the foreign exchange rate risk, which is not low. People are talking abt Australian Reserve Bk may hv interest cut in Sept. Once the cut happens, the whole dropping in interest rate begins.

Either buying the Australian fund in USD or AUD is no much difference. It means whether u exchange the AUD by yourself or the fund house exchanges into AUD for u.

If u are good enough, u can go to the US market to buy most of the biggest Australian shares in ADR thru e-trade.



全球最大的礦業公司澳大利亞必和必拓(BHP Billiton)18日表示,主要受惠于价格上調以及產量上升,截至6月30日的07/08財年淨利潤從一年前的134.2億美元增至153.9億美元,同比上升14.7%,連續第六年創出全年利潤新紀錄,但低于市場普遍預測的158.6億美元。



[ 本帖最後由 b4321 於 2008-8-21 12:41 編輯 ]


can you comment on the general trend of the Aus stock market?


Australian has much stricter rules in banking systems than HK's. Also, the dividend rate is much better as the dividend cannot be much lower than the fixed deposit of AUD around 6%. One should not loss much for the biggest banks like ANZ, Commonwealth, Westpac (WBC) and National Bank (NAB). However, since the economy is very matured, don't expect there will be growth of 100% as the banks in China.

BHP is a good one. WoodSide Petroleum (WPL) is another giant for natural resources. The China gov't keeps buying the biggest giants like Rio Tinto (RIO) and the smaller mining companies to gain bargaining power and raw materials each yr. I don't think the China's purchase of mining companies (big or small) will stop, unless China gov't doesn't want any further expansion in the city construction, new power stations, bus or private cars etc. Also, the "blood" to drive the economy is petroleum. So don't forget any big or small petroleum companies.

The good thing is, unlike China, the Australian's natural resource prices match with the international's. So buying a natural resource company will enable u to benefit fm the appreciation of its material price.

However, since US is the train head for economy. No matter how good the Australian's regulation and companies are, the ASX stock market won't be good if US' train head slow down.

Anyway, I hv quite many ASX stocks already. And I'll try to buy gold or other commodities directly than the companies.

[ 本帖最後由 b4321 於 2008-8-21 21:54 編輯 ]


原帖由 ces 於 2008-8-21 14:14 發表
can you comment on the general trend of the Aus stock market?
You need to pay tax too.


thank you for the advice


If buying the Australian ADR in the US market, no worry for any Australian or US tax payment.


原帖由 b4321 於 2008-8-22 08:03 AM 發表
If buying the Australian ADR in the US market, no worry for any Australian or US tax payment.
I guess as a first timer, one would only invest in the blue chips.  Most big companies pay fully franked dividends which is already tax paid.  But then it put non-residents in a disadvantaged position in that they can't claim the franking credit back.  I always use my wife's account to trade.  She is a resident but earned no income except interest, so I usually can get most of the franking credit (being 3/7th of the dividend received) back.  Just received the cheque from the ATO for 2007/8 earlier this week.

There's no capital gains tax for non-residents.


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2008-8-22 10:41 發表
I guess as a first timer, one would only invest in the blue chips.  Most big companies pay fully franked dividends which is already tax paid.  But then it put non-residents in a disadvantaged posi ...
Thanks for analysis - fellow Aussie!


I got the 20 year chart for Aus Stocks
seems need some more correction
so to wait
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Trend and technical analysis? It is similar to looking at the car back mirror and predicting the road ahead.

[ 本帖最後由 b4321 於 2008-8-24 00:19 編輯 ]


【 本 報 綜 合 報 道 】 全 球 第 二 大 礦 業 巨 擘 力 拓 ( Rio Tinto ) 受 惠 鐵 礦 石 價 格 升 至 紀 錄 新 高 , 上 半 年 純 利 及 營 業 額 均 勁 升 逾 倍 , 勝 預 期 , 力 拓 亦 估 計 下 半 年 新 興 市 場 對 商 品 需 求 會 維 持 高 企 。 惟 商 品 市 場 在 美 元 轉 強 下 , 近 期 仍 偏 軟 , 國 際 油 價 昨 跌 至 近 每 桶 112 美 元 , 現 貨 金 同 樣 無 運 行 。

中 印 鐵 礦 石 需 求 仍 大
截 至 6 月 底 , 力 拓 上 半 年 純 利 飆 升 113% 至 69.1 億 美 元 ( 約 539 億 港 元 ) , 營 業 額 升 125% 至 271.9 億 美 元 , 動 力 主 要 來 自 鋁 及 鐵 礦 石 銷 售 , 兩 者 營 業 額 分 別 激 增 6 倍 及 1 倍 。

力 拓 主 席 斯 金 納 表 示 , 儘 管 環 球 經 濟 增 長 放 緩 , 股 市 有 下 滑 趨 勢 , 但 隨  中 國 及 印 度 等 國 家 進 入 工 業 化 以 及 城 市 化 階 段 , 預 料 對 鐵 礦 石 等 商 品 需 求 依 然 龐 大 。

對 於 必 和 必 拓 出 價 1420 億 美 元 收 購 力 拓 一 事 , 力 拓 行 政 總 裁 阿 爾 巴 內 塞 強 調 , 出 價 與 公 司 實 際 價 值 仍 有 距 離 。 但 分 析 師 指 , 隨  商 品 需 求 增 長 放 緩 , 力 拓 業 績 可 能 逆 轉 。

美 元 兌 歐 元 升 至 近 半 年 高 位 , 商 品 價 格 繼 續 受 壓 , 紐 約 10 月 期 油 最 多 跌 2.75 美 元 , 見 每 桶 112.36 美 元 。 現 貨 金 昨 一 度 跌 14.62 美 元 , 低 見 每 盎 斯 807.33 美 元 , 然 而 紐 約 商 品 交 易 所 期 貨 合 約 顯 示 , 期 金 好 倉 合 約 比 淡 倉 多 出 11.2 萬 張 , 反 映 市 場 看 好 黃 金 後 市 。


Seems to me that only mining companies in Australia are in good prospect, but not the others.



另外﹐澳洲第六大銀行保險公司Suncorp Metway也將會裁員,但是公司拒絕給出具體人數。


Suncorp的對手澳洲保險集團(IAG)七月份已經宣佈裁員600 人。

相關搜索目錄: 銀行 保險




Although the mining stocks are dropping fm the peak, but are still expensive....

澳洲力拓﹕中國鐵礦需求強大 要建5万摩天樓

  世界三大鐵礦石巨頭之一澳大利亞力拓集團(Rio Tinto)昨天稱,中國將在未來20年內建造5万座摩天大樓!其規模相當于10個紐約。力拓稱,這將為鋼鐵等原料行業創造長期而穩定的需求。



  力拓首席執行官湯姆 阿爾巴內塞樂觀地說:“毋庸置疑,礦物行業目前面臨著巨大的需求,史無前例。”

[ 本帖最後由 b4321 於 2008-8-29 04:59 編輯 ]


原帖由 b4321 於 2008-8-29 04:58 發表
Although the mining stocks are dropping fm the peak, but are still expensive....

--------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
so I'll be waiting
and seems there's sign for the commodity market to starting on a bear trend
so personally don't favour mining stocks at this stage

Thanks for your guidance


原帖由 b4321 於 2008-8-24 00:15 發表
Trend and technical analysis? It is similar to looking at the car back mirror and predicting the road ahead.
It will be very bumpy!


原帖由 ces 於 2008-8-20 10:08 發表
and Aus currency also fell more than 10% ...
AUD approaching 0.82. Almost dropped 20% from peak.


Long AUD at 0.82 may be safe in long term
but still have some risk in short term
since there may still be bad news

NZD may heading for the bottom from now till next rate meeting (next thursday)
likely -0.25 but market has  expected  so effect may be neutral
if NZD bank delivers a soft post meeting notes
NZD may rebound
I'm consider to buy if under 0.67


原帖由 ces 於 2008-9-3 11:12 發表
Long AUD at 0.82 may be safe in long term...
My PB forecast AUD back to 0.90 within thi year.


if  got spare money
and would like to take out some long term investment
buying AUD and NZD now may be a good choice

The extend of further correction is limited
say unlikely more than  5%

but the outlook is
in 3-5 years likely be a 20-30% rise in price
plus annual interest of at least 4-5%

相關搜索目錄: Investment


原帖由 ces 於 2008-9-4 02:05 發表
if  got spare money ...
I have some AUD earning 8%




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