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雄叔的偉大 我早就知道,
所以 雄叔開的貼我多數回,仲要睇實雄叔食藥同覆診,因為我關心佢


回復 2# 的帖子

I find a TV program very interesting, it is GOD TV. I saw in the TV program, some leader speaking, some singer singing, some quite Rock (but it seems before I heard some society say this kind of song is Devil music), but I don't know why this program have this kind of song to make the follower to enjoy during the talk shows.

Also, sometime after the talk shows, the leader will request the follower to come out if they have any different kind of sick, then, he will use his hand to touch the head of the guy and then the guy seems a bit shocking and then lay down, interesting, and amazing (but if this kind of activity is viewed from some kind of chinese / or area with yellow face color people or from other religion, I think this activity will be attacked as a devil activity by them).

Anyway, I learn something - don't say anything on them they are incorrect, don't say that acitivity is a strange activity, because they believe it works in their live circle, but if other people do the similer thing, those people are incorrect. !!!! It seems it is a game of the leader of that society. It seems those people are willing to enjoy those environment with a rude management, anyway, outside that circle, all we are devil, and all we are incorrect, and all must need to die and also need to die via a very deep painful from their point of view ! To be honest, I can't imagine why this kinid of society still can get a lot of supporting. i can say if those people 's relative don't believe this society, and their relative at last get the bad luck or sick, I do believe they will not have any mercy on them from the mouth, they will say this is their life and choice because they don't join this circle and don't believe this society !!!  誰是真正的迷信者!領導者也是人,他們會否有私心!我們不會看不起任何人,人也沒太大的高低之分,何需不信就或要點時間去了解清楚時就被評為不好甚至會被離棄?我雖然不是基督教,但我絕對信這個世界有一個比我們層次高的東西,主也好上帝也好。但很多時我總懷疑帶領者很多時是帶有私心而把真實的概念表白出來,即使是我也不怪他們,因他們都是人。其實這個不足為奇,你看所有宗教都可能有這種情況發生,但我希望宗教的追隨者,你們要清楚你是信你心中的神還是教裡那領導的話。我相信無人見過真的神,寫聖經的人也不存在了,所以怎樣理解那神或聖經或佛經書籍或其它宗教書籍,都是從那帶領者的口來的。所以我們要正信我們的宗教,不要迷信我們的宗教。

I do believe no matter what circule or what society must have to have mercy to any people, we are not god, we are just a little humun. we can have fault, but if we have fault and miss the road and do not have chance or need more time to accept the society, otherwise, we will get punishment,... I think it is too rude !!


people also bitch and whine when others around them smoke, because of 2nd hand smoke.  same goes for blind faith.  you can hurt yourself how you want, but pure ignorance will affect others.  rules of causality.


原帖由 babyzombie 於 2008-8-21 18:10 發表
每個人都會死, 無人例外, 我最終都會走的. 明白未?


原帖由 雄叔2009 於 2008-8-22 18:01 發表

每個人都會死, 無人例外, 我最終都會走的. 明白未?




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